Cake and Little Things (i) [f]

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Inspired by that one 'Lost and Found' scene (you don't need to have seen it)

"Hey James two minutes" Luke called, nodding his head in the direction of the occupied recording studio. They were waiting outside for Mary and Jude to finish working on something so the band could record their latest demo.
James looked up from his phone screen and nodded, "sure thing"

Flicking his eyes downwards to check the time on his lock screen, he hesitated, smiling at the image that greeted him. It was a selfie of him and Riley, in which she was blushing horrendously because of something he had said seconds before snapping the photo. They both wore quirky grins across their faces and she was looking up at him instead of the camera.

He put the phone in his back pocket just as Mr T entered the room, followed by Mary and Jude. "You guys ready?" He asked the band.
"Totally" Theo grinned with enthusiasm that was echoed by Luke who was already walking into the recording studio.

On the whole they performed well, ironing out a few tweaks and ultimately producing a demo they were all very proud of. Mr T nodded approvingly in the corner, not getting involved unless he was directly asked a question. This was something James respected, Mr T never interfered. He just let them brainstorm and have fun with their music.

Having finished their first demo relatively quickly, they band had enough time to start recording a second demo before the girl band arrived for their session. Unfortunately, having rehearsed it less, this track was a lot more stressful to rehearse.

"No, no I still don't like that riff" John complained, halting the recording. "Can we switch it up a bit?"
Luke shrugged, fiddling with his guitar strap, "what did you have in mind?"
"We could-"
"No Theo" Luke interrupted his friend, "whatever you were going to suggest, it's almost certainly a no"

Theo shrank back with a disappointed expression, "you don't know what you're missing out on" he huffed.

In the back of the room, James sat stuck behind his drum kit. He made a deliberate choice to not get involved with the petty arguing and pulled out his phone, smiling as he saw a particular notification.

Ri❤️🌹: hey babe I've got a surprise for you, can I up?

Her message referred to the fact that 'Lost and Found' was in the same building as 'The Next Step' where she was studio head. Quickly typing out a response, he sent the reply and began to pay attention to his bandmates again.

Jay💙: ooo should I be excited? Yeah of course babe, come anytime. The boys and I are attempting to record a demo but we'll be done in like 5 minutes xx

"Guys!" He yelled, "we've literally got five more minutes until Leia marches in here and tells us to piss off, can we please use it productively?"
His three bandmates looked over at him, having half forgotten about his and Mr T's presence due to how quiet they'd been.

As James had predicted, the second the clock hit the hour, Leia knocked on the studio door to 'kindly' remind them that their time was up. The passive aggression was not lost on the boys as they hastily packed away their equipment.

Feeling down after the unsuccessful demo recording, the boys returned to the rose room in silence. James smiled widely when he saw his girlfriend leaning against the piano.

"Hey baby" he grinned, opening his arms out for her to walk into his embrace.
"Hi" Riley whispered, wrinkling her nose and rising onto her tiptoes to press a kiss to his chapped lips. "I've got you something" she repeated, stepping out of his arms and turning around.

She picked up a cake that had been sat on the piano seat, unnoticed by James until that moment. She held it in front of him and smiled as he read the cursive font on top.

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