R and J [f]

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Season 4- just before James leaves for London

Riley buried her head into the crook of James' neck, laying her naked body on top of his as he wrapped his arms around her securely.
"I don't want you to go" she mumbled sadly into his skin and pressing a kiss to it while she waited for him to reply. Sliding one hand up her spine, he massaged her smooth body and rested his hand on her upper back.

"I know baby" he croaked while playing with the tips of her hair that rested between her shoulder blades. "I know but it's only for a few weeks, maybe even less if we lose an early round"
Riley snuggled closer to him and breathed in his familiar, masculine scent. "I'm going to miss this most" she whispered.

"What?" James asked curiously as he began to daintily trace shapes on her back.
"This" she sniffed, "mornings with you, cuddling with you. This soft side of you that nobody else sees"

James shuddered as he felt Riley kiss his neck harder, definitely leaving a small mark of some sort.
"What am I going to do without you Ri?" He asked rhetorically in a breathy voice.

Finally raising her head away from his neck, Riley propped herself up on an elbow so she was looking down at him. Their bare bodies were pressed together and this position gave James perfect view of her round breasts.

"What am I going to do without you?" she rephrased his question back to him, tapping her fingers against his abs in a rhythm. He smirked at her, lifting his head off his pillow to connect their lips in a sensual kiss.

"We have to get up" she breathed against his lips, knowing that if they continued she'd be late to work at her new job as studio head. James pouted but nodded his head in understanding. Despite this, he frowned when she rolled off of him and stood up to get dressed. Slowly, he too sat up and swung his legs over the side of his bed.

"Hey, er Ri?" He said when they were both fully clothed.
She looked up from where she was laying out her makeup, ready to apply her everyday look. "Yeah babe?"

"I've got you something" he smiled, walking over and looking into the mirror that sat in front of her. Their eyes met in the reflection of the glass and Riley gasped when she saw him lowering a necklace and fastening it around her neck.

 Their eyes met in the reflection of the glass and Riley gasped when she saw him lowering a necklace and fastening it around her neck

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"It's beautiful James" she gasped, clasping her hands over the 'R' and 'J' that rested on her front. She turned her head to look at her boyfriend over her shoulder, "thank you, I love it. I'll never take it off"
James grinned, bowing his head to kiss her passionately. "I'm glad you love it" he said when they pulled apart, "I love you"

Some time later, the pair were sat downstairs at his family breakfast table whilst Deborah served them a full breakfast of eggs, bacon and several other delights. Upon seeing this when he came downstairs, James had told her it wasn't necessary, but she had argued back that it was her goodbye gift to him before he left for London.

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