Anniversary Surprise [f]

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Season 4- if Ralfie never happened

"Happy anniversary Riley" Piper smiled as her studio head walked into the room clutching her clipboard. Riley smiled sadly, appreciating the thought but missing James as he was half way around the world in England.

"Oh happy anniversary!" Amy's eyes lit up. "How many years?"
"Four years" Riley sniffed, trying to suppress her sadness.

She cleared her throat and gathered her thoughts, "right guys just start warming up and we'll run the finals routine"

Immediately the dancers all scattered around the floor and Skylar started running a warm up exercise. Riley took the opportunity to close herself in her office. She scrolled through her phone, finding James' contact and re-reading their most recent messages with a smile. Even reading his words lightened her mood.

Every inch of her being longed for him, in a lustful but equally innocent way. She longed to hear his voice, to hold him and be held in his arms. Simple things she had learnt to appreciate since his absence.

Taking a deep breath, she walked back out into Studio A with a neutral face. She set up the music and got the team's attention. They began to rehearse the dance, Riley shouting critiques over the music when she spotted faults.

"Point your toes!" she raised her voice to give the correction over the blaring music. When the dancers froze in their final pose she sighed, "from the top guys"

They ran the number several times, moving onto the semi-finals routine for the second half of rehearsals.

"Take 10 minutes and we'll pick up where we left off" Riley recognised they needed a break.

"Um Riley?" Piper blurted as Riley had started to walk away.
Riley spun around in surprise at being addressed, "yes Piper?"
"I've got something for you"

Riley's eyes widened in surprise "wh- really?"
Piper nodded excitedly and grabbed her hand, dragging her over to her cubby. Riley watched as Piper rummaged in her dance bag and pulled out an envelope.

It was a little bit creased but Piper tried to smooth out the corners before handing it over.
Riley gasped at the handwriting- she would recognise it anywhere.
"James said to give it to you today" Piper smiled before leaving Riley alone.

Riley turned the A5 envelope in her hands and then tore it open carefully.

Hi Babe

Riley traced her thumb over his scrawny handwriting and bit her lip.

I'm sorry I can't be with you in person but I'll see you sooner than you think.
Happy 4th anniversary Ri. The last 4 years have been the best years of my life.
Love you always,

Riley quickly wiped away a stray tear from her eye.

"I'll see you sooner than a you think" she murmured, re-reading the line that caught her attention. "I hope so"

As the dancers returned to the floor after their break, Riley neatly folded the letter up and tucked it into her pocket.

"Hey Riley?" Noah walked over to her, "we were thinking, why don't we spend some time bonding as a team? We've all been working so hard and I really think-"

"Noah I don't think that's a good idea we still need to rehearse" Riley sighed, looking around the room at the faces of her dancers.
Skylar got on her knees, "please Riley"
The team followed their dance captain and were soon all on their knees begging.

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