Waitress [a]

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Season 3 after Riley is a waitress in Miami

Requested by Jileysendgame  <3

Riley ran her hand through her hair. A light breeze blew from the open sea and provided a comforting cool in the Miami heat. Walking briskly back to her hotel room, she pulled out her phone to finally see a reply from James. She sighed in exhaustion as she hastily typed out a frustrated response.

A few minutes later James replied with his location, (his hotel room), but agreed to meet her in the hotel lobby

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A few minutes later James replied with his location, (his hotel room), but agreed to meet her in the hotel lobby. She angrily stuffed her phone in her back pocket and trudged along the road, finally reaching the double door hotel entrance.

She stepped inside the air conditioned building, immediately feeling goosebumps rise across her exposed skin after the stark transition from the outside temperature. As promised, James stood leaning against a pillar. He was looking down at his phone but looked up when he heard footsteps approaching.

"Hey babe" he grinned, opening his arms and expecting her to walk into his hug. She didn't.
"Don't babe me" Riley huffed, folding her arms. She stopped about a metre away from him, pursing her lips.

James chuckled, "you're not seriously mad about-"
"I can't believe you made me wait on you James!" she snapped, interrupting him angrily. "And as if I wasn't humiliated enough you had Eldon with you!"

Recoiling slightly, James sighed. He slowly stepped closer to her, surprised when she didn't back away.
"We were just having a bit of fun Ri" he justified, "one day it will be a fun story to tell our kids"
Riley softened momentarily at the mention of their hypothetical children, before her stubborn frown returned and she remembered her anger.

"I just needed you to do one thing for me James" she grumbled, "one thing"
"And I did that thing!" James pointed out, "Riley come on, you were the one who ditched me to hang out with Ella. I came as soon as I was done helping Eldon. I think you're overreacting" he said with increasing annoyance. Seeming to disagree, Riley clenched her jaw.

"Would it make you feel better if you do one of your pushy things?" he questioned, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He watched as she considered the idea before suddenly pushing her hands against his chest so he stumbled backwards a few steps. He chuckled, "feel better?"

Riley nodded, reluctantly admitting he was right, "yes. But that doesn't mean you're completely off the hook"

Rolling his eyes as they began to walk to the across the lobby, James attempted to entwine their hands but got rejected. "You'll have to forgive me eventually babe"
"Uh no I don't" Riley said flatly, pressing the button and stepping into the elevator that was already waiting.

Chuckling slightly, James followed her inside and they stood in silence as the elevator climbed to their floor. They stepped out when the doors opened and walked side by side to their rooms. James, who was expecting to follow Riley into her room, was surprised when she slipped inside and closed the door in his face. Groaning, he shoved his hands in his pockets and trudged a few doors down.

"What's up with you?" Michelle asked when Riley entered their room. Their roommates Thalia and Giselle looked up and immediately noticed Riley's icy facial expression.
Slumping onto her single bed, Riley shrugged her shoulders, "James has pissed me off"
Michelle's eyes widened in concern, "what did he do?" She asked, taking a seat beside her best friend.

"It's a long story" she sighed, running her hand through her shoulder length hair and swearing she could still smell the Spanish spices. "I'm going in the shower"

The girls didn't say anything as she quickly dismissed herself, grabbing her stuff and enclosing herself in the bathroom. When she returned with a towel tightly wrapped around her body, Riley caught the them giggling about something. They fell silent when they noticed her entrance.

"What are you laughing about?" Riley questioned, wanting to be included if she'd missed something funny.
"Eldon told Thalia that you were a waitress?" Giselle finally spoke, "apparently-"
"I'm going to kill him!" Riley interrupted, storming over to grab some clothes as she yelled through gritted teeth.

"So it's true?" Michelle asked in surprise, "I thought you were going out for lunch with Ella? How did you just get a job?"
Riley cursed Eldon under her breath and hastily pulled on her clothing. "Like I said before, it's a long story. Now if you excuse me, I'm late for an execution"

When she was fully dressed, Riley marched passed the girls, ignoring their questions as she opened the door and stormed away. Her fist knocked on the boys door loudly and impatiently.
James smiled when he opened the door, "oh hey babe, glad you've come around"

Ignoring her boyfriend, Riley shoved her way into the room and launched herself towards an unsuspecting Eldon. She shrieked as James circled his muscular arms around her middle, restraining her and preventing her from reaching the blonde boy.

"Let go of me James!" She yelled, bashing her limbs against him as if she stood a chance of escaping. James' grip on her didn't waver.
"Not until you calm down babe" he told her, holding her against his body so that her back was pressed against his chest.

Riley's head snapped to look at him over her shoulder, "do not call me babe! I'm still mad at you"
"Well I'm not mad at you babe" he reminded her, "so you're still my babe, I'm just not your babe until you forgive me"

Eldon, (who was now cowering behind a very confused West), cleared his throat, "what did I do?"
This angered Riley further as she fought to escape James' arms. "You- told- Thalia" she spoke through her effort to escape.
"Can someone tell me what's going on?" West suddenly asked, looking between the three people in extreme confusion, "what have I missed?"

No one answered him.

"Ri, calm down" James tried to reason, "let's not kill our male soloist" He recognised that she was running out of energy when her struggling began to relent and her fists hit him with less force. "Boys could you give us a minute?"
"Gladly" West nodded, following Eldon who'd run out of the room the moment James had asked.

The couple perched on his bed and sat in silence for a moment.

"I'm sorry if I upset you" James suddenly apologised, "we were just messing around but I can see now that it wasn't funny. I'm really sorry babe"
He saw Riley take a deep breath before turning her head to look at him, "thank you" she whispered. "I'm sorry too. I overreacted. I was just humiliated"

Riley smiled when James opened his arms, inviting her to shuffle into his arms. Unlike in the lobby, she melted into his embrace. They held each other close. Her wet hair dripped water down her back, causing her to shiver involuntarily.

James ran a hand through her hair and pulled her head closer so he could plant a firm kiss on her forehead.
"I really am sorry" he apologised again, hovering his face so their noses were almost touching.
He saw Riley smile before she brought her hand up to cup his cheek, "me too and I don't hate you. I love you"

"I know you do babe" James laughed, "I never doubted. I love you too"

Sorry if this is really bad...

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