Wedding Guest [f]

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How is this my 90th oneshot? That's crazy

Season 3

James flopped onto his bed with an exhausted sigh. Riley laughed at his dramatics as she lay beside him and snuggled up close to his body.
"I'm so tired" she yawned, covering her mouth. Her boyfriend agreed and tightened his hold around her.

"Oh before I forget" he said, sitting up and leaving her cold without his embrace. "I was told to give you this. It's the invitation to Aunt Kathy's wedding"
Riley smiled, taking the envelope he was offering and sitting up beside him.
She opened it with obvious confusion. "I thought I was your plus one?" she asked as she read the cursive font.

James shrugged, "well aunt Kathy figured you deserved your own invite. You're practically part of the family, why shouldn't you?"
His girlfriend blushed severely. "Aw that's so sweet. I love your family"
"Mmm" he hummed, chuckling lightly, "they love you too, probably more than they should"


James excused himself from his bandmates as they began to play a slow song that he wasn't needed for. He jumped at the opportunity to walk over to his girlfriend and take advantage of the dance floor which had emptied dramatically since the change of song pace.

"May I have this dance?" He asked, offering out his hand for Riley to take.
Blushing, she accepted his hand and got to her feet, "you may"

The couple made their way towards the empty dance floor and quickly assumed a typical 'slow dance' position. They swayed in time to the music with their foreheads pressed together. Riley closed her eyes blissfully, holding her arms around James' neck. She could feel his warm breath tickle her lips and his secure arms around her waist. Nothing made her feel safer than being in his arms.

James on the other hand, kept his eyes open, peering down at her beautiful visage. From this close he could see the pale freckles that were subtly sprinkled across her cheeks, courtesy of the summer sun. He smiled to himself and pulled her hips closer to his so their bodies were firmly pressed together. He watched as her eyes flickered open and their gazes met. She smiled softly, tilting her chin and pressing their lips together. They broke apart shortly and continued to dance with their noses touching.

"Ah you guys" a voice disturbed them, causing them to separate by several inches. James inwardly groaned as his newly married Aunt beamed at them. "It won't be long until it's your wedding Jamie" she teased, looking at the young couple.
Riley blushed and felt James slide his hands up and down her spine. He smiled too, holding her close as he answered his aunt, "haha not for a while Kathy, we're only 17 and 18"

"Age is nothing but a number when you're talking about love" the bride smiled, just as the song came to an end. James was frustrated that his aunt had interrupted his dance with Riley but knew she only meant well. To his relief, his bandmates moved directly onto another slow ballad.

"Oo I must go and speak with Cynthia" Aunt Kathy announced having just spotted her over her nephew's shoulder. "Would you mind if I left you?"
James shook his head firmly, "no, you go Aunt Kathy. We don't mind at all"

He breathed an audible sigh of relief when she finally left them alone, resulting in Riley laughing. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her chin on his shoulder, pulling herself up on her tiptoes to gain the extra height required. James supported her body, holding her close with arms that rested on her lower back. His fingers drummed on her back lightly in time with the music as they began dancing again.

"I love you Riles" he murmured into her ear. He couldn't help but smile when he felt her shiver in his arms.
There was barely any space between their bodies as she responded with a smug "I know"

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