You're My Muse [f]

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Riley pushed her way through the crowd of screaming fangirls. James and his band 'Lost and Found' had managed to make it big after a break out single over two years ago.

Since that release they had booked a sold out tour that had taken them all over the world. Balancing his new responsibilities and his relationship had been tough but James had always made sure to put his girl first.

After all, it's like he always said to her 'I wouldn't be where I am today without you Riley'.

It was in these moments, pressed up against hysterical teenagers, that made Riley most anxious. Wanting to reach the stage door she continued to tousle through the crowd, ducking and dodging the hands waving by her head.

It was the afternoon before one of Lost and Found's concerts and some of the band's most dedicated fans had arrived earlier in the hopes to see them at stage door.

Finally reaching the door, Riley looked at the security guard and flashed her VIP ACCESS ALL AREAS pass that she had around her neck. Begrudgingly, the muscular man stepped over and let her slip passed.

Once inside the quiet hallway Riley paused and took a breath of relief. She then stuffed her hands in her pockets and hurried towards the stairs.

James was exactly where he'd promised to be, in the band's shared dressing room. Riley knocked on the door, not wanting to enter incase anyone was undressed.

As soon as he opened the door James smirked.
"Hey babe" he grinned, planting a kiss on her lips, "I missed you"
Riley giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I only saw you yesterday"

With the band's hectic schedule James often had no choice but to sleep on his tour bus rather than go home to the couple's shared apartment. This meant they occasionally went weeks without seeing each other- especially when he was far away on tour.

So realistically, 24 hours was nothing to complain about.

James pouted playfully, "any time away from you feels like a million gazillion years"
"You're funny" Riley laughed, "but for the record, I missed you too"

"20 minutes until doors open guys" someone 'official looking' announced, entering the room and leaving straight away.

"Who was that?" Riley asked her boyfriend.
"Our tour manager" James answered, looking in one of the huge mirrors over her shoulder. "You look gorgeous tonight"

Riley blushed. She hadn't exactly dressed up, only wearing a maroon top and jeans because she often got cold at concerts. Despite this, her top was a low cut v-neck that showed enough cleavage to get James' attention, but not enough to attract unwanted gaze.

"Thank you" she giggled, kissing his cheek.

"Come on man" Luke walked over, "we have to head over to the stage. Oh and you have lipstick on your cheek"
"Sweet" James nodded, wiping off Riley's lipstick mark from his face.

Intending to watch from the VIP seats, Riley picked up her bag and was about to leave when James grabbed her wrist.

"Why don't you watch from the wings tonight?" He asked her. Riley could see the pleading look in his eyes and quickly agreed. As they are walked back stage, Riley couldn't help but wonder why things felt different to usual.

Roughly an hour later, the concert was in full swing and Riley was screaming from the wings. Every so often, James would look over at her from where he sat proudly behind his drum kit.

"Our next song" Luke took the mic and paused for the screaming to cease. "Our next song was written by James and we've never performed it before. It's about a very special young lady. This one's for you Riley"

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