They Don't Know Us [f]

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Season 3- in Miami (you asked for more)

"Ooo you look stunning Ri!" Michelle complimented as her friend emerged from the hotel bathroom. Riley looked up with a smile, flattening the sides of her figure hugging red dress with her hands.
"Thanks Mich" she grinned, walking over to her suitcase and taking out a small box. "Would you mind helping me put my necklace on?"

Michelle nodded and took the dainty golden chain from Riley's hands as she moved her hair out of the way. The golden heart pendent rested just above her cleavage which was exposed in the v-neck dress.

"Got a date with James?" Thalia asked, making an assumption based upon Riley's attire.
"Yeah, he's taking me out for dinner" the petite brunette responded, "then we'll probably walk around for a while afterwards before coming back to the hotel"
"Aw have fun" Thalia grinned, putting down her phone and joining Michelle at her side.

Not wanting to be left out, Giselle joined her roommates and looked her friend up and down. "Sheesh James is a lucky guy" she commented, earning a blush from Riley.

"Thank you, I really hope he likes the dress, I bought it just for him"
"Damn right you did" Michelle waggled her eyebrows, "you look sexy Ri, James' eyes are going to fall out of his head when he sees you"

Riley blushed again and giggled lightly.

Just then there was a knock on the door and the girls looked up excitedly.
"Speak of the devil" Giselle laughed, but Riley frowned.
"No, it's too early. James is never early, he's either on time or late" she crossed the hotel room and unlocked the door. Sure enough, it wasn't James behind the wood. Stephanie, Cierra and Amanda stood in the hall.

"Damn Riley" Stephanie gasped when she stepped inside the room, "you look great"

"Thank you" Riley giggled, "you guys are really boosting my confidence tonight with all your compliments"
"So..." Stephanie started, "any particular reason for the sexy dress up? Anniversary or something?"
"Not exactly" Riley mumbled, feeling her cheeks flood with red colouring. She looked away embarrassed while the girls watched her expectantly.
Michelle frowned after a full minute of silence, "Riley?"

Every pair of eyes rested upon Riley as her cheeks rivalled the colour of her dress. The young girl gave in with a sigh, "fine, I was kind of hoping tonight could be special for James and I..."
"Special how?" Thalia wondered aloud.
"You know..." Riley trailed off, "maybe my first time"

This caused a reaction amongst the girls and Riley began to wish she hadn't said anything at all.

"What? Ri, no there's plenty of time for that when you're older" Stephanie protested. She had always acted as an older sister to Riley, (seeing as she was Emily's best friend), but in this instance Riley found her input unhelpful and unnecessary.
"Yeah" Michelle spoke up, surprising Riley, "why rush things?"

Riley frowned, "rush things? We've been together three years"
"All they're saying Ri" Giselle cleared her throat, trying to diffuse the rising tension in the room, "is that there's no harm in waiting"
"No I know what they're saying" Riley dismissed, "and I've done my waiting. Just because you're all single virgins doesn't mean you can crap on me for having a serious relationship"

"Riley that's not what I meant" Michelle backtracked, before she was interrupted by Riley.
"Whatever Michelle, I'm not arguing about this" she spat.
"Just don't let James pressure you into anything" Cierra piped up, giving her two cents of unwanted advice.

Riley rolled her eyes, folding her arms across her chest. "Ci, no offence but you've known me for a matter of months and know nothing about James and I. He'd never pressure me into anything"
Cierra looked like she took considerable offence from this but fell silent anyway.

"What the fuck Riley?" Amanda defended, "Ci was only trying to help you, that's all we're all trying to do. Just trying to save you from getting hurt!"

"Well I never asked for your help" Riley snapped, weaving her way through the gaggle of girls to collect the items she wanted to take on her date: phone, chapstick, tissues, pocket mirror and a hair tie. She pushed her way passed her supposed friends and stormed out of the hotel room, ignoring the voices calling for her to wait.

She knocked her knuckle repeatedly on the boys' hotel room door and it opened quickly.

"Woah Riles, you're gorgeous" James drooled, "what's up babe? You look sad". He tucked a finger under her chin and angled her head to look into his eyes. "Babe?"

Riley threw her arms around his body and fought hard to keep her tears from falling- if anything to save her makeup. She felt James enclose her body in his arms and soothingly rub his hands up and down her back.

"Ri what happened?" he asked out of growing concern. He walked them forwards, closing the door behind him so they were alone in the deserted hallway and the boys couldn't hear from inside his room.

She looked up at him through glassy eyes, "you know that thing we talked about, about tonight?"
"Yeah" James said, brushing a piece of hair out of her eyes, "if you're not ready then we can wait, I don't-"
"No James, I am ready" she assured him, "I want it to happen. But the girls, they said some things when I told them"

James raised an eyebrow, "you told them?"
"They're my best friends, I tell them everything" she shrugged, "at least they were"
Her boyfriend looked at the closed door a few metres away that hid the girls. His eyes lingered on the white painted wood for a moment before he turned back to look at her, "what did they say?"

"Lots of things" Riley sniffed, "mostly that we should wait or that you're pressuring me- which I told them wasn't true. You've never pressured me into anything"
"And I never will" James promised, "as long as you're happy, I'm happy. I love you"

He bowed his head downwards to press a loving kiss on her lips, sliding his hands down her figure to securely grip her hips. Riley arched her back slightly, pressing their hips together and snaking her arms around his neck. Their tongues were quickly introduced into the kiss before they parted in need of air.

"I love you too" she breathed, keeping her arms wound around his neck. They pressed their foreheads together and gazed into each other's eyes. "I don't care what the girls say, they don't know us. I love you and I want you to be my first"

James smirked, connecting their lips in another sweet kiss. He was vaguely aware that one of the girls had emerged from their room, but he ignored them as they quickly retreated back inside. He hoped whoever it was would tell the others what she'd seen: two people completely and madly in love.

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