Travel and Tradition [f]

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Sorry I've been gone too long. I just took some time to myself and had a little break because I've been really busy. This is a long(ish) one to make up for my absence :)

Season 3

"Bro remember to bring snacks for the bus ride" Eldon reminded, walking over to James who was holding his girl from behind while she was in conversation with her friends. Her back was pressed firmly against his chest and she occasionally tilted her head to look up at him with a quirky smile.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to be eating on the road after what happened on the way to Nationals?" he questioned, "anyway, sorry but I'm sitting with Riley this time"
"You're what?" Eldon repeated with shock, "but it's tradition for all us guys to sit at the back together!"
James shrugged, "sorry bro"

"No, not 'sorry bro'! If we don't stick to tradition then we might lose! We have sat at the back of the bus together on the way to both Regionals and Nationals, so you really want to risk it for Internationals? It's become a tradition now, if we break it who knows what will happen. We need all the luck and good fortune on our side" the blonde boy explained with passion.

"Uh, right" James responded. He didn't believe in any of the stuff his friend did, in fact he thought the opposite. He believed a person made their own luck and no charms or traditions would change it. "Sorry but I promised Ri, right babe?"
Riley, (who hadn't been listening), looked up at him with confusion, "huh?"

"I said I'd sit with you on the bus to the airport" he told her and she beamed.
"Oh, yeah I'm so excited" she nodded, unaware of Eldon's issue with it. "And you'll be next to me on the plane too?"
"Of course love" James promised, knowing how anxious she was for the upcoming flight.

"If we lose it's on you" Eldon huffed, stomping away like a toddler having a tantrum.
"Er what was that about?" Riley asked, "did I do something to offend him?"
"Don't even worry about it, it's just Eldon being Eldon" her boyfriend assured her, kissing her temple.

She nodded her head and turned back to rejoin the conversation with her friends. Weary from a long day of rehearsals, she leant her head back on his chest and smiled when he rested his chin above it. His arms tightened around her middle and she held onto them tenderly, holding them in place.

"So how are you feeling about going without Emily, Riley?" Giselle asked, "it must feel strange to be competing without her"
"It's a little weird" she admitted. "My whole life I've followed in her footsteps and now I'm doing something without her? Yeah, that's hard to get used to. I don't know how I'll cope without her to be honest"
"Lucky you've got me" James murmured, kissing the top of her head before returning to his previous resting position.

"Not necessarily. I can't go to you for girl advice, can I?" Riley countered, "you're half of what I talk about"
"Oh yeah? What kind of stuff to do you say about me? How you can't cope with my devilishly handsome looks?" He smirked, peaking at her side profile in time to see her role her eyes.
"I'm not telling you" she giggled, "what's said in girl talk stays in girl talk"

James was clearly unsatisfied with this response for moments later he dug his fingers into her sides and tickled her vigorously.
"Agh" she squealed, attempting to squirm out of his strong hold. She failed and resulted to flapping her arms against his. "Stop, stop" she laughed.

Suddenly he ceased his tickling and the petite brunette staggered out of his grip breathlessly. She turned to face him with a playfully angry face. Her forehead was creased into a frown but her lips curled into a smile as she glared at him.

"Don't get a boyfriend girls, they're not worth it" she warned her friends after having caught her breath. Deliberately teasing James, she glanced at him and saw him narrow his eyes.
"Sorry ladies, apparently I need a word with Riley. Do excuse us" he said before picking his girlfriend up and swinging her onto his shoulder in a fireman's lift.
"James put me down!" The girl demanded, hitting her small fists against his back.

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