Look After You [f]

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After Ella stole Riley's Internationals solo.

Riley stared out of the coach window on the way back to the hotel. She choked back sobs and swallowed a lump at the back of the her throat. James' hand squeezed hers tightly every few seconds and his thumb rubbed small comforting circles on her palm.

She watched as shapes sped past the window in coloured blurs. Eventually her eyes grew tired so she closed them, letting her body feel heavy and succumbing to the overwhelming exhaustion she felt. Unfortunately it was only minutes later that James was rousing her, for they had arrived back at their hotel.

They all clambered off of the coach and were struck by the humid Miami heat in comparison to the cool air conditioned vehicle.

Riley clung to James, wrapping her arms tightly around his torso. She buried her head in his shirt and didn't look up. A muscular arm hugged her closer and made her feel safe.
"Yo Michelle?" James whispered as the troupe were crossing the hotel lobby. "Do you mind if I room with Riley tonight? You can't tell Kate"

Michelle looked unsure but nodded anyway. James watched as she asked Giselle and Thalia if she could stay the night with them. When they all reached their floor, the couple waited until everyone else had entered their rooms before finally scanning their key card and stepping inside.

The moment the door clicked shut behind them, Riley fell in a heap on the floor. Her body wracked with sobs as she hugged her knees to her chest.

James scooped her up in his arms and carried her over to the bed where he gently set her down. Sitting beside her, he cradled her body to his chest. She sobbed hysterically in his embrace, her entire body shaking with each cry.

"It's ok Ri, babe it's not your fault" he croaked, kissing away the tears that fell done her cheek. Riley shook her head as more tears fell from her eyes.
"Come on, let's get you ready for bed, yeah?" he asked her gently, "you want to be ready to compete tomorrow so you can beat Ella's ass"

He took off his shirt and lay it on the mattress beside him. "Come on princess, put your arms up so I can take your top off then"
Riley did what she was told and James lifted her shirt over her head. He snapped off her bra and then lifted his own shirt over her head.
"You can sleep in that tonight" he said, taking her clothes and throwing them into an open suitcase he knew to be hers.

He returned to her side and cupped her cheek so she would look up at him. "Shall we take off your makeup?"

Riley didn't answer so James took it upon himself to lift her up. He carried her to the bathroom and sat her down on the counter. "Here baby girl" he said while passing her wash bag.

A few minutes later Riley was beneath the warm sheets of her bed. She couldn't help but smile when she felt his body slot in behind her. Spooning her from behind it was like they fitted together perfectly.

"Thank you for looking after me" Riley whispered, closing her eyes and breathing in deeply.
With no hesitation James kissed her shoulder lightly and said "I'll always look after you"

He cocooned her in his embrace, holding his girl tightly until he heard her breathing settle and he was sure she was asleep.


An obnoxious alarm blared through the hotel room. Through squinted eyes Riley saw the time and sighed. Sitting up she turned off her alarm clock and stretched. Her head throbbed after crying all night but it was nothing she couldn't handle.

"James?" Riley looked over to see her boyfriend fast asleep. His arms were outstretched as if he'd been holding her all night long.
"James" Riley shook him lightly to no response, "babe you have to get up"

Despite Riley's efforts James remained in a deep slumber. Suddenly she had an idea and crawled on top of James so she was straddling him. She brought her lips down to his and moved them slowly. Gradually she felt him awaken beneath her until his eyes fluttered open and then closed almost instantly as he began to kiss her back.

He sat up without detaching their lips, cupping her face with his hands. His hands trailed down her body until they rested on her bare thighs. Riley felt her skin tingle beneath his touch and shuddered into the kiss.

Temporarily forgetting that they were supposed to be getting ready, the couple got carried away. Riley ran her fingers through his hair, clawing him closer to her as if her life depended on it.

Slowly James lifted his shirt off of Riley, tugging it over her head to reveal her chest. Dragging his lips away from hers, he trailed wet kisses down her neck to her collar bone.

"Riley? It's Michelle, can I come in? I need to get my clothes" a voice spoke through the door.

Riley jolted upright, "shit" she whispered, climbing of James and pulling his shirt back on. Then she cleared her throat and called, "yeah sure, just a minute!"

She shot James a glare as he didn't budge from the bed.
"James!" She whispered, "get up! And take that look off your face!"
James smirked up at her, biting his lip seductively. "I'm comfortable"

Riley threw a pillow at him and laughed. "Unless you want Michelle to see you like that I suggest you get up"
Sighing, James trudged into the bathroom closing the door behind him. Sighing in relief, Riley unlocked the door and smiled at Michelle.

The blonde girl eyed Riley suspiciously, "are you, are you only wearing James' shirt?"
Riley blushed, "maybe but it's not what you think"
"Hmm and what do I think exactly?" Michelle asked, smirking at her best friend.

"You think James and I had sex last night and we didn't so you can take that grin off your face"

The master of wrong timings, James walked out of the bathroom shirtless. He looked between the girls, and nodded "morning Michelle. Babe I'm heading back to my room, I guess you can keep my shirt for now"

He paused, standing in silence until Michelle realised he was waiting for her to go. She left the couple, walking over to her suitcase to find her clothes. Meanwhile, James trapped Riley in a tight embrace. Before he pulled away, he leant down to her ear.
"You're strong, you're beautiful and you're going to kick Ella's ass today, ok?"

Riley nodded slightly and smiled, "I love you, see you at breakfast"
"Love you too" he smiled, kissing her again before leaving the hotel room and heading back to his own.

Hope you like it! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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