Surprising Guests [f]

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I wrote this draft in December 2018 but didn't like it so I never published it :/

James was slouched in his chair, during another boring assembly at his school. He sighed. Not listening to his principle talking, he once again considered life to be unfair. He had just come back from Miami after winning an international competition with his team, and here he was back in school a week later? No, not fair. In his eyes, he should be doing press for local magazines and tv shows.

Listening reluctantly as his principal Mr Santos droned on about the school morals and ethos, he took to counting the tiles on the ceiling.

It was only when he was wrapping up the 15 minutes of pure torture, that Mr Santos really got James' attention.

"And before we head off for another wonderful day of learning, I'd like to personally give a warm welcome back and round of applause to Mr James Tordjman who has rejoined us this week after spending some time off to win an international dance competition with his club"

"It's a team, but whatever" James mumbled under his breath, causing the girl next to him to snicker. "Club makes it sound so recreational"

"To commemorate their win, another dancer off The Next Step has agreed to come down and run an honorary dance performance and lesson in the hall for anyone who is interested. The sign up sheet is by my office. Thank you"

Confused, James waited behind after assembly to talk to his principal.

"Ah James, I hope you liked my tribute" Mr Santos smiled.

"Oh er, yes, thanks. Um I was wondering if you remembered the name of the dancer coming for this dance thingy? None of my teammates have mentioned it"

"I'm sorry but off the top of my head I don't remember their name, you could always go along and find out for yourself?"

Unsatisfied, James thanked Mr Santos and headed to his first class.

During a free period, he whipped out his phone and sent a message on the group chat.

'A Troupe group chat'

James- yo which one of u is coming to my school later?

Riley- not me sorry babe💞I've got an exam that's gonna run late😒

West- why would one of us come to ur school???

Stephanie- I got a photo shoot for headshots later🤷‍♀️

Eldon- not me bro

Ciara- I'm staying late at the studio to work with Skylar on her solo

Thalia- who told you one of us was coming? Not me sorry

James- my principle. I dunno what he's on about tho

West- maybe a ghost of one of us will go, like in that movie where the kid sees dead people?

James- never mind guys, mr Santos has probably got confused... I dunno 🤷‍♀️

Riley- you still coming over for dinner babe?💋

James- of course see u later x


James- 😉

Frustrated with his answer, or rather lack-there-of, James shoved his phone back into his pocket.

Curiosity won him over after the end of lunch bell, and James found his legs carrying him to the hall. He deliberately got there early, to confront his mystery team mate. He sat on the edge on the stage, swinging his legs and he considered his suspects. Max hadn't replied to his message, so he never technically said no. Amanda and Giselle never said no and neither had Noah, so they were others to add to the list.

Deep in thought, he was startled when a pair of hands grabbed his shoulders from behind. The soft hands then covered his eyes.

"Guess who?"

Grinning, he cocked and eyebrow and spun around, "you lying-"

Before he had time to finish his half insult, the slender brunette captured his chapped lips with her's delicately.

"Mmm" he hummed, smiling, "angel. You lying angel"

Grinning from eye to ear Riley smirked, "surprise"

James stood up and the couple slotted together again, for another kiss. Grasping her waist, James pulled her as close as possible to him, forcing her to arch her back while stood on tip-toes to match his height. She ran her hands through his thick, black, unruly hair.

Slowly and passionately, the couple made out centre stage of the empty hall until they became vaguely aware that they were no longer alone.

A wolf-whistle caused James to reluctantly pull back, through his eyes kept on Riley's the entire time.

"So are you gonna dance for us or what?" A boy snickered.

Blushing furiously, Riley rumbled with her bag to find her phone to play music. James laughed to himself while tidying his hair after Riley messed it up.

"Um well I was hoping we'd do a duet" she asked James, looking at her phone. "I can do a solo if you'd rather watch, I have one prepared"

"And let all those boys gawk at you? No they need to know your mine, duet it is. Besides, I know the only reason why those particular boys are here is to skip class" James tenderly wrapped his arms around her from behind, watching over her shoulder as she tapped at her phone to find music.

As they danced their internationals duet, James made sure to exaggerate his emotion and show the boys that he was the only one allowed to touch, stare at and kiss Riley.

The hour went by and soon it was the end of the session. Slightly sweaty from dancing, Riley and James side hugged while the students left the hall.

Pressing a kiss to her temple James smiled, "come on, I'll drive you home"

The car journey was passed in a comfortable silence. Their hands were clasped and James' thumb gently stroked the back of her hand.

"I can't believe you kept that a secret" James grumbled, "normally you're terrible at keeping secrets"
Riley giggled, "honestly... me neither. I felt for sure I was going to let it slip"

Shaking his head slowly as he chuckled with her, James brought her hand to his lips so he could plant a kiss on it.
"It was a nice surprise though" he smiled, "I love you"
"I love you too"

Jiley OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now