Stages of Drunkenness [m]

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Because some of you asked for drunk Riley :)

Riley snorted, taking another sip of her drink and erupting into a second burst of giggles the moment the cup left her lips. This amused her friends, all of whom were watching her intently.

"What's so funny?" West asked slowly, looking towards James as if he could provide an answer.
The dark haired boy shrugged, "she's had one drink. She finds everything funny after one drink. Riley goes through stages when she's drinking, she's very predictable. Right babe?"

He looked down at the girl who was hanging off his arm and was met with a wide grin. "One drink Riley is excessively cheerful and will find anything and everything funny" James continued to commentate.
Riley beamed up at him. "I love you" she giggled, as if she was a giddy teenager talking to her celebrity crush.

"Riley has stages of drunkenness?" Giselle clarified, looking at her tipsy friend.
"Yep" James nodded, "in my time of knowing her I've identified six main stages and she usually passes through them all on a night of drinking. Even when intoxicated, Riley likes her routines" he chuckled.

"What are the other stages?" Eldon questioned curiously.
"Ah, stage two Riley is dangerous" James laughed, "she's super headstrong, stubborn and worst of all, in complete denial that's she's drunk"
"Who's drunk?" a small voice asked innocently from beside him.
"You are babe" he told her, noticing she had filled up her red cup with another liquid.
This caused her forehead to fold into a frown, "I am not!" She protested, "I am totally sober"

James raised an eyebrow, "oh really? Sober enough that you could spell out chrysanthemum?"
"Uh huh I could spell it if I wanted" she argued, "I just don't want to"
Her boyfriend pressed his lips to her forehead, "alright babe"
"I'm serious!" she pouted solemnly. James cracked a smile, thinking about how adorable she looked in this state. He regretted this immediately when she whacked him on the head, "stop laughing at me!"

"I'm not laughing at you baby, I promise" he assured her, kissing her cheek.
"I'm mad at you" she told him seriously, taking another sip from her cup. "You're mean"
James took this as an opportunity to turn back to face Eldon, "see, stubborn. I told you"

"Shut up" Riley slurred her words slightly, "don't make me even more mad at you 'cos otherwise I won't let you kiss me ever again"
"Ever?" Her boyfriend raised an eyebrow at this unrealistic threat. "You'd never let me kiss you again huh?"
"Nope" she replied almost cheerfully, proud of herself for coming up with such a good threat.

"I'm going to get myself another drink" she announced, downing the last dregs of her cup.
"Want me to-"
"I can get it myself" she interrupted, "I'm an independent woman"

"Yes you are" James muttered under his breath as she disappeared into the crowd. He watched her figure until she was no longer visible and turned back to his friends.
"You never finished telling us about her other stages" Stephanie pointed out with evident curiosity.

Chuckling, James took a sip of his beer. "Well" he started, "stage three Riley is unpredictable. If stage two Riley is dangerous than stage three Riley is worrisome. She's fearless and has a tendency to wonder off. I frequently find that I can't find her. It's actually quite stressful. Speaking of, how long does it take to get another drink?"

He trailed off, raising onto his tiptoes to see better over the sea of teenagers in the crowded house. Unfortunately his girlfriend was short and easily blended into the drunken group. Sighing, he turned back to his friends, "I should probably go and find her before she hurts herself"

Separating from his friends he searched for his girl until he suddenly saw a figure hunched up in the corner of the room. The girl had her knees tucked into her chest and tears streaming down her pink cheeks. She hiccupped and wiped her nose with the back of her hand unattractively. He hurried over and she looked up, relief flooding her face.

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