Fainting Spells and Secrets [f]

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Beginning of Season 4 before Riley becomes studio head and James goes to London

"And 5, 6, 7, 8 and pose" Miss Kate's voice yelled over the blaring music. "Hold it... and relax. Take 5 and we'll run it again"

The dancers fell out of their ending positions, breathing heavily after a long rehearsal. Riley approached Michelle and Amanda, her only remaining friends on A Troupe after so many people left.

The team felt strange, almost incomplete in their absence. Riley felt guilty for thinking it, but she never felt any chemistry with the new dancers, bar Piper who she knew well through James.

James. Her heart ached during rehearsals when he wasn't around. Time seemed to moved so much slower now that he wasn't on A Troupe to 'annoy' her during drink breaks or randomly spin her around when she least expected it.

Both sides of the couple wished they had more time to spend together, there simply weren't enough hours in the day. Riley supported James as he pursued his band more seriously and he supported her as she began a new dance season on A Troupe.

Unfortunately, life just had them going on different paths. Most couples would see this as 'growing apart' but James and Riley knew that their relationship was worth fighting for. So fight they did.

They would frequently go on late night dates and stay over at the other's house (for they both lived with their parents). Time was short yes, but to them that simply made it more valuable.

"Hey Riley are you ok? You look quite pale?" Michelle asked her best friend, snapping Riley out of the daydream she was having about James.
"Yeah of course" she smiled, feeling completely fine apart for a minor headache, which wasn't bad enough to concern Michelle over.

Miss Kate returned to the room, gathering everyone's attention. The dancers found their starting positions and waited for the music to begin. Listening to Miss Kate count them in, Riley's muscle memory took over and she performed the new choreography alongside her new team.

Having come away from Internationals having the winning duet, Riley had never felt stronger of more confident as a dancer. This had only been maximised when Miss Kate had given her a front and centre line placement.

As she powered through the intricate choreography, the outside world appeared to blur. All of her focus and concentration was on the dance... until it wasn't. Her cloudy vision turned black and soon all noise in the room had ceased.

"Riley!" Miss Kate yelled, her voice laced with panic. She stopped the music and hurried over, shooing away the dancers as they crowded her. "Step back, step back, give her space!"

The blonde girl lay limp in her studio head's arms, unresponsive to the shaking of her shoulders.
"Riley!" Kate repeated loudly as she leant over the girl. "Riley can you hear me? Someone call an ambulance!"

In the chaos that erupted in that moment, Piper ran to her locker and dug out her phone. The minute that followed was agonisingly slow as the phone switched on and loaded. Piper's shaking fingers punched in her password, mistyping it once before the phone clicked and granted her access.

She scrolled through her contacts, slamming her finger hard onto the name she was looking for. The phone rang for two chords before his voice chirped up.

"What's up Pipes?"
"James! I need you, well actually Riley does" she stuttered, relieved to finally get through to him.
"What do you mean?" Her brother asked in confusion, although Piper could hear him excuse himself from a conversation and knew he was on his way.

"I can't explain over the phone, just get here! Hurry" Piper told him, failing to hide the fear in her voice as she hung up. James picked up on this and started running. He ran down the stairs from Lost and Found, hurtling passed people until he reached Studio A.

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