Audience [f]

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I've had this in my drafts for a while and don't like it but I have nothing else to post so here you go- hope you like it more than me :/

James took Riley's hand in his and smirked at the ground as they walked. Months of flirting and being rejected by her had finally payed off. They were here, together, dating at last. He led them along a stoney path and stopped in a wooded area overlooked by the back of his house.

"I come here a lot" James said wistfully, looking up at the sky through the tree tops. "It's peaceful"
Riley smiled, stepping closer to him and holding both his hands. She looked up at the sky and rested her chin on his chest.

Their relationship was only a week old and so the couple were continually learning new things about each other.
"How many girls have you brought round here?" Riley asked quietly, still uncertain about his past reputation as a player.

James frowned and looked down at her worried face. Due to their close proximity, their faces were only centimetres apart as he gazed at her.

"Only you" he said, letting go of one of her hands and tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
Riley blushed and looked away.

"I'm serious Riley, you're the first girl. First person actually. This is kind of like my sanctuary, I've never brought anyone here because it always felt like sharing a secret that shouldn't be shared. Does that make sense?"
"No" Riley admitted, giggling.

James smiled, "I mean you're special Riley"

"Oh" Riley breathed, gazing into his eyes with intense affection.
Her heart skipped a beat as he lowered his head, closer and closer to her own until their lips pressed together in a sweet kiss.

He pulled away quickly and paused, surveying her face to see what she was thinking. Riley felt her cheeks redden further, before she rose on her tiptoes and kissed him again.

She snaked her arms up his chest and rested them around his neck as they deepened the kiss. James' hands slipped to the small of her back, holding her petite frame securely in his arms.

They pulled apart for air, momentarily pressing their foreheads together.
"Wow" Riley blurted out embarrassingly, regretting it as soon as the word left her swollen lips.
James smirked, "wow"

They kissed again, this time even more passionately than before. James' hand climbed up her back and tangled itself in her long, brunette hair. After they pulled apart, they sat at the foot of a tree and talked for what could have been hours.

Riley sighed when she checked the time on her phone, "ah I'll have to go otherwise I'll never hear it down"
She ignored James' pout and giggled, standing up and offering him her hand. He took it graciously and stood up.

"See you at dance tomorrow" Riley smiled.
"Yes" James agreed, "let's do something afterwards?"
Riley nodded, leaning up to kiss his cheek "of course. I look forward to it"

She left him with a quirky smile, disappearing down the stormy path to find her ride home.
James hadn't wiped off his smug grin when he walked into his house.

His family were all bustling about the kitchen when he entered, carrying plates to the table. They sat down and began eating.

"So" Deborah said casually, "who was that girl James?"
James spluttered and felt a blush creep up in his cheeks- something which, for him, was unusual.

"Oh, just Riley" he replied, trying to stab a pea with a prong of his fork and avoid an awkward conversation.
"Just Riley" his father repeated, "how come you've never mentioned her before?"
James shrugged, "I dunno"
"She's on A Troupe, isn't she James? I recognise her" Deborah asked. James nodded.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Maisie, James' sister asked with an innocent giggle.
He looked at her naive face and nodded, "oh, er, yeah, she is"

Clearly hearing the answer she was hoping, Deborah clapped her hands. "How exciting! She must come for dinner"
James frowned, "what? No, you never made any of my past girlfriends come for dinner, why start now?"

In truth, he didn't want Riley to come over for dinner at his house. He knew his family were eccentric and a little crazy, especially when meeting new people. He didn't want to scare Riley away before they had the chance grow their relationship.

"Well this girl, Riley you say, is clearly different" his mother replied. "You like her a lot"
James blushed again, "yeah I do, she's special"

"We could tell" Piper smirked, looking at her brother across the table.
"What do you mean?" James asked, confused.
Piper giggled mischievously "we all saw you making out with her outside"

James' eyes widened, "oh, I, um I didn't realise we had an audience"

"James and Riley sitting in the tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" his sisters Maisie and Isla sang.
"So dinner tomorrow?" Deborah reminded him, casting her daughters a stern look so they fell quiet.
"I'll ask" James mumbled, trying to think of an excuse to get out of it.


"I'm nervous" Riley admitted as she and James walked up the stoney path towards his house. "I want to make a good first impression"
James stopped in his tracks and pulled her by the hand.

"I feel the need to apologise in advance" he said, "my family are very full on and crazy and probably inappropriately-"
"James it's ok" Riley silenced him, "you've already apologised for them a hundred times and they haven't even done anything yet"

He hung his head, "I know, I just want you to be ready for the overload of energy that is my family"
Riley giggled and rose to her top toes, planting a kiss on his cheek.

The couple approached the front door and James pushed it open.
"Hi ma-"
"Oh you're here!" Deborah interrupted him, rushing over to greet her guest. "Riley I'm so happy to meet you properly! I was talking to James and-"
"Ma let her breath" James cut her off as they walked over to the dining table.

Dinner was delicious and Riley found James' family thoroughly welcoming and entertaining. Deborah insisted that Riley did not help with the clearing away after dinner, stating that she was a guest.

The sun was disappearing beyond the horizon, casting an orange glow over the skyline when James and Riley finally said goodbye at his doorstep.

With her mother waiting in the car, Riley spun around to face her boyfriend.
"I had fun today" she smiled, taking both of his hands.
James nodded, "surprisingly me too, my family love you already"

Riley blushed, giggling as she rose on her tiptoes to quickly peck his lips. Turning to leave, she felt a hand grab her wrist.
"What? That's all I get?" James pouted, pulling her back towards him so he could kiss her tenderly.

This kiss was longer. Their lips moved in sync until a loud car horn interrupted them. They both jumped and pulled apart, looking back at Riley's mother who was watching them from her car.

"Christ I've got to go" Riley laughed, embarrassed. James smirked, releasing his loose hold on her so she could leave. He watched as she climbed in the passenger seat of the car and disappeared down his road, eventually out of his sight.

Watching her in that moment, he knew she was going to be around for a while. Never in his life had James ever been so sad to see a girlfriend go home, and it hadn't even been a date. It was dinner with his family above all things. It was an unfamiliar feeling, to need to be with someone else you feel incomplete.

Deborah hugged him enthusiastically when he finally stepped back inside his house.
"She's a lovely girl James!" His mother told him, as if he didn't already know. "Don't mess it up with her"

Little did anyone know that six years later the couple would be stood at the altar, taking vows to love one another forever.

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