Dancing in the Rain [m]

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Requested by jileyylmao but I added the smut because I couldn't help myself :)

Early Season 4 ~ before Riley is Studio Head and London

The young couple walked under the grey sky in deep conversation. Something above rumbled angrily before it gave way to a light sprinkle of rain droplets. Riley smiled, tilting her head backwards to let the cool drops splash against her face as she looked up to the gloomy sky. Thin rays of sunlight peaked through the thick cloud over head.

Her boyfriend squeezed their entwined hands, "you keep doing that and you'll walk into something"
She snapped to look at him with a carefree grin. "No I won't, I'm holding onto you" she pointed out.
James chuckled, "and who's to say I won't let go"
Narrowing her eyes, she held his hand tighter to make a point, "you wouldn't"

A cold rain drop landed on his neck and rolled down his skin, pulled by gravity until it disappeared beneath the collar of his leather jacket. He shuddered, "we should probably hurry up incase this rain worsens"
"Yeah" she agreed.

Their interlinked hands swung leisurely between their bodies as they walked the familiar streets. Rain continued to fall around them, forming puddles on the road and creating a soothing noise in the calm evening. Seemingly out of nowhere, the weather took a turn for the worst and the rain was now torrential, hammering down as fast as it would if someone above had turned on a shower. Riley gasped and they both started running. Water rebounded off the cement pavement beneath their feet, wetting their ankles and their clothing soaked through to their skin.

James rapidly pulled her under a bus stop shelter and cuddled her close while her teeth chattered. "Let's wait it out here" he said, shaking his head and sending thousands of mini water droplets flying. "It can't be like this for long, it should ease off in a few minutes"

Dodging the spray from his hair, Riley stepped out of his embrace and looked out at the gloomy street. She dumped her bag on the narrow bench. "Wanna dance?" She asked her boyfriend randomly.
He looked up from his phone screen in surprise- he'd been telling his mother they'd be late back to his house. "Huh?"
"I asked if you want to dance with me?" She repeated, nodding her head towards the empty road.
"We'll get soaked" he hesitated.
She shrugged, "we already are"

"Take my hand" she told him, offering her a hand and pulling him away from the protection of the bus stop shelter. He tensed as the cool liquid immediately pummelled against his body. "Relax" she instructed, "have fun"

With that, she released his hand and started twirling on the spot, her skirt fanning like a tutu until she stopped. A warm feeling of joy overcame James as he watched his girlfriend enjoying herself. He smiled at her back profile before creeping up behind her and scooping her off of her feet. Cradled in his strong arms, she gasped. Mirroring what she'd done earlier, her head tilted backwards and she looked up at the significantly darker sky to catch rain droplet on her tongue. Her hair was glued against her cheeks and she scraped it behind her ears carelessly.

Across the road a street light blinked on, clearly set on some timer and created a golden glow in the night. In the rain, the tarmac shone like it had tiny jewels imbedded within it. Like diamonds. Ominous shadows were created from pillars, trees and buildings but couldn't ruin the majesty of the atmosphere. Riley's feet touched the floor again and she twisted around to face her boyfriend. Her teeth caught her lower lip and held it as her lips curled into a smile.

"Thanks for dancing in the rain with me" she thanked him in a whisper.
He raised her hand above her head and spun her around 360 degrees before letting go and pulling her hips again this. "You're worth getting wet for" he promised, before realising his accidental innuendo. "In all manner of meanings"

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