Stolen Kisses [f]

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The young couple held hands as they walked home from another dance rehearsal. They cherished this time together as no one else knew of their relationship and so they rarely spent time together.

Due to James' old reputation as a player, they originally chose to keep it to themselves. However, the longer they waited to tell someone, the harder they found it to be. Now they found themselves approaching their 1 year anniversary as no one knew but them. It made it special. But it also made it hard. Very hard.

Each had their dance bags swung over their shoulder and they were deep in conversation.

"Hey! I think that's an unfair accusation!" Riley giggled, playfully swatting her boyfriends arm with her free hand.

"I think it's perfectly fair" James smirked, teasing her.

Riley bit her lip, "maybe to you. Now come on, I want to get home some time today"

They arrived outside Riley's house and James went in for the goodbye kiss when Riley pulled away sharply.

"Only Emily's in and she won't come out of her room. Come in for a bit".

When James hesitated, she pouted, "please" while batting her eye lids flirtatiously.

"What if Emily sees us?" He started, unsure. However, when he took one look at his girlfriends 'puppy eyes' he knew he couldn't say no.

He smirked at her and she knew she'd win him over.


She led him inside and up the stairs to her room. Closing the door behind her, she flopped back onto her bed in exhaustion.

"Hey Ri?"


"I love you"

Riley smiled, softly, "I love you too"

"Aren't you bored of sneaking around all the time babe?"

Lying on her side, propped up on her elbow, Riley looked at him.

She sighed, "yeah, but I don't know how we're supposed to tell someone 'oh by the the way, we've been in a relationship for a year and didn't tell you'"

"I know babe. But I think we need to tell someone eventually, so why not now? Start with our nearest and dearest. I'm just tired of having to sneak around to grab you for a kiss"


Riley was walking down the corridor, heading away from Studio A when a pair of muscular arms suddenly grabbed her from behind. Squealing Riley giggled, perfectly aware of who had her in his tight grip.

She felt herself being pushed towards the costume closet and her legs willingly obeyed. The door shut with a click.

The owner of the chiseled body spun her around to fade him and smirked.

James pushed her up against the wall and kissed her forcefully, desperately, hungrily. They rarely kissed these days so he wasted no time.

She returned the kiss with the same emotions, running her hands over his abs tenderly.

He tugged on her lower lip and she granted him entrance. Their tongues danced for what felt like an eternity.

Half an hour later, they emerged from the cupboard.

"Same thing after rehearsals?" She asked.

"You bet"

End of flashback

Riley bit her lip, chewing like she always does when she's nervous or in deep thought.

"Well I suppose we could tell Emily? She's already here after all?" She suggested after a while.

"Are you kidding? She'll be one of the hardest to tell! She hates me for being a player"

"But you're not a player. I know that. You've been loyal to me for a year. If Em knew that then she wouldn't think of you as a player. She's not evil, just occasionally stubborn..."

"Occasionally" James scoffed. When Riley raised her eyebrows he backtracked, "ok, fine. But-"

"-Great!" Riley interrupted. "Come on, we might as well tell her now, while no one else is home"

She dragged him up and out of her room, knocking lightly on the door across the landing.

"Come in"

Riley gently pushed the door open. Emily was sat in the corner on her bed, typing on her laptop. Her walls were a light grey and her carpet matched while her bedding was black and white. Her furniture was white and her curtains were black and white.

Not looking up from her laptop, Emily said, "hi Ri, what's up?"

Glancing at her boyfriend first, Riley swallowed before sitting upon her sisters bed.

"We we have something to tell you"

"We?" Emily looked up confused. "Oh hi James, didn't see you there"

"Hi" James said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. James is a very confident, (some might say outgoing) person, so is never normally nervous. However, this conversation could determine the future of his relationship with the only girl he's ever loved. Sure he's had more than a few flings, but he's only ever been in love once.

"Me and James are dating"

Emily looked at Riley, then at James, then back at Riley.

"Ri, are you sure, remember this is James we're talking about..." Emily whispered.

"He's not a player" Riley said, "Well not anymore"

"Oh Ri, just don't go getting your hopes up, that's all. How long have you been dating?"

Riley grimaced and looked at James who smirked at the floor. How exactly do you tell your sister you've kept something from them for a whole year?

"Ri? How long have you been dating?" Emily asked again.

"Tuesday... Tuesday is our year anniversary" Riley mumbled.

"Year? Ri!"

"I know and I'm sorry! But everyone thinks of James as a player and we decided to work it out together first, before adding the pressure of everyone else knowing and expecting us to break up"

"Oh Riley" Emily sighed, sliding the closed laptop off her lap and pulling her sister into a hug. "You could have told me any time. I trust your judgement. If you trust James, which evidently you do, then so do I"

"Thanks Em"

"Anytime Ri. You know I'll always love you. Now come on, get out of here before I get all emotion" she laughed softly. "Oh and James?"

"Yeah" he smirked, far more relaxed now.

"Look after my sister"

"You got it" he grinned. The couple began to leave the room, but James hesitated in the door, "Thanks Emily"

It's really bad and not proof read. Written on Christmas Eve, Merry Christmas everyone!

Part 2? Let me know if you want a second part where they reveal their relationship to someone else! If so, comment who they should reveal it to, out of:
- their parents
- A Troupe (from season 2)
- other (comment who!)

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