Family Ties [f]

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"I'm so not in the mood for this" Riley sighed, looking out of the car window as James drove. He grunted in agreement, changing lanes and then glancing at her briefly.

"I tried to get us out of this, really I did, but you know my family Ri" he sighed apologetically, "they don't take no for an answer"

Riley nodded understandingly, knowing he had done everything in his power to save them from going. The couple had recently discovered Riley was pregnant with their first baby, but they didn't plan on telling anyone just yet as it was still early. So when Deborah had extended an invitation to a family get together, they had both desperately wanted to get out of it.

"Who even is this party for?" Riley asked, adjusting her silver necklace so it was centred on her chest.
James thought for a second, "my cousin Sarah, I think? Mum mentioned something about her graduation I don't know"

"I thought Sarah was like 5 years old?" Riley questioned, picturing James' little cousin with brown hair in pigtails.

"Wha- oh yeah, no that's my other cousin Sarah, my Aunt Muriel's daughter. This Sarah is my Uncle Tony's daughter"
Pretending to understand, Riley nodded her head and went back to looking out of the window at the blurred scenery. She clicked on her phone and saw a message from Deborah on her lock screen.

Can't wait to see you both later! Xxx

"Message from my mum?" James guessed, glancing at her expression.
"Hmm" she hummed, quickly typing a reply and pressing send.

We're on our way x

Her attention was drawn to her hand as sunlight reflected off of her diamond engagement ring, casting smaller rays of light around it. Riley admired it, despite having worn it for several months by now. It still amazed her every time she looked at it.

James caught her looking at it and reached out to link their hands. "I did good, didn't I?"
"You certainly did" she confirmed, gazing at his side profile, "it's beautiful"
"Beautiful ring for my beautiful fiancé" he chimed, squeezing her hand.

They drove in a comfortable silence, listening to the radio as it played through the popular songs of the moment. Eventually, James pulled the car onto a familiar street and parked. He switched off the engine and moved to get out of the car.

Hearing Riley release a heavy sigh, he paused and sank back into his seat. He studied her facial expression, looking at her properly for the first time since they left their apartment.

"What's on your mind babe?" He asked, angling his body so that he was facing her straight on.

"I'm worried about hiding my pregnancy all day" Riley confessed, "I mean, sooner or later someone's bound to ask if I want a drink, or start a conversation about kids and I just don't know how I'll handle those situations without coming across as really suspicious"

James cupped her cheek with his hand, "I know my family are a lot to handle" he chuckled at his own understatement, "but there will be so many people there I doubt anyone will notice if you don't drink. And as for the conversations, I'll be next to you all day to help you manage them"

He saw the relief in her face, smiling as he leant over to gently kiss her lips. Riley laughed as he pulled away, reaching out her thumb to wipe her lipgloss off his lips.
"Ready?" He asked, moving his hand to the car door handle.
Riley nodded confidently, "let's do this"

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