Advice [f]

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"Um, James" Finn nervously scratched the back of his neck as he approached the older dancer.

The team had just got back from winning regionals so a huge party was being held at the studio in celebration. Past A Troupe members had also showed up in support of the new generation, explaining why Riley and James were present.

James looked up from his conversation with his girlfriend.
"Yo man what's up"
Finn swallowed the lump in his throat and stuttered "I- I was wondering if I could talk to you"

"Sure, let's talk" James shrugged, casually putting his arm around Riley's shoulders, expecting Finn to sit down next to them.

"Can we talk in private?" Finn asked, looking around at the crowded room.
"Sure" James nodded with confusion, as he turned to his girlfriend, "I'll be back in a second babe"

Finn watched in awe as the couple kissed quickly on the lips before James pulled away. As the two boys walked out of the room, Finn kept replaying the moment in his head. How had James been so casual? How was he so relaxed about kissing a girl? And in public too?

As soon as they were out of earshot, he stopped.
"Yo dude you have to teach me how to do that" he declared.
James raised his eyebrows, "uh to do what?"
"The way you just kissed Riley with no awkwardness!" Finn exclaimed, "every time I want to kiss a girl, I just get nervous!"

James leant against the wall and looked Finn up and down with an amused smile. "Let me get this straight, you want me to teach you how to kiss a girl?"
Finn nodded enthusiastically, "yes and also just how to behave around them"

Chuckling to himself, James asked "and why is it that you have come to me for this wisdom?"
Finn's eyes nearly popped out of his head, "are you serious? You and Riley are the 'it' couple! There's literally no one else in this studio who could give better relationship advice"

"Right" James pursed his lips, satisfied with Finn's answer. He paused, pretending to think about it before saying, "yeah why not, I'll help you... follow my lead"
Without another word, he strutted back into studio A. Strategically following a few steps behind, Finn somewhat imitated his walk.

"Hey babe" James smirked, walking over to where Riley was now talking with Giselle and Thalia. Riley, who was still in conversation with her friends, smiled as James returned and wrapped his arms around her from behind.

Looking at the reflection in the large wall mirror, he could see Finn awkwardly watching them from a drinks stand a few meters away. He held back another smirk as he began to tenderly kiss Riley's neck, moving his lips behind her ear until she squirmed.

"James" she giggled, surprised with his sudden PDA. "Not here baby"
She tilted her head to look at him, pecking his lips lightly before turning back to Giselle and Thalia with a rosey, pink complexion.

As the evening progressed, Finn watched the couple from a distance as he mingled with his friends. One time he was distracted by Henry momentarily, causing him to lose sight of the pair. His eyes found them making out by the cubbys, away from the party.

James tugged on Riley's lower lip, holding it between his teeth. His hands caressed her waist, sliding down to rest on her arse as they made out. As they parted minutes later, Riley fell from her tiptoes.

"You're very affectionate today" she observed, biting her lip and squinting as she tried to figure out his game plan. "Do you want something?"
James shook his head with an 'innocent' expression, "am I not allowed to love on you without seeming suspicious?"

Riley laughed, "okay now I definitely know something's up, what's your ulterior motive?"
She eyed him suspiciously when he shrugged and decided to keep an eye on him. "Whatever, come on let's rejoin the party"

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