Just Watching a Movie [s]

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"So what have you planned for us to do tonight?" James asked, peering over his shoulder at his girlfriend. He was carrying her home from the studio after a day of rehearsals, initially because she 'had a blister' but mainly because he'd do anything for his girl if she asked nicely enough. Riley giggled in his ear from where she was riding on his back. James' hands were scooped under her thighs while her hands were slung loosely around his neck.

"I figured we could maybe watch a movie?" she suggested, quickly adding "but I'm choosing"
Pretending to sigh, James stopped walking and turned his head to look at her. He paused to think about it, before humming, "hmm okay but no rom-coms"

Riley smirked, a telling sign that she would not obey his one request. She tilted her head to kiss his cheek.
"Keep moving" she told him, playfully using her feet to kick him forwards as if he were a horse.

Her boyfriend raised an eyebrow mischievously, "as you wish ma'am"
Suddenly he was running, skipping and spinning along the path.
"James!" Riley squealed, laughing as she tightened her hold around his neck for fear of falling off.

He continued to skip about, listening to her shrieks and laughing hysterically. Only when he was out of breath, James finally slowed to a walk.
"Is that what you meant?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he tilted his head to look at her.

Riley shook her head, feeling her heart racing in her chest. Loosening her hold on his neck, she rested her head on the back of his.
"Shall I put you down then?" He questioned, letting go of her thighs. "If my services are not up to scratch for your highness"

"Don't you dare" Riley giggled, clinging to his body like a koala would cling to a tree. Despite the absence of his hands to hold her up, she remained wrapped around his body, squeezing his torso with her legs to keep herself steady.

James chuckled, scooping his arms back under her thighs to support her weight. He resumed their walk back to her house. When they finally arrived, he knocked on the door to save having to find a key. Riley's mother answered.

"Hi Allyson" James smiled politely, lowering his girlfriend to the ground.
Riley's feet landed firmly beneath her as she spoke, "hi mum, we're going upstairs to watch a movie"

The couple started making their way to the stairs as they heard a voice behind them, "leave the door open Riley, I don't trust you two"
Rolling her eyes, Riley grabbed James' hand and pulled him up the stairs. They reached her bedroom where she immediately shut the door behind them.

Making himself comfortable on her bed, James smirked, "what have I done to corrupt you? The Riley of a few years ago would be petrified to disobey such clear instructions!"

He spoke with a shocked tone, his voiced laced with sarcasm. Riley flopped onto the mattress beside him, "I'm not as innocent as I once was Mr Tordjman" she quipped, crawling across the bed towards him.
"Oh I know" he grinned, wrapping his arms around her small body.

Stretching her arm out so she didn't have to leave his embrace, Riley grabbed the TV remote and selected a movie. James scoffed at the rom-com title she chose but didn't argue. He shuffled on her bed so he was sat up leaning against her headboard and pillows. Riley followed suit, nestling against his body.

Resting one arm around her shoulders, James pulled out his phone with his spare hand and began scrolling.
"Aren't you gonna watch?" Riley asked him, in a tone of voice that said 'put your phone away babe'. He caught on to this and sighed, reluctantly chucking it onto her mattress as he rested his head on hers.

Less than fifteen minutes into the movie, he had completely stopped watching altogether. At first he patiently watched Riley, observing her reactions to the events on screen. However, he got increasingly bored doing this and eventually began kissing her neck lightly.

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