Love Worth Saving (ii) [f]

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A couple people requested a part 2 but it was so long that I've split it up so there will be a part 3  :)

"Be good girl for Auntie Emily, okay?" Riley instructed, kneeling on the floor to give her daughter another hug. To her right, James was holding their son and saying a similar thing.
The 5 year old girl nodded with a mischievous smile, "can I watch Frozen?"

Her mother laughed, knowing that the songs would drive her sister insane by the end of the night. "If you eat all your dinner I'm sure Auntie Emily might let you watch it, yes. But only good girls get to watch Frozen so you have to behave"

The doorbell rang, announcing Emily's arrival so Riley stood up and smoothed her dress down. She opened the door and greeted her sister with a smile.
"Hey Em, thanks for doing this"
The blonde girl dismissed her thanks with a wave of her hand, "blah-blah, yes, you're welcome, now go have fun" she laughed, practically pushing her sister out the door. James chuckled and followed his wife outside.

Half an hour later they arrived at a semi-fancy restaurant. They'd dined there before, once for Riley's 21st birthday and once for their anniversary a few years back. It held memories and upon entry, Riley began to doubt if it had been the smartest choice of location. Maybe somewhere new and less meaningful would have been better considering they were there to try and save their marriage?

They were seated at a table for two beside a window that overlooked a flower garden outside. The vibrant coloured petals were dimmed in the fading light and the sun was beginning to set in the distance.
"It feels weird to be out without the kids" James suddenly said, speaking for the first time since they had arrived. It was true, it did feel weird. It was too quiet.

"Yeah" she agreed, looking between her husband and the menu. "They've changed the menu since last time"
"Oh" he acknowledged awkwardly, "they have?"

The tension was so thick it could have been cut with a knife. In that moment it dawned on Riley that she didn't know what to talk about with him and that scared her. They never used to have to try and find conversation, it just flowed naturally. Even in the beginning there was never any awkwardness.

"How do you think Emily's getting on with the kids?" She finally asked after a long period of silence, stirring her straw around her empty drink. She couldn't think of another conversation starter besides their children, whom they had in common, obviously. They made uncomfortable small talk for several minutes until a waiter appeared to take their orders. The middle aged man looked at Riley first with an expectant expression, poised with his notebook to write what she wanted.

"Can I have the macaroni and broccoli cheese please" she asked politely, closing the menu.
"And I'll have the sirloin steak please" James ordered, "medium rare"
The gentleman nodded and took their menus away as he left.

"Riles" the dark haired dancer started. His voice sounded apprehensive but he managed to hold her gaze. "I love you"
His wife smiled and felt her heart skip a beat under her rib cage. "I love you too" she responded, "I'm glad we're here"

"Remember the last time we came?" he asked, already grinning at the memory. "It was-"
"For our anniversary when I was pregnant with Finley" Riley interrupted, proving that she did indeed remember.

"Yes" James said, "and you had a chicken risotto because you'd been craving it all day, only to barely eat any of it because it was, and I quote, 'too oniony'. You ended up eating more of my meal than I did myself"
Rolling her eyes with an amused smirk, Riley laughed "I was pregnant!" she defended herself, "my hormones were all over the place and my senses were whack"

Her husband chuckled and reached over the table to take her hand in his. "Doesn't make it any less 'Riley'. You did stuff like that even before we had kids, babe". She blushed at the affectionate nickname, having not heard it for at least a few months. James continued, "that's something I love about you, how finicky and hard to please you are. Unless of course, you know you as well as I do"

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