Sleepover (i) [f]

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Riley's POV

I'm so excited because today, James is staying over at Luke's house for the night. They have a late band rehearsal and decided it made sense for him to stay. In the meantime, I've invited all of the original A Troupe girls over for a sleepover.

This will be the first time that I've seen them since the internationals team went their separate ways five years ago!

James and I moved in together about a year ago, and although we're not engaged, James doesn't stop talking about our wedding day. I swear he's got the whole thing planned out in his head- I'm sure I'll have to change a few things though, I don't fancy walking down the aisle in a bikini.

As usual, I make myself a fruit salad for breakfast and sat at our bar to eat it. However, as I do, I suddenly feel a wave of nausea overpower me. Before I can say 'baby ballet', I'm heaving into the toilet.

Damn. The last thing I need is to be sick today of all days.

"Ri? You ok?" Emily wonders in. Being my sister, she arrived early to help me decorate the house for when the girls arrive later.

I flush the toilet and wipe my mouth before sighing.

"Yeah" I rub my forehead as I feel a headache emerging. "I need a lie down. Sorry Em. I'll let the girls know I'm ill..."

"Don't worry about telling them. They won't mind if you want to stay in bed but you might as well see them. It's been five years and neither of us have seen any of them!"

"I suppose" I mumble and slide passed her to walk to the master bedroom where James and I sleep.

Emily's POV

Honestly, I'm a bit suspicious of Riley's illness.

"Hey Ri?" I call form the living room.

I hear a groan in reply to let me know she's listening.

"I'm going to pop to town, want anything?"

Another groan later, (I take that as a no), I slip my jacket on and head out to the drug store.

I pocket the white test and thank the man at the counter.

When I push open the door I walk straight to Riley's room.

"Hey Ri, I think you should take this"

She looks at me in shock.


A knock at the door interrupts us.

Surprisingly, Riley jumps up and leaves me in the room alone. She must either be feeling better, or eager to leave the awkward situation- maybe both.

Riley's POV

Emily joins me at the doer just as I open it to see Chloe and Giselle smiling at me.

"Hi" I squeal and embrace them both in a joint hug.

I invite them into the living room and we talk for about fifteen minutes until there's another knock at the door.

Half an hour later and all the girls from the regionals, nationals and internationals teams are squeezed into my living room. I'm sat on a sofa next to Giselle and Chloe. Cierra, Stephanie, Tiffany and Emily are crammed onto another. Thalia, Amanda and Michelle are sat in beanbags.

I can feel Emily's eyes staring daggers at me but I'm ignoring her.

Realistically yes there is a chance that I'm pregnant. But I'm not about to take the life changing test in the middle of a sleepover!

"Why not play truth or dare?" Stephanie suggests.

"Oh yes!" Emily claps. "Riley, truth or dare?"

I can already feel the question burning in my mind. If I say dare, it will be to take the test. If I say truth, she'll ask me if I think I am pregnant. There's no escape!

"Truth" I answer hesitantly. At least I can answer truthfully but avoid the whole truth?

"Are you a virgin?"

I glare at her.

"Ooo juicy question!" Michelle smirks.

"Yeah, do tell Riley" Emily says patronisingly.

"No I'm not a virgin"

"Ahhhh!" Thalia screams excitedly.

"When?" Shrieks Giselle after one off get odd laughing fits.

"Multiple times" I blush.

"Agh" they all scream and Emily smiles at me softly.

"When did you lose your virginity?" Amanda presses smirking.

"Oi! I already answered my truth!" I laugh.

"Please tell!" Begs Stephanie.

"Internationals" I mumble.

"Aw you were only 17! Sweet!" Smiles Chloe.

"FIVE YEARS AGO! Riley! How could you not tell me!" Emily yells but I can tell she's not actually angry.

"Ok moving on!" I yell, avoiding what could become a heated debate. "Chloe truth or dare?"

About twenty minutes later, Stephanie picks me to go again.

"Riley, truth or dare?"

"Um... dare"

"Ok. I dare you to call James and prank him that you're pregnant"

I gulp. I can't do that. If I do and I'm not it will crush him. If I do and I am I can't tell him over the phone.

I look at Emily for help and she gives me a small, sympathetic smile.

"I don't think I want to sorry. I'll forfeit"

"What why?" Stephanie whined.

"Er- I don't want to upset him"

"Pfft. Since when did James get so sensitive?"

I laugh it off but inside it hurts a bit. I don't like it when people insult James. I'd rather they insult me.

"So what's my forfeit?"

"Actually I say we've had enough truth or dare for one day" Emily suddenly says, standing up. "Why don't we watch a movie? Riley I'll help you pick one out!"

And with that, she grabs me by the hand and drags me out of the room.

"Take this" she says, shoving me into my bathroom with the test.

"3 minutes" I mumble. "How the hell am I supposed to wait 3 whole minutes?"

I throw myself back on my bed and chuck the test at Emily.

I close my eyes and sigh heavily.

"Er Riley!" Emily starts. "I think you should see this"

"What?" I sit bolt upright and she shoves something under my nose.

The digital screen had one word. One tiny word that will change my life.


"Oh my god" I whisper.

"Yeah oh my god!" Squeaks Emily. "Ri you're going to be a mummy!"

She gives me a hug and beams at me.

"Yeah a mum at 22! We're so young! What if James isn't ready? What if he leaves me? I can't do this on my own! Oh my god if he leaves I won't be able to afford this house so I'll have to move!"

"Riley! Would you stop! James won't leave you! He loves you and wants to have kids with you ok so just stop panicking" she strokes my hair behind my ear and kisses my forehead.

"Are you sure?" I whisper. "What if I'm a bad mum?"

"You'll be the best mum ever Ri. Now come on, what movie shall we watch?"

Part 2? Let me know in the comments! Thanks for reading!

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