Father's Day Surprise [f]

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Requested by rileyxtns

"Have you got dad anything for Father's Day next week?" Riley asked her sister from the dining table where she was sat. She was visiting Emily's new apartment as an excuse to hang out.
Shaking her head and taking a seat opposite her, Emily sighed, "he's so hard to buy for, you know. I already got him slippers for his birthday just last month"

Riley laughed and took a sip from her lemon water. She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before saying, "it's crazy to think that this time next year I'll be wishing James a happy Father's Day too"
Emily's eyes squinted for a split second before they widened in shock. "What? Riley you're not serious"

Nodding tearfully, the brunette pulled her positive pregnancy test out of her back pocket and set it on the table in front of her sister. She nudged it closer to her and couldn't wipe the smile from her face.
"Shut up" Emily demanded, picking up the test and staring at the two lines for herself. "Shut up, oh my god, oh my god"

"I know" Riley giggled uncontrollably, "it's a lot to get your head around"
"Uh huh" her sister said with a 'duh' tone. "How long have you guys known?"
"Over a month, I'm already 8 weeks" she answered, feeling her heart thumping inside her ribs.

"Riley! Oh my god you're having a baby!" Emily squealed, jumping up and running around the table to tackle her sister in a hug.
"I'm going to be the best aunt ever!" She declared, pulling Riley to her feet and staring at her side profile to view her flat stomach.

At this point it was almost impossible to tell she was pregnant unless she was naked because any type of clothing had the ability to hide the tiny bump. She looked more bloated than pregnant. Despite this, James was insistent that he could see a bump and always made an effort to bend down and kiss it.

"With that kind of enthusiasm I'm sure you will be" Riley laughed, placing a hand over her stomach. "I can't wait until I can feel it moving around in there"

"I can't wait until it's old enough to dance! Oh Riley this baby will have the ultimate dance genes you better enrol them the minute they can walk" Emily ordered excitedly. "Imagine, your gracefulness and James' tricks"
"Don't worry, they'll definitely be in baby ballet" she promised, "this is my kid we're talking about Em"

"Do you think you'll have a boy or girl?" her sister asked. Then she randomly clapped her hands and added, "I can't believe we're having this conversation, I've waited my whole life for it"
"I know it's so surreal that it's happening" Riley agreed. "It's like I woke up one day pregnant and suddenly my life is full speed ahead"

"Well let's not pretend you don't know how you got pregnant" Emily teased, deliberately making her sister feel uncomfortable. "Were you guys trying or was this a happy accident?"
"We we're trying" she answered, "we've both wanted this for a while"
"We'll I'm happy for you sis. Make sure to say congrats to James from me too"

"Thanks Em, will do"


It was exactly a week later when Riley knocked on the door to her childhood home. Apologising about having misplaced her house key and therefore having to knock, she entered and approached her dad straight away. James followed behind, taking off his shoes while Riley had her moment with her father.

"Happy Father's Day grandpa" she beamed, wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a peck on the cheek before releasing him.
Completely missing her hint, Mr Raymond chuckled and rolled his eyes, "I'm not that old darling, my hair is still very much brown"
"Yeah, yeah" his daughter smiled, unable to hide her nervousness. "I wasn't talking about your grey hair or receding hairline, but now you point it out... Anyway that wasn't why I called you grandpa"

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