Stormy Weather [f]

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Pretend it hasn't been 2 years since I last updated thanks

"Well done everyone!" Miss Kate clapped her hands, "that was incredible! You've earned a break, lets resume in 15 minutes"

The dancers broke formation and scattered across Studio A to grab water or mingle with their friends. A couple people left to get juice from the juice bar below the studio. Riley panted, breathless after dancing full out for the last hour. She smiled when she felt muscular arms embrace her from behind.

"Hey James" she turned around and wrapped her arms around his torso. He was sweaty from rehearsal and his heart was hammering inside his chest.

"You did good today" he complemented her, his hands caressing her sides. He was about to lean in and plant a kiss on her lips when he looked over and saw their studio head crossing the floor towards them.

"James and Riley I wanted a word with you if that's okay" Miss Kate smiled. Somewhat awkwardly the couple stepped apart while still holding hands.

"Sure" Riley nodded.

"I was wondering how your internationals duet was coming along as I haven't seen a run through in a while. In fact" she paused to look at her watch, "would you be able to show me now?"

"Oh, yeah of course, no problem" Riley said, looking up at James who shrugged his shoulders to say he didn't mind.

Minutes later music was blaring from the speakers in the studio and the couple were positioned ready to begin their dance. The remaining dancers, Giselle, Cierra, Amanda and Stephanie sat on the white benches ready to watch the duet.

As they danced more A troupers returned with their juices and all gathered around to watch. When the couple struck their final pose the room erupted in applause. West let out a loud, piercing whistle and everyone else clapped and cheered.

"Yes Jiley!" West cheered, "we're definitely going to win any tie breaker with that duet"

Riley took James' hand and squeezed it affectionately. He smiled at her and turned to Miss Kate, "so, how was it?"

"Amazing guys well done! Your chemistry will always be unmatched" she then raised her voice so that it was clearer for everyone in the room. "Thank you all for getting back here so promptly, you still have a couple of minutes to grab a drink and then we'll do another run of the semi-finals routine before you guys head home"

James led Riley over to the cubbys and passed her a bottle of water. She took a swig and then passed it to him so he could drink as well. When he was finished, he put the bottle back and took his girl into his arms. Riley smiled into his embrace, standing up on her tiptoes to wrap her arms tightly around his neck.

"I love dancing with you" she confessed, pulling her hands through his hair.

James smirked, "good job I love dancing with you too, I love you"

Riley blushed, "I love you to Jai"

She reached up and joined their lips in a meaningful kiss. For a minute or two they forgot that they were at the studio surrounded by people. For a minute they were in happy oblivion, it was just them and no one else. James tightened the hold his arms had around her petite waist, pulling her closer.

"Alright that's enough Jiley" a voice called, startling them. "Try to keep it PG"

They broke apart a few centimetres to determine who had interrupted them. Riley peaked over James' shoulder to see that it hadn't been Miss Kate and that was all she needed to know.

Once again she closed the gaps between their lips much to his pleasure. Unfortunately, unlike their first kiss, this one was short lived for something else caused them to jump apart. A loud crash of thunder echoed through the studio.

Riley let out an accidental shriek as the studio was suddenly thrown into darkness. Voices erupted form all corners of the room in shock. A bolt of lightning illuminated the pitch back sky outside the window, followed by another boom of thunder.

In the panic Riley clung onto her boyfriend's secure frame. She felt him tense up but he kept his arms around her securely.

"Dancers!" Miss Kate yelled out causing everyone else to fall silent. "Clearly the storm has caused a power cut. No worries but we will need to find some light sources. Does anyone have flashlights on their phone? If you do then great. Well I don't know if we'll be able to leave in the middle of an electrical storm so I suggest messaging parents and letting them know you'll be late"

"Sweet" James grinned.

"Sweet?" Riley spluttered, "How is this sweet? We're stuck here in the dark!"

James placed a hand on her cheek, cupping it soothingly. "Yeah but we're stuck here together... Don't even worry about it"

Riley sighed, calming down a little, "okay but it's not always that easy"

The only light source in the room was the dim glow from phone flashlights and the occasional bolt of lightning outside the window. In the limited light, Riley could scarcely make out James' figure as he towered over her but just knowing he was there was comforting.

"You know..." he lent down so his breath tickled against her lips. "I can think of a way to make the time go quicker"

Then his lips were on hers again and they were making out. The cover of the darkness demolished what was left of Riley's usual embarrassment around public displays of affection. She imagined they were alone, in the privacy of her room.

James was right (as usual), for almost immediately she began to feel better and time seemed to speed. Their lips traced each other's with equal passion and soon their tongues were dancing too.

All too soon the lights snapped back on, blinding everyone in the room. When the storm finally settled Miss Kate dismissed them.

"Do you want to come back to mine?" James whispered into Riley's ear. Her cheeks reddened as she nodded.



Should I update again?

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