Talk To Me (i) [a]

953 22 12

Season 4
(all the obvious stuff: no ralfie, no London blah, blah, blah)
⚠️brief mention of a sensitive topic⚠️

"Five, six, seven, eight and freeze. Hold it, hold it, okay relax" Riley ordered, walking from the corner to stop in front of her dancers. "It's looking better guys well done. Sloane try and get that leg higher in the kick, Noah you came in a bit late in that last count. Cassie that was great but watch your spacing, you were getting a little close to Piper at the end there"

Her students nodded at her corrections, hopefully absorbing them and taking them on board for next time. She was about to start the music from the beginning when her phone started chiming. Her finger hovered over the banner notification and was about to swipe it away when she read it.

Luke: hey Riley can you come up to L&F? It's kinda urgent

She quickly typed out a reply, hyper aware that A Troupe were patiently waiting for her to finish so they could resume rehearsals.

Riley: I'm teaching right now, can it wait?

Luke's reply was instantaneous.

Luke: not really

Frowning at the message, Riley lowered her phone and cleared her throat. "I'm sorry, apparently I have to go deal with something urgent. Keep running this dance, Skylar take charge. I hopefully won't be long"

She hurried out of the room quickly to avoid further questions and heard the rumble of chatter pick up behind her. Her feet nervously carried her up the stairs to Lost and Found and she found herself becoming more and more curious with every step. Why had Luke texted her? Why not James? Was it a surprise for her? She hoped not, she wasn't very good with surprises.

Her wondering was halted when Luke came into view, clearly waiting for her at the entrance to the music studios. He said nothing as he grabbed her wrist firmly and pulled her inside.

"Luke what is going on?" She hissed, wincing slightly as his grip stretched her skin.
The brunette boy noticed her expression and released her arm immediately with a "sorry". Then he turned and continued walking whilst saying, "it's James, he's out of control and I don't know what to do"

"What? Out of control?"
"Uh huh, he's been in a mood all day. Snapping at anyone and everyone, even Mr T earlier although that didn't end well. No one can calm him down. You're our last hope"
Riley swallowed hard, no pressure. From then the pair walked in silence through the room until they reached the recording booth and Luke paused outside.

"He's in there" he gestured to the door. "For our safety we all left him alone. I wouldn't be surprised if he's wrecked it in my absence"
He turned the handle and they walked inside to see James drumming an angry beat on the kit. Riley had never seen him like this before. He looked so... distressed.
"Hey James" she started apprehensively.

The room was immediately thrown into silence as the darker haired drummer stopped playing and looked up. His eyes widened and he glared at Luke who was cowering in the doorway. "What is she doing here?" He asked rudely, looking at his petite girlfriend with an emotionless face.

"Luke thought I could help you" she answered on Luke's behalf. She saw him up out of the room and close the door behind him, leaving the couple alone. It was probably better that way. James rarely opened up in front of anyone but her and clearly something deep was bothering him.

"Well I don't need help, you can go" he responded bluntly.
Hiding her hurt feelings, Riley continued to close the space between them, crossing the floor and stopping about a metre from him. "What's up Jay?"
He avoided her eye contact like it was the plague. "Riley I'm a bit busy, go away" he snapped.
"No, I'm not leaving you like this, I love you"
"For fucks sake Riley just go!" He screamed, leaping up from the stool and charging towards her.

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