Positive [a]

911 19 6

Deborah squinted at the plastic test in her hands and a cold shiver ran down her spine. She had just fished it out the the bin and hadn't been able to put it down since. After several silent minutes of just staring at it, she pocketed the test and left the bathroom.

She walked across the hallway, pausing outside a door before knocking. Behind the wood she could hear her son laughing with his girlfriend about something. When she knocked, they fell silent.

"Uh, come in" a deep voice spoke.
Deborah pushed the door open and saw the couple laying on his bed, thankfully fully clothed, but clearly flustered. Riley's hair looked slightly dishevelled as if she'd been rolling around on the bed. That wasn't unlikely.

"What do you want?" James asked impatiently, wanting his mother to leave them alone.
"Riley. I need a word" she said sternly before adding a harsh "now."
The teenage girl frowned slightly at the tone, sitting up and leaving her boyfriend's arms as she followed the older woman out of the room. Left bewildered on his bed, James called after them "don't be long"

Deborah led Riley to her bedroom and closed the door behind them.

"Have you got anything you'd like to tell me?" She asked, staring at the young girl intimidatingly. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way Riley"
"Deborah I'm not sure I know what you're talking about" Riley uttered hesitantly, feeling increasingly uncomfortable.

"I think you do. Riley be honest with me and I won't be as angry"
"I- I'm sorry Deborah I really don't" she stuttered, wishing James would come to her rescue. "Have I done something wrong?"

"You tell me" Deborah snapped, presenting the pregnancy test from her back pocket. Riley's eyes fell upon it, immediately recognising it was positive. "Well?"
"That's not mine" Riley assured, "I promise you"
"You're telling me that you and James are always safe? Because I hear you both whenever you stay over Riley and I must say that while I'm a relaxed parent I simply cannot-"

"It's not mine" Riley repeated firmly, "I'm on birth control. I'm not pregnant"
"Well then whose is it?" She asked, "are you sure-"
"Deborah" Riley silenced, "I promise you, I've never even taken a pregnancy test before"

"Well I guess you can go then"

Riley waisted no time in slipping passed the scary woman and out of the bedroom. Once in the hallway, she took and deep breath and realised she was at a crossroads. There were two doors that called her name and she didn't know where to go. Slowly she crept towards one of them.

Instead of immediately returning to her boyfriend's room, Riley made a stop one door down and knocked lightly. She slowly turned the handle and slipped inside the dark room.

"Hey Pipes"

Piper didn't reply, pretending to be super invested in a book she was barely reading. She sniffed loudly, trying to keep a straight face.

"Pipes can we talk?" Riley spoke again, perching on the edge of the young girl's bed. Piper finally closed the book and looked at her sisterly figure with red, puffy eyes.
"I've really screwed up Riley" she croaked, hopelessly.
"What do you mean sweetie?"
Piper looked her directly in the eyes, "you know why"

Sighing, Riley reached over and grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly. The two girls sat in silence for a minute, neither knowing what or how to start the tough conversation.

"Whose is it?" Riley settled on after deliberating over her words. Better to skip to the point, she thought.
Piper buried her face in her hands, "this guy in my chemistry class, Ben. We slept together once and..."

The young girl trailed off and Riley sighed again, heavily. She nodded understandingly. Piper was only 16 and Riley didn't even know she was sexually active. It was not her place to judge, only to help.

"When did you take the test?" She asked, watching as Piper nervously gnawed on her lip.
"This morning, I took one last week and it was negative but I've been feeling like crap all week so my gut was telling me to take another one and... it was positive"

A short period of silence followed in which Riley tried to find the right words to say. What are you supposed to say when your boyfriend's 16 year old sister tells you that she's pregnant?

Piper cried, "what am I going to do Riley?" She wrapped her arms around her and began to sob onto her shoulder. "I can't have a kid. This was a mistake- it was my first time, I've only done it once and I barely knew what I was doing"

Riley stroked her fingers through the young girl's hair sympathetically, finding herself, once again, unsure of what to say. "Did you use protection?" She finally asked, knowing it was a meaningless question because the consequence was already in full effect.
Piper shook her head shamefully, "he said we'd be fine since it was my first time and he'd pull out"

"I know you probably don't want to hear this Pipes, but you do need to speak to this Ben guy and tell him"

"He won't want it" Piper said through sobs, "he's got another girlfriend now. I was his 'thing of last month', not that I realised it at the time. I thought he genuinely liked me"
"Oh Piper" Riley frowned, feeling her top growing increasingly damp from tears. "It will be okay. James and I-"

"You can't tell James!" Piper interrupted, pulling away from their embrace to look at her with alarm. "Please Riley, promise me you won't tell James!"
Riley sighed, using her thumb to wipe away the stream of tears on her pink cheek. "Piper I can't hide this from him"
"I'm begging you Riley, all those times I've walked in on you both and never said anything to anyone. This is your time to repay me for that. Just, give me a week to think things over"

"Fine" Riley reluctantly agreed, "but I warn you, your mother's on the warpath. It was her that found the test initially, not me. It won't take long before it's her in here interrogating you"
Piper paled, lifting a shaking hand to her face and brushing her hair out of her eyes. "Wh- what? No, no, no, no. Crap"

Then she looked up at Riley with bloodshot eyes, "tell me what you would do"
"What I would do?" She repeated and Piper nodded, "I'd tell James straight away and we'd talk it out. Which is why I still think you need to talk to this Ben"

"Riley, James loves you. Ben just thinks of me as one of his recent hook ups. I'm nothing to him" Piper sniffed. She wiped her nose on the sleeve of her hoodie.

"That may be true" Riley sighed honestly, "but you still need to tell him. He has the right to know he's going to have a child"
"What if I don't want it though?" Piper asked quietly, looking at her bedsheets and not at her brother's girlfriend. A brief pause ensued. They both knew that Deborah was against abortions and it wouldn't be easy to convince her otherwise.
"It's your body" Riley reminded her, "I'll support you, whatever you choose"

Just then the door swung open and James stood in the doorway.
"There you are Ri! I've been wondering where you got to. I thought you were with mum but she just came and dumped off my laundry" he said cheerfully, then noticing the vibe of the room, "oh sorry, am I interrupting something?"

Riley shook her head as she stood up, "no, just girly gossip but I was just leaving. Remember what I said Piper and text me anytime"
She dismissed James' questioning look, shrugging him off as she followed him out of Piper's room. He led her back to his bedroom and shut the door behind him.

With the intention of making him forget his suspicion, Riley approached him and seductively snaked her arms around his neck.
"Hey baby, why don't we continue what we started earlier?" She drooled, leaning her head next to his ear as she whispered, "but maybe with less clothes"

Eyes wide, James immediately smashed their lips together in an aggressive kiss, tugging on her lips as he pushed her back against his mattress. In the back of his mind, (buried deep beneath his lust), James knew Riley was merely distracting him from his own curiosity however he couldn't bring himself to care. If she was initiating sex, she was initiating sex. He wasn't about to protest.

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