Acting Casual [m]

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Riley whimpered quietly as her boyfriend trailed tender kisses along her neck. He nibbled her skin gently and slipped his hands down her body. She caught a moan in her throat as he fingered the waistband of her leggings, channeling it into a deep shiver.

"James" she breathed, taking fistfuls of his hair in her hand. This prompted him to move away from her neck to look at her with a smirk. "Kiss me" she begged, raising her head off of his pillow to reduce the gap between them. James flicked his gaze from her lips to her eyes and back again, before kissing her passionately.

After several minutes they pulled apart breathlessly and Riley sank back into the pillow beneath her. She bit her lip as James tugged her leggings and underwear down her smooth thighs simultaneously. When she was bare from the waist down she blushed and started undoing his belt buckle. It didn't take much longer before his jeans and underwear had also been removed. Smirking slightly, he grazed their lips together. Then he took her lower lip between his teeth and tugged it gently, causing Riley to moan involuntarily.

She tangled her hand in his hair again and pulled his head closer to hers, deepening their kiss. Taking a role of dominance for once, she rolled them over so she was on top. In doing this, James accidentally activated the TV by laying on the remote. The couple ignored it as it began playing and continued kissing.

Riley moaned into his mouth and rubbed her hands up and down his hard abs over his shirt. Beneath her she could feel his lower hardening, pressing against her body and turning her on even more.
"James" she breathed against his lips. She could feel his tip pressing into her skin and was already wet at the thought of it inside her.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door which triggered her to hastily roll off of her boyfriend. Then the door opened and Deborah entered, clearly obvious to the activities they'd been partaking in before she arrived.

"Hey kids, ooo watching Shrek how lovely" she smiled, walking around to perch on the side of the bed. James subtly pulled the duvet higher to hide the fact that he and Riley were naked from the waist down. He certainly didn't need his mother finding out about that.

"Yes I love this movie" Riley nodded, pretending to be invested in the film that she hadn't even noticed before it was pointed out. She hoped that by doing this she would not only erase any suspicion but would also encourage Deborah to leave them alone to watch in peace.

Unfortunately this backfired when the older woman said, "me too!" and started laughing at something on the screen. "I just love this bit"
James sighed and took his girlfriend's hand under the sheets. "Ma, what are you-"
"Oh am I embarrassing you?" Deborah asked, snapping her head to look at her son. "Well good because it's my job to embarrass you"

Much to the couple's frustration, she decided to stay in the room to watch the film that neither of them actually wanted to watch. Thankfully there was a sufficient amount of space between her and Riley, who she was next to, because she perched on the edge while the couple were in the centre of the double bed.

After a slow five minutes, she spoke up again, "aren't you hot under that heavy blanket kids? I can't tell if I'm having a hot flush or if it's hot in here. Your cheeks are very rosey though"
"No!" Riley yelped suspiciously as her boyfriend's mother went to pull back the covers. She slapped her hand over it to prevent it moving and tried to style it out with, "I'm cold, yep freezing actually"

James hung his head back and let it rest against the head board in despair. He was grateful at least his erection had gone down, (the result of his mother's presence he was certain), as that would have been complicated to hide without raising further suspicion.

"So, how's it going?" Deborah asked them cheerfully. James could tell she was putting on a voice to seem cool, not that Riley cared either way. "You guys still going strong?"
"Yep" he answered simply, as if he'd even say no in front of Riley who was right next to him. "Still strong". His girlfriend nodded in agreement and leant her head on his shoulder for a second to demonstrate her affection for him.

"Still very much in love? That's what I like to see" his mother smiled, "I love to see you happy Jamie"
"Ma, don't call me that" he whined.
"Well you don't have a problem when Riley calls you Jamie" Deborah protested, sounding slightly offended as she teased.

"Ri calls me a lot of things you can't" he mumbled under his breath.
"When you were a baby I could call you whatever I wanted and you couldn't argue" Deborah reminisced, "Jay-Jay, Jamiepoo, Jamesy, greedy guts, fart machine-"
"Ma!" James interrupted, "enough, please stop"

Riley giggled, "I think I need to start calling you fart machine too"
"Start calling me that and I'll find an unflattering nickname to start calling you" her boyfriend threatened, "I've already got some ideas brewing"

After what seemed like hours the movie left the screen and was replaced by a jolly man advertising a car insurance or something uninteresting. It was only then that Deborah shot up and glanced at her watch. "Oh I've wasted so much time already, you'll have to excuse me" she said, hurrying out of the room. She left the door wide open to James' horror and he sat up, checking if the coast was clear for him to dart over and shut it again.

Just as he was about to rip the covers off to make the trip, his mother reappeared in the doorway to say, "and I forgot to mention that I'm popping in to see Val on my way back from Zumba so I'll be late home"

James nodded, pretending to care. He reminded her close the door on her way out and to his surprise, she did. Then he slid back under the covers and sank his head into the pillow.
"Thank god she's gone" he groaned, turning his head to face his girlfriend. Riley giggled, sliding down to meet his eyeline.

"I was worried we'd be discovered for a minute there" she confessed, shuffling closer to his warm body. "I panicked when she tried to move the covers"
"Yeah you didn't style that out very well" he laughed, shifting closer so their noses were touching. "It's a relief my mother is so oblivious"

Rolling her eyes playfully, Riley tilted her chin to kiss his lips tenderly. He kissed her back while sliding a hand down her body to grope her bare arse. She grunted against his lips and introduced her tongue to the kiss. They heard the front door slam shut downstairs and took this as a sign Deborah had gone out. James wasted no time in rolling on top of his girlfriend and kissing her harder.

"God I want you so bad" he breathed between sloppy kisses. His hands squeezed her breasts over her clothing and causing sufficient whimpers from Riley.
"I'm yours" she promised, kissing him passionately. "I'm yours, do what you want to me"

He didn't need to be reminded twice.

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