Distracted [f]

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Season 4- if Riley never kissed Alfie

"Riley?" Skylar looked at her studio head. "Any corrections?"
The team had just finished performing their Regionals Semi-Finals routine at the request of their studio head.

Appearing to be in some kind of daze, Riley suddenly snapped back into reality.
"What- oh yeah. I mean no, it looks great guys"

"Riley are you ok?" Michelle asked her friend out of concern.
Riley fronted a clearly fake smile and nodded, "of course"

Disbelievingly, Michelle nodded and didn't press the matter further. At least, she wouldn't bring it up again in front of the other dancers.

"Riley have you submitted our names to the regionals board yet?" Amy asked excitedly.
"What? Oh um, no not yet sorry guys. I'll go do that now" Riley excused herself and walked to her office.

"That was weird" Piper remarked, voicing everyone else's thoughts.

Roughly an hour later the team took a break to get water and rest. Michelle and Amanda used this time to confront their friend.

"How's it going?" Amanda asked casually, making Riley look up from her laptop.
"How's what going?" Riley questioned.
"Submitting our names for regionals?" Michelle reminded her, "what is up with you today?"

Riley's eyes widened, "oh I forgot I'm sorry, I'll do it now"
"That's what you said an hour ago" Amanda said.
"Oh... did I?"
"YES" Amanda and Michelle both exclaimed.

Riley buried her face in her hands hand sighed exhaustedly. She felt Michelle place a comforting hand on her shoulder and couldn't deny that it felt nice to have someone there.

"Are you going to tell us what's up or not?" Michelle asked as Amanda closed the office door to give them more privacy.
Riley peaked up from her hands and couldn't help but feel bad when she saw how concerned they were for her.

"It's nothing guys really" she tried to reassure them, to no success.
"Yeah" Amanda rolled her eyes, "we believe you Riley. We're your friends and can tell you've been acting different all week. Even the team have started to notice it now"

"Sorry I guess I've just been a bit distracted lately" Riley confessed, spinning on her office chair to face them properly. "I found out- you can't tell anyone this"
Both her friends swore to keep her secret.

Riley took a deep breath, "I found out I'm pregnant"

"Does James know?" Michelle asked calmly. He and the boys were still in London for their hip hop competition.

Riley shook her head, "that's what's been bothering me. I don't want to tell him this over the phone but I also can't face talking to him everyday while keeping this from him. I usually tell him everything. It feels like lying"

"Have you thought about what you're going to do?" Amanda asked.
"Nope" Riley sighed, popping the 'p'. Then she changed her mind "well actually I think I want to keep it, but I need to speak to James first. I can't do it alone"

"I know" Michelle smiled, "but you've got this"
"Yeah and James will be so excited. Trust me, he's smitten for you" Amanda added.

"I need James here" Riley sighed, "now more than ever"


Later that evening Piper was video calling her brother to catch up. Immediately sensing something was wrong with her, James asked "Pipes what's wrong?"

She shook her head slowly, not even knowing what to say. "It's Riley she's-"
"Is she alright?" James asked suddenly paranoid.

"I don't know" Piper confessed, "she's been acting strangely for the last few days and today I overheard her telling Michelle and Amanda that she needed you"

"What?" James asked anxiously, "did she say why?"
Piper shook her head, "I didn't hear the whole conversation, only that and then the girls left"

James tensed up. The thought of his girl needing him across the Atlantic made him uneasy. What if she wasn't ok?

"Thanks for letting me know Pipes" he finally said before hanging up.


A couple days later, Riley was sat at her desk staring out at the empty studio. It was way past opening hours but she was still wading through paperwork that she was supposed to have finished already.

Hearing footsteps approaching, she grew uneasy. It was dark and she was alone with no way to defend herself. The door creaked open and a tall dark haired figure stepped into the studio.

"James!" Riley screamed, running over and jumping on him. She wrapped her legs around his torso and clung to him so tightly she might have been hanging in for her life.

James chuckled, "hey babe"
"What are you doing here?" she asked, looking up with her limbs still wrapped around his body.
"Piper called me" he said seriously, "she said she was worried about you"

Riley felt immediately guilty. As studio head it was her responsibility to look after her dancers, not to have them worry about her.
"Crap I'm so sorry if I worried her" Riley apologised.

"Don't apologise Ri" James told her, "besides it gave me the excuse to come home and see you"
Riley giggled and then frowned, "what about the competition? Did you back out? You shouldn't-"

James silenced her with a kiss, lowering her feet to the ground again.
"No we didn't back out, the boys are still there now. Thankfully there's only solo rounds unless we make it to the final. They won't miss me for a day or two"
"You'll definitely make it to the final" Riley said confidently.

"Maybe" James quipped, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "Piper also said that you needed me. Is there anything you need to talk to me about?"

Riley sighed and nodded slowly, dragging him into her office.
"Sit down" she whispered, instructing James to sit in her office chair. With a look of confusion James did as he was told. She rummaged around the paperwork on her desk until she found a key and used it to unlock the top drawer of her desk.

Then she pushed her hand inside it and pulled out a pregnancy test, passing it to her stunned boyfriend. He stared at the plastic test in pure disbelief, turning it over and over in his hands.
"Wha- how far along are you?" He questioned, trying to comprehend the news.

"About 4 weeks" Riley mumbled, "I think it was that time at my house the day we watched that scary movie"
James smirked slightly at the memory.

"Come here" he implored, holding out his hand to pull her onto his lap. "I love you"
Riley sank into his embrace, having craved it for weeks since he went to London.
"I love you too"

"Who else knows?" James inquired, breathing in the scent of her shampoo that always comforted him.
Riley nestled her face into the crook of his neck as she spoke "only Michelle and Amanda. They kind of probed it out of me"

"I'm glad Piper told me you needed me" James said, combing his fingers through her hair as he spoke. "I just wish you had told me to come home straight away. You know I'd drop anything if you said you need me"

Riley looked at him guiltily, "I know I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you, I just- I didn't want you bailing on your competition and I didn't want to ruin your trip"

James understood her reasoning and he didn't blame her, but he also needed to remind her of something.
"Ri you're a priority in my life, you know that. And now, our baby is too"

Riley smiled at the mention of their unborn child and placed a hand over her flat stomach.
"We're a family now"

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