Oops [f]

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Riley's POV

I'm with the rest of A Troupe warming up before rehearsals right now. Honestly, my mind isn't in dance right now, but I don't have a choice.

I walk over to the ballet bar and start stretching with Michelle.

My stomach knots as I realise that this is the first time I've ever lied to her.

"Hey Riles" she smiles, before turning to stretch her other leg.

"Hi Michelle" I answer robotically, barely paying attention.

I look in the mirror in front of me and in the reflection my eyes seek someone in particular. I spot James in the corner with the bros, flipping and talking about something or other.

This is the first time I've lied to him too.

"Ri. Riley!"

"Wha- huh? Yeah sorry, what?" I stutter, startled.

Michelle laughs, "I've been saying your name for the past thirty seconds with no reply! What's with you? I was going to ask you last night, but you went home so early!". Pulling her leg off the bar, she steps closer to me. Her eyes follow mine, landing on James. "Is everything ok between you two?" She asks gently.

"Yeah. Nothing's wrong. Promise"

She shrugs her shoulders sighing.

"Look. I'm not going to press it further. But for the record Riley, you're a terrible liar"
I'm about to open my mouth and deny anything, but miss Kate stops me before I have the chance.

"Dancers! Today we're working on team building before regionals! After an amazing win at Internationals" she pauses while we all cheer and clap with ecstasy. "We need to maintain our tight-nit group. So, duets!"

"Woo!" I hear a familiar yell of joy.

James bounds over to me, "partners?" he asks, placing his arm around my shoulders.

I nod blankly, turning back to Miss Kate.

"Before we start" she says seriously. "All boys to the music room now! Now!" She yells.

The boys all leave confused. Us girls line up.

"Girls!" Miss Kate says. "Do any of you have anything to tell me? We can do this privately if needed"

She begins pacing up and down in front of us, looking us all in the face. Her eyes linger on me.

She knows. She must know.

I crack.

I run from the room in floods of tears. My hearts beating faster than I thought was possible. My breathing quickens and I take in less oxygen with every breath.

I reach the girls changing rooms and I just sink to the floor, sliding down the purple, painted wall. I pull my knees to my chest and hug them tightly.

My body wracks and heaves with every sob.

Suddenly I feel a pair of arms cradling me. I open my eyes and see my second mother.


I cry harder. I've let everyone down. Everything is my fault.

"Riley. Riley. Oh honey" she starts. Wiping a few of my tears away.

For the first time, I look up at her.

"You're, aren't you?" She asks me, avoiding the word.

I nod. Sniffing.

"Does James know?"

I shake my head and let out another sob. I've ruined his life.

He's so talented. In music and dance. He could go places. He has a big future. But instead his stupid girlfriend got pregnant at 17.

"Oh Riley" she says again, hugging me. "It will all be ok. I promise"

"You really think so?" I ask. I feel like a young child again, but I don't care. I need the comfort.

"I know so. But first, you need to tell James. And your parents. Do they know yet?"

I shake my head.

"Not even Emily" I sniff.

Moments later there is a knock at the door.

It's James. The love of my life. My soul mate. The father of my unborn child.

"Hey" he says softly. "I can leave if you want. It's just Michelle said you left crying, and... I... well, I want to make sure you're ok...?"

Miss Kate stands up. "I'll leave you two here. You can skip the duets, we already know you have chemistry"

Miss Kate's POV

My heart aches for Riley right now. I remember when I first met her. Emily brought her into baby ballet, bragging and showing off her new baby sister. She was 9 days old.

I met Riley when she was a newborn. She's quite literally grown up here at The Next Step.

When I found the used pregnancy test in the girls toilets here, my heart sank. I had a sick feeling that it belonged to Riley, but I didn't want to believe it.

I can't be her, I thought. Not Riley, she's still a baby herself!

Slowly, I make my way back to studio A. The boys have rejoined the girls; all are equally confused.

When I approach, I'm bombarded with questions, none of which I answer. It isn't my place.

James' POV

Miss Kate leaves. We're alone.

I sit down beside Riley, scooping her up and pulling her onto my lap.

She hides her head in my chest.

"Ri. Look at me baby" I plead.

She looks up. Her eyes are all red and blotchy.

"What's the matter baby? Tell me, tell me and I'll fix it" I beg, wiping away a stay tear that escaped her right, hazel brown eye.

"How much do you love me?" She asks me, in a broken voice.

"To the moon and back" I reply.

"Do you still want to spend the rest of your life with me?"

"Oh Ri, baby of course I do! I love you so much" I say, planting a kiss on her temple lovingly.

"Good. Because..." she fades out. "I'm pregnant"

"Oops" I joke solemnly before kissing her gently. "Good job I love you... and our baby"

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