Beach [f]

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Miss Kate walked into the hotel room where the entirety of A Troupe were hanging out. The sun was rising in the blue sky outside, shining over Miami with not a single cloud to dim it.

"Dancers" she said loudly from the doorway, "you guys have the day off today, the semi-finals aren't until Thursday and I think you deserve the break"
"Sweet" James grinned, looking beside him at his girlfriend.

Riley tucked her blonde-brown hair behind her ear and smiled happily. The room erupted in a hum of conversation, everyone suggesting elaborate activities to fill the day.

"I know" Michelle piped up, "let's go to the beach?"
Everyone agreed enthusiastically and began to disperse, heading back to their various rooms to get ready.

Riley hung back with James, "this reminds me of when we were preparing for regionals and went to the beach"
"Me too, it feels like forever ago" James reminisced, "things have changed so much since then"

Around 30 minutes later, the entire team were walking to the beach. Riley and James' entwined hands swung leisurely between them as they engaged in conversation with their friends.

"I want to build a sandman!" West announced excitedly.
"A sand- what?" Stephanie questioned.
"A sandman" West repeated as if she were stupid, "like a snowman but made of sand instead of snow, duh!"
Giselle laughed, "whatever you say West"

When the team finally reached the crowded Miami beach, they set down their towels and stripped down to their swimming trunks and bikinis.

James admired his girlfriend's body as she pulled off her top to reveal a skimpy red bikini.
"Well hello sexy" he drooled, wrapping his arms around her from behind when she wasn't looking. Riley giggled, spinning around in his grasp to face him.

"You're not too bad yourself Mr" she replied, walking her fingers up his abs and pausing at his neck. She stood upright on her tiptoes, pulling his head down to hers so their lips could meet. James grunted against her lips, placing his hands securely on her bare waist.

"Alright that's enough Jiley" West coughed, causing the couple to reluctantly break apart. "We literally just got here, we don't want to see that"
Riley blushed and turned to look back at her boyfriend who was toying with her bikini strap.

"Do you want to go in the water?" He asked her, redirecting his gaze to the calm ocean.
Riley shook her head slowly, "not right now, I think I'm going to sunbathe a bit first"

James nodded and ran off with a few of the guys to jump in the sea. Riley flattened her towel and lay on it bedside her friends, taking out a book she was reading.
A short while later, the boys retreated from the water, slowly walking back up the beach.

"Yo man, check this out" James whispered to his bros, before running over to where the girls lay and scooping Riley into his arms.
"James!" Riley shrieked, dropping her book, "you're cold and wet! Put me down"
Instead of obeying her request, James started marching towards the water, chuckling at her attempts to escape his grasp.

He waded into the shallow water, amused as Riley climbed higher up his body so that she wouldn't get wet. Eventually, he reached a depth where she couldn't escape the water and she screeched.

The cold water lapped around her bare stomach as she clung all four limbs around James. He held her up with a hand under her butt, his other hand free to roam over the rest of her body.

"I can't believe you dragged me out here" Riley huffed, somewhat annoyed. She looked back at the shore where her friends were watching them with laughter.
James stuck out his bottom lip and looked at her forlornly. "I'm sowy" he apologised, using a childish voice.

Riley couldn't help but crack a smile at his adorable response, curling her fingers through his damp hair.
"You're forgiven" she sighed, "besides, it's not so cold once you're in"

He smirked, cupping some water in his palm and splashing it on her back. Riley gasped at the unexpected coolness and widened her eyes.

"Oh it's on" she declared, skimming her hand across the surface and spraying salty water onto him. With her legs still tangled around his middle, she released both of her hands to maximise her ability to splash him.

James humoured her for a minute, before restraining her wrists and crashing his lips against hers. Exactly as he suspected, Riley melted into the kiss, forgetting their water fight immediately.

When he released her wrists from his grip, she wrapped her arms around him. He could taste the salt on her lips as they made out, introducing their tongues to the kiss.

Hidden beneath the surface of the water, James' hand squeezed her backside. Riley whimpered against his lips, squeezing her legs tighter around his body to reduce the space between them. Their mouths continued to move in sync for a prolonged period of time, their tongues dancing and hands roaming.

Only when oxygen was an absolute necessity, they finally parted. James pinned his forehead against hers, each feeling the other's breath tickle their lips.
"I love you" he panted, overwhelmed with the feeling that he was the luckiest guy in the world.
Riley smiled, "I love you too"

He leant in to kiss her swollen lips again but was unfortunately interrupted by voices.

"Not again" Eldon begged, wading towards the couple, followed closely by their friends.
Michelle laughed as she reached them, "please guys, save it for later"
"Oh we've already got lots of plans for later" James reassured her with a smirk. Riley blushed and hid her face in the crook of his neck.

Michelle flushed, "not what I meant- you know what? Never mind"

Riley giggled, finally untangling her limbs from James' body and standing up. The feeling of the sand under her feet was soothing as she curled her toes. She swiftly tied her shoulder length hair up in a small bun, keeping it out of the water as she sank her body beneath the waves so only her head was visible.

"This was the best idea Michelle" she said wistfully, looking up at the beautiful blue sky above their heads.
"It was" James agreed, shortly followed by multiple other comments of the same nature.
Michelle smiled widely, letting her body bob up and down in the gentle waves. "Thanks guys"

The team didn't return back to their hotel room for hours, having ice cream and water fights all afternoon. When they finally returned to base, they were all so exhausted they went to bed immediately, except Riley and James.

"I don't want this day to end" Riley confessed as she and James lingered in the hotel hallway.
"It was fun" he smiled, "but I know the next few days will be even better. Who knows, we may even take home the Internationals trophy!"

"That would be a dream come true!" she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around his torso, "and winning with you by my side would make it so much more special"
James kissed her forehead tenderly, "I know, I feel the same way"

They embraced in the hallway until Riley yawned, causing James to pull away. "We won't win anything if you fall asleep in rehearsals tomorrow, go and get some sleep"

Riley gave in, knowing he was right. She sighed, nodding tiredly, "okay, good night. I love you"
She reached up to plant a quick kiss on his lips before she walked to her hotel room door. Just as she reached to swipe her key card, she heard James respond.
"I love you too baby, sleep well"

The ending is a bit 'meh' 🤷‍♀️

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