She's Perfect [f]

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"Congratulations you have a girl"

"A girl" Riley repeated in amazement.

"She's beautiful babe" James cooed, "you did so well Riley"

He leant down and gently pressed his lips to her sweaty forehead, brushing some of her hair behind her ear.

While the midwife measured and weighed her, Riley moved over to allow James room to sit next to her on her hospital bed.

"What's her name?" Riley asked, watching as her daughter was carefully laid on the scales. "Suddenly I don't like any of the names we had picked out"

James chuckled softly.

"What about Ava? It means strength, desire and free spirit, birds. Our future dancer needs a name like that"

"Ava Tordjman"

"Ava Brittany Tordjman"

"Perfect. She's perfect"

A week later, they pulled into the car park and jumped out of their red car. James grabbed Ava's car seat, while Riley grabbed his spare hand.

Together, they walked into the studio- for the first time in years.

Immediately upon hearing of the birth of Ava, all the original A Troupe members insisted on meeting up again so they could meet her.

As the couple approached he door, they could hear an excited murmur of talking on the other side.

Riley pushed the door open slowly.

Studio A fell silent.

The dance studio was completely covered in pink confetti and banners of all shapes and sizes reading various phrases like "congratulations" or "it's a girl!"

Immediately they were bombarded by the twenty young adults.

A chorus of "oh she's gorgeous!" and "what's her name?" rang out.

"The first A Troupe baby!" Squealed Giselle. "The next generation of dancers"

James grinned proudly, before scooping his sleeping daughter out of her car seat.

"Everyone, meet Ava Brittany Tordjman"

"Riley, James she's absolutely gorgeous" Miss Kate gushed, "I remember the day you both joined, you in baby ballet Riley and James in B Troupe. It's incredible to have witnessed you grow into the wonderful adults you are. I couldn't be more proud"

Riley pulled her former studio head into a tight hug, allowing a single tear of happiness to escape quickly before she had the chance to brush it away.

Then, Ava began to gurgle and whine in James' arms so Riley took her daughter from him.

"She's probably hungry. You guys continue you in here, I'll be about 20 minutes" she said.

"I'll keep you company Riley" Emily smiles, following her sister out of the door.

The sisters walked to Studio B, where they sat down on the old, patchwork sofa.

Riley fiddled with her top, pulling it up to breast feed Ava. Lifting her bra up just enough to allow Ava to latch, she pulled out a blanket and covered herself with it.

"You already look like a pro" Emily smiled, breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?" Riley answered, looking up at her sister with confusion.

"You look like you've been a mum for ages but it's only been a week! You make it look easy, I'm so proud of you"

Riley blushed and looked at the tiny human being in her arms. It still amazed her that she was responsible for keeping Ava alive. Life was no longer about her, it was entirely about Ava, just the way it should be. "Thanks" she laughed. "I guess I've fed her so many times now I'm used to it. You know she feeds every 2-3 hours?"

"Wow, and you feed her all the time? How do get anything done?"

"Yes, well no, James sometimes bottle feeds her. But even then I have to pump it so it really makes no difference"

"I still can't believe you have a baby with James" she chuckled.

"Neither can I. It seems like yesterday when I held his hand on that bus" Riley reminisced.

"What bus?"

"Don't even worry about it, you weren't there"

"Soooo" Emily cocked her head at Riley, raising an eyebrow.

Riley sighed, "what? You only make that face when you want something"

"Any plans for another-" but she was interrupted by her beetroot red cheeked sister.

"Emily! No, we haven't thought about any more, we literally just had Ava! Give us a chance"

"Oh so you want more?"

"You're hopeless" laughed Riley.

"Ok, ok. Seriously though, James better hurry up and put a ring on that finger of yours, or someone else might"

Riley rolled her eyes sarcastically, "Yeah, I'm quite the catch"

"No I meant that I'd do it for him, save him the bloody effort seeing as it's taken him long enough. I'll say, 'Riley, my beloved sister, will you marry the most annoying and immature person on the planet?', and you'll say 'yes' and I'll say, 'ok I'll pass on the message'"

Riley laughed at her sister. "I think she's done suckling now"

She readjusted her top, and started burping Ava.

"See, you look like a pro"

The sun was beginning to set when James and Riley finally trudged over their doorstep. Their one bed flat was small and sweet. They were looking to buy elsewhere, but for the meantime it was home.

James flopped onto the sofa.

"Why do I feel so exhausted? We used to dance 40 hours a week, now I feel like I do nothing and yet I'm more tired!" He sighed exasperated.

"I know, I feel the same" Riley yawned, lifting Ava out of her carrier.

An hour later, Ava was asleep in her Moses basket and the couple were watching a film.

"Riley? Can I ask you something?"

"Mm" Riley hummed in response.

"What would you say if I asked you to marry me?"

"What?" Her head snapped towards him in lightning speed. "Is that you proposing?"

It was hard for her to hide her disappointment as she looked at him. She wasn't a materialistic kind of girl, but sentimental yes and she had secretly hoped for a ring of some sort.

"No, just a question"

A wave of relief washed over her.

"And you want an answer now?" She smiled.


Riley silenced him by putting her index finger on his lips.

"Get on one knee and I might give you an answer. Until then, you'll have to wait to find out" she smirked. Oh she hoped he won't have to wait long.

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