Trying and Testing (ii) [f]

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I was overwhelmed with comments asking for a part 2 so I hope you like this🥰thank you so much for all your continued support!


Riley turned the test over in her clammy hands. Anxiously watching the digital screen expecting it to change, she felt tears well up in her eyes. She swallowed back a sob and smacked her hand over her gaping mouth.

Time seemed to move excruciatingly slowly over the course of the afternoon. She took a second test to be sure, pacing back and forth until that too, read positive. Every fifteen minutes had her clutching the test again, checking to ensure she hadn't made it up in a moment of desperation.

Gnawing on her fingernails as she watched the clock tick round at an agonisingly slow place, Riley began to let herself get excited. She finally tore her eyes away from the clock and headed to her bedroom where she opened her closet.

She pulled out a shoebox containing some new converse she'd purchased the previous week, a highlight of her month that was now entirely overshadowed. Chucking the shoes carelessly on the floor, Riley dropped one of the pregnancy tests inside the empty box and replaced the lid.

She bit her lip, perching on the end of her bed and hugging the box to her chest. The smile plastered on her face was wider than the one belonging to the Cheshire Cat. Once again, she removed the box lid and took the test in her hands. She was still staring at it when she heard a key turn in the lock downstairs.

"I'm home babe" James called, throwing his keys on to the side like he did everyday.
"I'm upstairs" Riley yelled back, hastily laying the test in the box and slamming the lid over the top. She heard his heavy footsteps jog up the staircase and soon he appeared at the bedroom door.

James smiled at his wife, flopping his body onto the mattress with an exhausted sigh.
"Work was-"
"I've got something for you" Riley blurted, unable to contain her excitement any longer. She had to tell him. Curiously, James sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed so he was sitting beside her.

"Okay" he grinned as she thrusted the box into his hands. He raised an eyebrow, "shoes?"
Riley wrinkled her nose as she shook her head, "just open it"

Eyeing her suspiciously, James lifted the lid off the box, discarding it on the floor by his feet. His gaze immediately landed on the test that was laying face up inside. Pointing at it with a shaking hand, he snapped his head to look at his wife with a stunned expression.

At a loss for words, he threw his arms around her and squeezed her tightly. Riley had tears of happiness running down her cheeks as she hugged him. Pulling out of the embrace, James picked up the test and smiled giddily as he read and re-read the word on the tiny screen.

"I can't believe it" he spluttered, trying to find articulate words to explain how he was feeling. "I don't know what to say"
Riley giggled, leaning forwards and pressing her lips against his passionately. He kissed her back, allowing a wave of emotions to hit him as he did. Tears filled his eyes and he didn't bother blinking them away. Seeing this when they broke apart, his wife cupped his cheek and used her thumb to wipe away any tears that fell.

"I'm so happy" she cried, equalling his emotion as they processed the long awaited news. They were going to be parents.
"Me too" James agreed, tackling her into his arms again, this time knocking into her with enough force to push her back on the bed.

Riley curled her limbs around his body, still in disbelief that it was real. Seemingly thinking the same thing, James peered at the test that was still gripped in his hand. He gazed at it while embracing his wife, then moving his hand to rest on her lower abdomen. Grinning at the placement of his hand, Riley rested her hands on top of his.

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