Sister Needs Sister [a]

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This is the 99th part🤯

Emily woke to a loud, repeated knock at the door.
She groaned and rolled out of bed slowly while shouting "coming!" to whoever was stood on her doorstep impatiently.

She rubbed her eyes and opened the door to see her younger sister frantically waiting for her. She was chewing on her fingernails anxiously and her forehead was creased from stress.
"Hi" she said anxiously, "sister needs sister. Can I come in?"
"Of course" Emily nodded, stepping aside for her to enter her apartment. "Are you going to tell me why you're here at..." she paused to check the time, "8:27 on a Saturday morning? Did something happen with James?"

Riley shook her head and sank her body into the navy couch, tucking her knees against her chest. "No, I just needed to talk to someone that wasn't him. I needed my sister"
"Well I'm right here" the blonde girl assured her, sitting beside her. "What's up?"
Hesitating nervously, Riley twiddled her ring around her middle finger and watched as it caught the light every so often. She took a deep breath and finally brought her face up to meet Emily's.

"I'm pregnant" she blurted, "and no I haven't told James. I don't know what he'd say. I know he wouldn't be mad but he might be disappointed with the timing. It wasn't exactly planned. Plus I'm just about to start a new job and I'm already going to have to take time off. And James' band were talking about a tour sometime next year which will be the worst timing for him to go away"

Emily's eyes widened as she processed the news, "those concerns aside, how do you feel about it?" she asked curiously.
"I'm not sure" the brunette admitted honestly, "I'm happy about it, I think. But it's literally the worst time for it. I want to be a mother but how do I know if I'm ready for it?"

Once again, Emily was silent for a minute. She entwined her fingers with Riley's and squeezed them reassuringly. "How long have you known you're pregnant? How did you find out?"
Riley blushed and looked at her hands. "Two days ago. We were, um, you know, and James noticed my boobs looked bigger and more, veiny than normal. Then I googled it and apparently that's a symptom so I took at test the next morning"

"And he still has no idea?" Her sister questioned.
"Nope he definitely has no clue" she replied. "He offered me a drink last night which he wouldn't do if he so much as suspected anything"
"Hell" Emily broke a sudden silence, "how are you going to tell him?"

Riley let out a long breath, "I don't know, I've been procrastinating so much. I'm scared to tell him, I'm scared to admit it's real"
"You have to though" her sister reasoned, as if all the problems in the world could be solved that simply. "You can't ignore it or pretend it's not happening. It is real Riley, it's not going to go away. He'll find out eventually and it's much better coming from you. How would you feel if the roles were reversed and he hid it from you?"

The brunette shrugged, knowing inside that she'd feel more hurt than she'd ever felt in her life if James didn't think he could trust her with such big news.
"Just go home and tell him, rip the bandage off" Emily told her, "you came here wanting advice, well that's all you're getting from me until you tell James"

Riley nodded her head slowly, accepting the advice deep down she knew she'd be told. She didn't know why she was so scared to tell him. It wasn't that she was fearful of a bad reaction, she knew with her whole heart that he loved her and would definitely love their baby. As she walked to the door and said goodbye to her sister her mind was racing a million miles per hour.

She returned home and walked back into her apartment to hear complete silence. Her phone informed her that it was almost 9am, James was probably still in bed. She had left a note on the kitchen counter incase he'd woken up in her absence but it was left unread where she'd left it. To confirm her theory, she walked to their bedroom and cracked the door open to see his body tucked under the covers.

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