The Wall [f]

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James' POV

Today aunt Kathy and Arthur finally got married. For a while I was certain that the wedding was done for, over before it had began. But somehow we made it to the big day, and they're married.

Now we're at the reception and my band and I are performing our best songs.

When our last song ends, I stand up and chuck my drum sticks on the floor by the stool. I see Riley excuse herself from a conversation with my second cousin once removed, Lisa. She wraps her arms around my neck and stares at me.

"I honestly think I have spoken with every member of your family James" she whines, exhausted. "Every member of the Tordjman family except you! I had to listen to Janette talking about her time in Greece, Lucy talking about her new boyfriend, Caitlin about her ex, Damien about his new job, Derek about his old school band, Louisa about her new puppy, Tim about being lactose intolerant, Kelly and Mike about being your godparents, Amanda about-"

I cut her off with a quick kiss.

"Hey, I wasn't finished! There's at least another ten people to add to the list!"

"Well I'm done listening, come on, let's dance!" I smirk, grabbing her hand and pulling her into the middle of the floor.

"Oh! Oh! Jamie are you going to dance?" Kathy asks, literally jumping up and down clapping.

"Yeah, if you want?"

"Everybody! My new nephew and his girlfriend Riley are going to dance for us!" Arthur yells.

I watch Riley tap on her phone a few times, linking her phone the the speakers and blaring out our duet song, 'I need you now'.

We dance, performing all our lifts perfectly. Being a close family, everyone knows about my dancing, internationals and Riley. But most of them haven't ever seen me actually perform live. Therefore, we get several gasps when I throw Riley around.

We finish the duet and embrace quickly. Riley tucks her hair behind her ear and I kiss her cheek, pulling her into a side hug.

"Oo! That was fabulous! Well done, well done!" Kathy shrieks.

Breathless, I laugh and thank her politely, leading Riley to our table.

Riley's POV

I yawn as I sit down next to James at our table. As most people are mingling around, we're the only ones sat down.

I slouch into his side, leaning in him and close my eyes.

He wraps an arm around me and I snuggle into him, burying my head in his chest. He gently rubs my back, pulling me into his lap. I sit comfortably, curled up on his lap, my forehead pressed into the crook of his neck.

Suddenly I'm blinded by a bright flash.

Deborah is standing the other side of the table, her phone in her hand.

"Aw. Look how sweet. I'll send you this and you can add it to your wall James!"

I notice the colour rush to his cheeks and I smirk, chuckling slightly.


James has invited me round for dinner, I've been round many times before, yet this is the first time I've ever been in his bedroom. He pushes the door open slowly and I head inside.

Immediately my eyes are drawn to the right hand side wall. The white washed wall is covered, and I mean covered, in photos. In various frames of all shapes and sizes. There must have been at least twenty small photos.

I look at the photos more closely.

Me and James hugging in front of the coach taking us to regionals.
Me posing in our new TNS uniforms.
A selfie of the two of us on a date.
Us at nationals.
Our kiss on stage after our duet at nationals
Me when I got my braces off.
Me holding up a teddy bear he won me at the fair..
Us on my 17th birthday.

The list is endless. And upon closer inspection, I soon realise that every single photo is a picture of us, or me alone.

"Aww James. This wall is amazing" I say, in shock. Who knew James, the 'player' could be so sentimental?

He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, "is it too much? Obsessive? Sorry if I've messed things up"

"Messed things up? James! This is most adorable thing I've ever seen... thank you" I whisper, hugging him, tightly wrapping my arms around his waist.

Slowly, he hugs me back.

"I love you Ri"

"I love you too Jai"

*End of flashback*

"Ha ha very funny mum" James rolls his eyes but laughs nonetheless.

"I think it's cute" I say, placing my hand on his chest, feeling his abs through his top.

"I agree. Lovely. Now, I'm going to go and speak with Janette, I'm dying to hear about Greece! See you two later!"

And with that, she turns and leaves us alone, to resume our intimate embrace.

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