Remorse [a]

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Returning to the Studio after losing regionals for the team was one of the hardest things she'd ever done. Her heart swam with guilt as she thought of the team- each of them worked so hard to even qualify and then make the finals.

She sat on the bench outside her office and sobbed alone for a few moments, it was her fault they had lost. She didn't let herself forget that.

Too focused on her personal life, Riley had neglected her job as Studio Head and they had consequently lost in the finals. Part of her felt like giving up. Quitting her job and returning to dance as a dancer. Or, not returning at all, she hadn't quite decided yet.

She pressed play on the track and peered into the mirror that lined the wall of Studio A. Still welled with tears, her eyes stared back at her reflection. Usually, dancing made her feel better again.

But not today.

Riley felt her body becoming heavy as she moved, like something was weighing her down. A million different thoughts clouded her mind, blocking out the positive memories. She danced with more emotion than ever before, using her remorse to tell her imaginary audience a story. At points, the petit, young woman even closed her eyes, as if creating a physical barricade from the outside world. She needed to deal with her own demons before she could worry about everything else.

Choked up, her knees gave way and Riley succumbed to her weakness, hugging her knees closer to her chest. She was vaguely aware of her music dying out- but was oblivious to the group standing in the doorway.

That was, until an enthusiastic round of applause tore her away from her inner battles.

Dragging her eyes off of the floor, she counted twelve people.

Amy, Cassie, Sloane, LaTroy, Richelle, Alfie, Piper, Michelle, Amanda, Noah, Henry and Skylar.

The whole team. The very team she so selfishly let down.

"Wow Riley" Cassie grinned. "That was amazing!"

"Yeah it was awesome!" Henry added enthusiastically, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

Riley felt another punch to the gut. How could they be so kind to her after she let them all down?

"Look guys, I'm sorry" the studio head mumbled, standing up slowly, not making eye contact with anyone.

"Sorry for what Riley?" Alfie asked, concerned.

The teenagers all filed into the room and stood around their head.

"Losing regionals. I know how hard you all worked and I've never felt more guilty in my entire life" the blonde brunette apologised, wiping her eyes to prevent the escape of more tears.

"Riley!" Piper scolded her, pulling her into a hug. "I told you not to blame yourself! You promised you wouldn't! Hey, you promised James you wouldn't!" She smirked, attempting to sound stern. She knew that using Riley's promises to James was the way to stop her beating herself up about losing.

"If anything we lost regionals for The Next Step, not you! We were the ones actually on stage dancing!" Michelle comforted her. "We lost, and it's on us, not you"

"No Mich" the studio head whispered. "If I hadn't got so caught up in drama, I might of had enough time to work on the regionals number with you. We would have perfected it and won"

Michelle looked her directly in the eye, "maybe" she shrugged. "But we can't dwell on it now, it's in the past and won't change"

"Now" Piper smiled softly, "how about we go get some juice, and then we start working on our routine?"

Riley looked up at her confused, "what routine?"

"Our winning regionals routine for next year of course" she grinned and the teenagers laughed.

The day dragged on, despite the teams best effort raise her spirits and Riley flopped into her bed exhausted when she finally got home. Minutes later however, she was disturbed by a key turning in the lock, and the shuffle of footsteps in the hall.

Riley and been living alone in her one bed apartment for a few months, and while her long-term boyfriend James didn't live with her, he had her spare key and invited himself over all the time.

Not opening her eyes, Riley felt the bed dip next to her and the warm breath of a familiar figure on her neck. He lay his head down next to her and simply wrapped his arms around her in silence. He hugged her in silence for nearly ten minutes, while she lay on her side and let the tears cascade down her cheeks.

She felt warm lips gently kiss away each tear in turn.

"Pipes said you were still beating yourself up" he murmured, so quietly it was barely audible.

The female dancer rolled over so she was facing the dark haired drummer. He gently pulled a stand of tear soaked hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. He pressed his forehead against hers.

"Babe, please. You have to stop blaming yourself, nobody else blames you"

Slowly she opened her eyes and was met by his captivating brown eyes. Mistake. Now he could make her do anything and she wouldn't be able to resist.

"Babe" He said again, sternly, but carefully. "It hurts me to see you like this"

Her insides were raging, screaming. The fire of emotion was burning out; he was playing the 'You're hurting me' card. How was she supposed to refuse that?

"It's just so hard" she whispered.

"I know babe, I know"

He kissed her lips tenderly. She reciprocated the kiss, and tugged at his lower lip slowly, before he pulled away.

At this point, she was lying on her back, while James was lying on his front, beside her. He was propped up on his elbows and he occasionally used a hand to brush her cheek or caress her shoulder.

"Promise me you'll stop blaming yourself" he asked seriously, in a low tone.

Riley looked deep into his eyes and nodded slowly. Hesitantly at first, but more vigorous nods seconds later.

Once again, she was promising to not blame herself. Not the first time, but she meant it. And this time, was the last time.

Content with her promise, James kissed her again, determined to make his girl forget about her worries.

Hi guys, obviously I tried to write in third person this oneshot! Please let me know what you thought, was it good? Would you like more third person in the future? Please comment your opinion!

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