Never Have I Ever [f]

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Stephanie's living room was crammed with dancers as she was hosting a hang out since her parents were away. Everyone had drinks in their hands. Riley and James had squeezed onto a single arm chair, Emily, Stephanie, Tiffany and Giselle were on one couch, Thalia, Eldon and West on bean bags, leaving Hunter, Amanda, Chloe and Michelle on the final couch.

"Ooh I have an idea" Emily smirked, pouring herself another drink, "let's play, never have I ever"
Everyone agreed and Emily poured some vodka into their empty cups.
"If you have done it, drink, simple" she explained.

"I have one" Giselle started, "never have I ever got pulled over when driving"
Hunter and Stephanie took a sip from their drinks.
"Ok, ok, my turn" Stephanie said eagerly, "never have I ever... lost my virginity"

Riley looked at James with a blush and they both took a sip. Everyone apart from Chloe, West and Giselle drank too.
"Ew" Emily shuddered, looking away from her sister while her teammates had smug faces.

"I guess I'll go" James suggested, "never have I ever made out with someone in this room"
Riley, James, Emily, Michelle, Eldon, Hunter and Thalia all raised their cups to their lips.

"Can I go?" Emily asked, wanting to use this as an opportunity to figure something out. "Never have I ever snuck out". When Riley drank she pointed accusingly, "I knew it!"

Along with Riley, James, Amanda, West, Stephanie and Hunter all drank.
"Never have I ever had a pregnancy scare?" Hunter inquired, looking directly at 'Jiley'.

Riley sheepishly sipped her drink, noticing that no one else in the room was drinking.
"What?" Emily almost yelled, "when? How- wait no, not how, I didn't mean how"

Blushing furiously, Riley hid her face in her hands. On his exterior it appeared that James was not at all embarrassed, however Riley could feel his heart racing inside his chest. It had been a very scary moment in their relationship, not something they took lightly.


"Riley whatever happens I love you" James croaked, swallowing a lump in his throat.
She nodded, anxiously biting her fingernails until she'd bitten them so low they stung.

"What if-" she cut herself off, not able to face the end end of her sentence. They were only 17 and definitely not prepared to have a baby. Riley felt warm tears run down her cheek and James brushed them away with his thumb.

"If" James emphasised the hypothetical state of the situation, "if it is positive then we will get through it together"
"It has to be positive" Riley sobbed, her skin pale from nerves. "I'm late on my period and I'm normally regular as anything"

"I guess we'll find out soon enough" James comforted his girlfriend, kissing her forehead. "How long do you think we've been sitting here waiting?" He asked.

Riley shrugged cluelessly. They both felt as if they'd been waiting for an hour. Impatiently James turned over his phone which had a timer on it.

"30 seconds" he whispered as it ticked to 29 seconds and 28, 27, 26...

Numbly, they both watched the numbers change second by second. Cancelling the timer before the obnoxious alarm went off, James counted down the remaining 5 seconds in his head.

Riley hesitated for an extra moment, taking a deep breath before turning over the white pregnancy test in her hands.

"It's... negative" she sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness" James breathed out, "I love you Ri and I do want to have kids with you one day, but not now, not today"
Riley smiled for the first time all morning, "I know, I feel the same way"


"My turn" Riley cleared her throat and attempted to move the concentration away from her pregnancy scare. "Never have I ever... sent a bad text to the wrong person"

Riley, James, Emily, Tiffany, Hunter and Eldon drank. Tiffany raised her eyebrows "my go, never have I ever... masturbated"

Practically everyone drank, except Riley. When she was questioned on this she shrugged "I've always had James, I didn't need to"

This was true, from the age when Riley might have wanted to, she was already in a committed relationship with James. Any sexual desires could be fulfilled much quicker and more enjoyably by him than if she tried herself. It never felt necessary.

"Never have I ever done something illegal" Eldon said, drinking from his own cup immediately.

"Are we including little things like when you steal candy as a kid?" Chloe asked, swilling the liquid around her cup.
Eldon shrugged, "a law is a law and shoplifting breaks it"

Everyone drank.

"Hmm never have I ever faked an injury or illness to get out of something, not including school" Chloe suggested.

"Oh yeah" Emily laughed at herself, "I told this guy I sprained my ankle to get out of going on a second date with him"
About half the team drank. James included.

Playfully swatting his chest, Riley giggled "never to avoid me I hope"
"Never" James smirked, kissing her cheek and making her blush. "Just to avoid the Beth's of the world"

"Never have I ever..." Amanda hesitated, trying to think of one "gone skinny-dipping"
James, Riley (they had gone together), Amanda, Giselle, Chloe and Michelle all drank.

"Never have I ever given or received a hickey" Michelle smirked, looking at Riley knowing that her best friend had to drink.
Only James, Riley and Stephanie drunk.

"What?" Stephanie defended herself, "it was a fling thing"

"Can I ask one?" Thalia asked and everyone nodded. "Never have I ever done something embarrassing while drunk"

Everyone drank.

"Never have I ever had sex in public" West said, rubbing his hands together eagerly, waiting to find out who drank.

Only Riley and James confessed with a sip.


"We can't do this here!" Riley hissed, despite her moans whenever James' lips touched her neck. They were in a deserted alley behind a club that their friends were in and they had both 'gone outside for some air'.

James didn't reply, moving his lips along her collar bone and down into her exposed cleavage. He held her loosely by her hips while her hands were slung around his neck.

Their lips came together sloppily, hungry to taste the other. Momentarily pulling away while he rummaged for a condom, James said "just say if you don't want this and I'll stop"

Riley's eyes widened "don't you dare"

He smirked and kissed her harder.
And that's not to mention what had occurred several times in the back seat of his poor car.


"Ooo Jiley's getting a bit risqué" Stephanie teased while Emily hid her head in her hands.
"I don't want to hear about it" she whined, shaking her head to erase the knowledge that her sister had done 'it' in public. "Gross" she shuddered.

Everyone else laughed at Emily's reaction and Riley hid her red cheeks in her hands.
"Ok enough" Emily snapped and the room fell silent. "Why don't we watch a movie?"

The general consensus was that this was a good idea, so a few minutes later Stephanie was setting up something to watch. Riley lay her head on James' shoulder and set her cup down on a table beside them.

"I can't believe I just admitted to all those things" she recoiled.
James put his cup next to her's and soothingly rubbed her back.

"So what?" He smirked, "now they know you're not as innocent as they thought you were. Besides, half of the stuff we said they would have eventually found out anyway"

"True" Riley accepted. "At least now they'll all stop asking me how far we've gone, they already know"
James chuckled quietly, "and they'll be too afraid to ever ask again"

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