Nice to Meet You [f]

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Season 1- at the very start of their relationship

Riley turned the key in the lock and opened the door to her home, tucking a strand of her long hair behind her ear. "So this is my house" she stated, somewhat awkwardly. "Take your shoes off at the door, my dad's weird about dirt"

James nodded his head firmly and slipped his shoes off. Then he allowed himself to follow his girlfriend through her house and into the lounge room, passing family photographs on the wall. He noticed several pictures of Riley in her childhood and couldn't help but smile. Her smile had never changed. It had always been that cute, quirky, shy smile that he was growing to love.

His girlfriend sank into the couch and patted the empty space beside her, instructing him to take a seat. He did, leaving sufficient distance between them but remaining close enough to hear her breathing rhythmically.

"What movie do you want to watch?" She asked curiously, picking up the TV remote and opening Netflix up on the big flat screen. Before he had the opportunity to reply however, she added, "oh I love this movie, we have to watch this movie!"

James didn't protest as she started playing it and watched the joy in her face as the music started. He still couldn't understand how he was on a date with Riley Raymond. He was at her house! This was something he'd been wanting for so long, it just felt right. And calling her his girlfriend was simply the best feeling in the world. They hadn't been together long, barely a week, but they already felt so connected.

As the movie continued to play, Riley's head drooped, eventually landed against James' shoulder. His heart raced within his chest as he lifted his arm to wrap it around her body and she simply snuggled closer. He pressed a kiss the the crown on her head and combed a finger through her long, brown hair.

Uninterested in the movie playing on screen, he whipped out his phone and began to aimlessly scroll through his apps. His girlfriend closed her eyes tiredly and was asleep in minutes. In her sleep she cuddled even closer into his side. James was glad the house was empty so no one could see the crimson blush that warmed his cheeks.

Unfortunately he could only enjoy this momentarily, for the front door opened and voices were heard in the hall. Emily's voice mixed with another female voice but faded as her footsteps were heard going up the stairs. The owner of the second voice made an appearance in the lounge seconds later.

James let his phone fall through his fingers onto the fluffy blanket covering his legs and looked at the short woman in the doorway. He assumed she was Riley's mother, sharing several features with her daughter except for her hair which was significantly blonder, like Emily's.

"Nice to meet you" he said, trying his best to come across educated and polite. After all, it's the least Riley deserved in a boyfriend. "I'm James"
Mrs Raymond assessed the situation internally, trying to get used to the idea of her youngest daughter having a boyfriend. The concept felt so foreign.

"Lovely to meet you James" she replied with equal politeness, "did you both have a good day?"
The young man nodded, "yes, we went out for ice cream after dance and then came back here. Then Riley begged to watched this movie, only to fall asleep within 15 minutes"

"That sounds like my girl" Mrs Raymond chuckled, "I'm Allyson. I take it you'd like to stay for dinner?"
"Oh, I uh, that would be lovely, thank you" he stuttered.
"I best wake her so she can sleep tonight" she decided.

James watched with hidden dismay as the middle aged woman tapped Riley's shoulder, rousing her from her slumber. He wished it could have been him to wake her, perhaps while they were alone so he could press kisses to her face as she came into consciousness.

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