Good Girl, Bad Girl [m]

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Inspired by the song 'Good Girls' by 5 Seconds of Summer

"I'm going upstairs to study" the small girl announced after helping clear away the dinner plates.
Her mother nodded and gave her a kiss on the forehead, "okay darling, don't work too hard"
"I won't. I'll go to sleep when I'm done, I'll see you in the morning" Riley smiled. "Night"
"Goodnight darling"

The teenager yelled, "don't disturb me I'm studying" loudly and closed herself in her room. She took a deep breath, resting her head against the wooden door before moving towards her closet. Within minutes she had changed outfit and slapped on a bit of makeup. The second she finished, her phone screen lit up.

Jay: I'm outside babe, ready when you are😘

She smirked at the message and crept over to her window. Her bedroom overlooked a small porch that was perfect for days like this when she'd sneak out. Slowly placing one foot on the porch roof, she slipped her body out of the window and then jumped onto the ground.

Once outside, she jogged away from her house and spotted James's car several houses down. He was parked at the side of the road, his face lit up in the night by his phone screen. He looked up when she opened the passenger door and smile.

"Hey babe" he grinned, connecting their lips in a passionate kiss.
When they pulled apart, Riley fastened her seatbelt and began to reapply her lipstick using the overhead mirror.

"I don't know why you bother with that" her boyfriend commented, starting the car's engine. "You know it will be smudged again by the end of the night if I can help it"

Rolling her eyes, Riley held out her phone and snapped a photograph of them both to post her her private story. 'Private' meaning a story for some of her school friends and friends she met at various house parties. Basically it acted as her main story that she posted on when she didn't want certain people to see.

The name of it alone was enough to make a point: good girls are bad girls who haven't been caught


Weeks had passed since that particular sneak out and Riley had made a habit of it in the days after. Only today, she wasn't having to sneak out to go to a party because she was the host. Her parents were away visiting her grandparents in Vancouver and Emily was at college. So for the first time in forever, she had a free house.

James arrived early to help her set up for the party, but as usual they ended up getting sidetracked.

Riley pulled her dress back on in a flush and smoothed out the fabric, watching as James scrambled around her room to find his clothes. Then she walked over to her vanity and plugged in her straighteners so she could redo her hair.
"Stop looking so smug" she instructed, catching her boyfriend's smirk in the mirror. She turned her head to look at him properly.

"I'm serious" she told him, "take that smirk off your face"
"Or what?" James challenged, circling his arms around her shoulders and locking eyes with her. "Because we both know you can't go without my kisses for long so don't even pretend to punish me like that"

Riley squinted her eyes at him and turned back around in her seat. Then she picked up the warm straighteners and began to drag them through layers of her hair. "Go make yourself useful" she muttered as James watched her longingly form her behind.

Hours later the party was in full swing. Considering she'd never hosted before, Riley was doing a great job. How hard was it really? The house was crammed full of people drinking and dancing drunkenly.

The host found her boyfriend outside after they'd briefly separated to talk to friends. He had his back to her and was sipping casually from a beer while conversing with a small crowd of people. His lips immediately curled into a smile when her small arms wrapped around his torso.

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