Girls Night [s]

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"Ri have you got the other bag of popcorn?" Emily yelled from the kitchen.
Riley checked the table that was set out with food, "yeah it's in here" she yelled.

The doorbell rang and Riley skipped to the door, shortly followed by her sister.
"Hey!" Giselle and Thalia grinned. Both dancers stepped inside and removed their coats.
A few minutes later the doorbell rang again. Stephanie, Tiffany and Michelle were the next to arrive, shortly followed by Amanda and Chloe.

"Nice pyjamas girls!" Emily giggled as the girls looked around at everyone else's sleepwear. They were having a sleepover, girls night at Emily and Riley's house and were all dressed in their pyjamas.

Riley, feeling a bit exposed in her tiny shorts and strapy top, had thrown on a dressing gown to cover up. It had escaped her mind that her clothes could be called inappropriate until Emily had commented earlier that evening.
"Riley it's the girls coming over, not James. They don't want to see your arse"

Currently they were all sat in the living room half paying attention to a movie on the TV.
"I have an idea" Stephanie suggested, trying to liven up the mood, "let's play a game"
"Ok sure!" Emily agreed, "what game?"
"What about... truth or dare?"

Everyone's eyes lit up with excitement and it was agreed, this was the game they'd play.

"My house, I'll start" Emily declared, ignoring Riley's protest that it was also her house. "Giselle, truth or dare?"
Giselle pondered for a minute before deciding "truth"

"If you could dance like anyone on A Troupe, who would you choose?"
"West" Giselle answered, "he literally has springs in his feet"

The girls agreed and Giselle continued "okay, Steph truth or dare?"
"Dare!" Stephanie laughed, "always the safe option"
"I dare you to post an ugly selfie on Instagram and leave it up for a whole minute"

Stephanie gasped with wide eyes, "but my feed!"
"You can delete it after a minute" Giselle reminded her, "do it. And make sure it's one with lots of double chins"

The girls were in fits of lighter by the time Stephanie was allowed to delete the post, safe to say several of them took screenshots of it.

"Mmm... Riley truth or dare?"
"Dare?" Riley giggled hesitantly. She knew Stephanie too well to risk saying truth.
"I dare you to text James and tell him you're thinking about him in a sexy way"

Riley shrugged nonchalantly. This was hardly a dare, she'd probably have done it at some point anyway. She whipped out her phone and quickly typed:
Hey baby, I'm thinking of you🥵

Before she sent it, she showed her phone to the others and waited for their approval. When they granted it, she sent the message and put her phone down, only to pick it up again seconds later when it vibrated.

"Jeez that was a fast reply" Amanda laughed as Riley opened the text and flushed. "What did he say?"
"Something I can't share with the group" Riley laughed and hid her phone from view, concealing the image James had sent her.

"What?" Emily asked, suddenly very intrigued.
Riley stood up, holding her phone close to her chest as she backed towards the bathroom. "Like I said, can't share sorry"

She quickly slipped inside the bathroom and sliding the lock of the door behind her.
"Fuck" she cursed under her breath, taking out her phone again and reopening the image James had sent her along with the cheeky text:
This might help you get through the night😉🤫

She felt her heart race beneath her chest and slipped her dressing gown off her body, letting it fall to the floor. She edged a strap of her top down her shoulder and snapped a picture that she swiftly sent back to James.

"Riley!" Emily rapped her knuckles on the wooden door, "you've been five minutes what the hell are you doing in there?"
She unlocked the door and opened it innocently, "just using the toilet"

Emily rolled her eyes disbelievingly, "whatever. It's your go to ask someone truth or dare"
The two girls went to rejoin the group and Riley ignored the confused looks from her friends.
"Um, Michelle, truth or dare?"
"I dare you to kiss Emily"

"Absolutely not!" Emily interrupted, looking horrified.
"Yeah no" Michelle shook her head dramatically. "I'll do a forfeit instead"

Riley pursed her lips evilly, "no I think I'd like you to do the dare please. The quicker you do it the quicker it's over"
Michelle huffed and looked at Emily.
"Fine" she groaned, standing up and kissing Emily's lips quickly. Both girls pulled away after a millisecond, wiping their lips with their hands in disgust.

Michelle sat back down with a shudder, "that was gross"
"Speak for yourself" Emily complained, "it wasn't even my go and I still had to do a dare"
"Riley" Michelle turned back to her friend, "truth or dare?"

"I just had a go" Riley smirked, "I can't go again, it's against the rules"
"What rules?" Michelle said smugly, "I don't remember going over any rules, do you girls?"
Riley frowned as everyone in the room shook their heads.

"The room has spoken. Riley truth or dare?" Michelle repeated, seeking revenge.
"Truth" Riley mumbled, nervous about the outcome.
"What's the furthest you've gone with James?"

Riley was taken aback by the blunt question, "haha oh I don't know..." she laughed awkwardly.
"Come on you have to tell us" Tiffany pressed.
Riley looked at her hands and blurted "all the way"

"Oh my god when?" Michelle asked, slightly offended that her best friend hadn't told her about this major event.
Riley shifted uncomfortably in her seat "the first time was at internationals in Miami"

"The first time?" Emily spluttered, "Riley! You better be safe I don't want to be an aunt"
Riley blushed "yes, yes, of course now can we please stop talking about my sex life"

"Yes let's" pleaded Emily who didn't want to think about it any longer than she already had.
"Sure" Stephanie giggled, "let's talk about James' instead"

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