Marry Your Daughter [f]

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Inspired by the song above ^

James raised his hand and tentatively knocked on the wooden door before bringing it back to his side. It swung open and he was faced with a familiar, maternal figure.

"James" Riley's mother, Allyson, smiled in surprise, "I'm sorry Riley's out with Emily at the moment"
"No I know, it's okay" he stammered, "I'm actually here to talk to you and your husband if I may?"

He saw the confusion flicker across the woman's face as she stepped aside to invite him in. She called her husband into the room and the three of them made their way into the living room, where James sat on the couch opposite the couple.

"Sorry to just turn up unexpected but I don't want Riley to know I'm here so I didn't want to say anything" he started, trying to ignore how fast his heart was racing inside his chest.

"Is something the matter?" Riley's father, Mike asked him, somewhat suspiciously. James felt his eyes staring him down and wished he could back out and go home now.

"No, no, well yes but not bad no" he stuttered, realising he wasn't making any sense. He took a deep breath and reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a small square box that had been hidden there.

Deciding there was no use in wasting more time, he opened the box revealing a shiny diamond ring.
"I want to propose to Riley" be blurted. "I know we're young but we've been together for 6 years and she already wears a promise ring"

For a moment his declaration was met with silence, before Allyson beamed, "oh my goodness, that's wonderful!"
Initially struggling to find words, Mike simply extended his hand out for James to shake.
"If it had to be anyone to take my baby girl away, I'm glad it's you James" he said solemnly, "you've been good to Riley over the years"

"Thank you sir" James sighed in relief, "I promise I'll treat her right, I love her with all my heart"
Mike smiled at James' sincerity, "I know you do son. I know you do"


"Em stop fussing, my hair is fine!" Riley snapped, swatting her sister's hand away from her head and standing up. "Am I allowed to go now? Or have we got another 'sisterly bonding' activity to do?" She asked rather frustratedly.

"Uh duh, we have to get our nails done" Emily told her sister, acting as if it was obvious.
Riley sighed, "Em I told you earlier, I can't be long I've got a date with James and-"
"Oh shush" her older sister silenced her, "we won't take long. Let's go!"

Too exhausted to argue, Riley allowed her sister to drag her to her car. Hoping they wouldn't be too late, she sent a message to James. He replied instantly, clearly having already been on his phone when her message came through.

(A/n I'm trying something new with these text messages- let me know what you think)

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(A/n I'm trying something new with these text messages- let me know what you think)

Riley sent her last message and turned her phone off, shoving it into her back pocket. Emily drove to their favourite nail salon, chatting the entire journey about this guy she'd been talking to recently.

"And he's so cute Ri! Like he's got blonde hair and dimples! He'd totally suit an English accent as well, that's a plus"
"Wait, what?" Riley laughed, "what do you mean suit an English accent? I thought you said he was Canadian?"

Emily scoffed, "yeah he is, but I can totally imagine him with an English accent. Sometimes people just fit other accents better. You know what I mean?"
"No" Riley answered honestly.
"I couldn't expect you to understand" Emily sighed, "you're one of the lucky ones"

"One of the lucky ones?" Riley repeated, watching her sister closely as she continued to drive.
"Yeah" the older blonde shrugged, "you've met your soulmate already. You don't have to waste time dating around and getting your heart broken. People like me learn to judge a book by its cover"

"And that involves accents?" Riley questioned, turning her head to watch out of the window.
"You can tell a lot about someone by the way they speak Ri" Emily informed her, "accent, vocabulary, tone... It's all in there if you pay enough attention"
"I guess I'll just take your word for it" Riley giggled as Emily parked the car outside the salon.


"You look gorgeous Riles" James complimented as his girlfriend climbed into the passenger seat of his car. Before doing her seat belt, she leant over and kissed him lovingly.

Smirking when she pulled away, she brought her thumb up to wipe his lips, "sorry babe, now you've got lipstick on you"
James chuckled, flipping down the overhead mirror and wiping the red colouring off of his lips.

"So I was thinking" he said when he'd finished wiping his mouth, "shawarma and a picnic?
"Sounds perfect" Riley grinned, excitedly doing her seat belt up so they could leave. James took her hand in his, resting it on her thigh as he began to drive.

The couple spent hours in the park, suiting on a rug surrounded by fairy lights that replaced the day's sunlight.

"Ri?" James took a deep breath, trying to contain his bubbling nerves.
"Hmm?" Riley hummed, tearing her gaze away from the stars to look at her boyfriend. Immediately she noticed a change in his demeanour.

"You know I love you right? Like I really, really love you"
Riley giggled, unsure where he was going with this declaration of love. "I know babe, I love you too"

"I've been thinking a lot about us over the last few months" he admitted, reaching over and entwining their hands. Riley felt her heart racing beneath her ribs as he continued. "I can't imagine my life without you, I don't want to imagine it. I'm not great at speeches- you know that"
Riley nodded, giggling again at his awkwardness, "James what are you-"

"Will you marry me?"

He adjusted his position, getting into one knee as he pulled out the ring box. Riley's eyes widened and her freshly manicured hand flew to cover her gaping mouth. She was suddenly grateful to be sitting down.

"Ri?" James prompted, making her realise she'd been silent for too long.

"Yes!" She cried, getting onto her knees to kiss him passionately. He kissed her back, only pulling away to hold the ring between their bodies.
"May I?" he asked emotionally. Riley nodded tearfully, holding out her left hand.

Once the ring was firmly placed in her finger, she held up her hand before a realisation dawned on her.
"That's why Em made me get my nails done!" she gasped, suddenly understanding her sister's strange behaviour that day.

James laughed, "when you sent me that text I was worried you were suspicious"
Riley shook her head, "I had no idea! She just seemed like her usual crazy self with a pinch of extra craziness"

"I'll never understand her properly" he smirked, taking his fiancé's hand and kissing it lightly.
"Well she's about to be your sister-in-law so..."
"Ugh don't remind me" James joked, playfully sighing. "That's just a small price to pay if I want to marry the woman I love"

Smiling, Riley bit her lip as she leant in for another kiss, "hmm, well I'm glad you weren't scared off"
"There is nothing in this world that could make me ever leave you Ri" James whispered, connecting their lips in a long and passionate kiss.

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