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'Lost and Found' drummer James Tordjman takes romantic stroll with girlfriend after gig

James Tordjman (25) and girlfriend, Riley Raymond (24) pictured getting steamy in Central Park after his band's show last night. This is his second world tour and girlfriend, Riley, has come along to show support. The couple, who have been together for approximately 9 years, are no strangers to public displays of affection.

But who is this lucky girl?
Sources say James met his longtime love at his childhood dance studio 'The Next Step', from which he competed internationally. James and Riley reportedly began dating after years of friendship and appear to be in it for the long haul.

Fans of the drummer have often wondered when a ring is to be worn on Miss Raymond's finger. Some even theorised that an engagement was being hidden from them. Despite their physical signs of affection, the couple rarely speak out about their relationship, leaving much to the imagination of fans.

"Riley's so lucky" one fan exclaimed when questioned on the couple outside the stadium last night. "She has no idea how many people envy her"
This message of jealousy was echoed in the voices of other fans, one even claiming she'd "give her life" for the handsome drummer.

So how did Riley do it folks? How did she woo the most desirable man in the public eye? The secret perhaps lies with the longevity of their relationship. She's been there since the beginning and clearly intends to stay until the end. You can hear the hearts of millions shattering around the world as I say folks, it looks like James had found his soulmate.

Riley smiled slightly as she closed the article on her phone and processed what had been written about her. For once the media appeared to speak somewhat highly of her, a change from the usual 'who is this girl and why does James Tordjman bother with her?' type stuff.

As best she could, Riley tried to avoid reading what was written about her online. However, curiosity had gotten the better of her when she saw that particular headline on her news app. She was about to start watching a documentary on the hotel TV when her phone rang.

She checked the caller ID and picked up.
"Hey Em, how are you?"
Her enquiry was ignored however, as Emily yelled, "Ri are you pregnant?" down the phone with an unreadable tone. She sounded half excited, half annoyed.

Riley almost dropped the phone from her ear in surprise, "what? No why would you think that?"
"I just read an article! Are sure you're not-"
"Em" Riley silenced her sister, "you really think I'd let you find out through some trashy article if I was? Besides, I literally finished a period like yesterday. There is definitely no baby in there" she laughed.

"Oh" Emily said, "to be honest I was a bit upset you hadn't told me so I'm kind of glad. Do you want me to send you the article? I still have it open as I called you immediately"
Riley agreed and instantly received the link from her sister.

Band Baby? Does 'Lost and Found' drummer James have a baby on the way?

Girlfriend of 'Lost and Found' drummer, Riley Raymond (24), seen cradling her stomach watching her boyfriend's show last night. Could this tender hand placement be a sign that she's expecting? Neither member of this couple have spoken on the news yet, but sources close them state a baby might not be too far in their plans.

Riley scoffed down the phone to her sister, "who are these sources?" She stopped scrolling through the article without reading the rest of it and listened to Emily's reply.
"I don't know, but it sure isn't me" Emily said, "who would betray you like that?"
Thinking for a moment, Riley sighed, "I doubt anyone has 'betrayed' me, it's probably a load of crap to make the lies they write more believable. It's not even true, James and I haven't ever discussed kids"

"You haven't?" Emily asked, not hiding her surprise.
"Well we have" Riley corrected herself, "but only in the 'I'd like children one day', kind of way. Not ever seriously like, when or with each other"
"But don't you want kids with him?" Emily pressed.
"Yeah, obviously. It's just never really come up"

"Well then bring it up" Emily told her as if it were simple. "Come on Ri, make me an auntie"
"Em!" Riley laughed, "I'm only 24, give me a chance to live a bit first. Besides, James is so busy with the band it's not really a suitable time to think about raising a child"

"Admit that you've at least thought about it" her sister demanded. "Well?"
"Um I guess yeah but-"
Emily interrupted excitedly, "but what?"
"You're hopeless" Riley giggled, "look James will be back soon so I'll call you tomorrow?"
"Sure, bye Ri"


"Have you seen this article? Em forwarded it to me after calling to check if I was pregnant!" Riley laughed when her boyfriend entered their hotel room having come from a show rehearsal. Flopping beside her on the bed, James cackled and took her phone to read the article.

His eyes skimmed over the text as he replied " what did you tell her?"
"I said I'm not pregnant- obviously. But she seemed weirdly disappointed by that. Apparently she's been hiding her excitement to be an auntie from us all this time"
"Woah Emily wants us the have a kid?" James backtracked.
Riley shrugged. "She literally told me to, and I quote, 'bring it up' with you in conversation"

James was quiet for a while, before he spoke "what's your opinion on it?"
Sighing, Riley decided to be honest, "I don't know" She noticed his expression and recognised it immediately as one he made when he wanted to say something but was unsure. "What's up?"

"The band and I have decided to go on a hiatus after this tour" he suddenly announced, ending his sentence with a tone as if it were still unfinished.
"What are you saying Jay?"
"I'm saying" he took a deep breath, "I'm all yours, if you want. I'm not opposed to having kids young"

Looking at her boyfriend with a quirky grin, Riley spluttered, "seriously?"
James nodded, anxiously awaiting her response.
"You're saying you want to have a baby?" She clarified, fearful that she was misinterpreting what he had said.

"Well... yeah" he confirmed, running a hand through his hair. "Only if you want though babe, I'm totally happy to wait and-"
He was cut off by Riley's lips attacking him, kissing his hard and passionately. Smirking when she pulled away, he chuckled, "when I said I wanted kids, I didn't realise we'd start trying this exact second"

"Oh shut up" she laughed, climbing onto his lap so she was straddling him. "Are you sure that it's what you want? You're not just saying that because you think it's what I want?"
"Ri" James said seriously, cupping her cheek with his hand, "I love you, I want to spend my life with you, I want kids with you. I grew up in a large family and have always wanted a family of my own, so yeah, it's what I want"

"But like, now?" Riley questioned, trying to gage a better understanding of his thoughts.
He chuckled again, caressing her pink cheek with his thumb. "I'm ready to start trying whenever you are princess. I can't wait to be a dad"

She blushed deeply, looking into his eyes and feeling a force pull her lips down to his in a sensual kiss. James kissed her back lustfully, sliding his hands up and down her thighs over the thin leggings she was wearing.

"Can we start now?" Riley asked him, biting her lip as she pulled away from him just enough to look into his eyes. James didn't answer, instead flipping them over so he was above her and closing the gap between their lips as he wrestled off his clothes.

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