Pierre Gasly- Meet me under the stars

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Y/n had been enjoying a family skiing trip, as they always do in the Christmas/ new year period. With all the covid restrictions the family had decided to just spend the whole two weeks away.

Within days of arriving they had made friends with the family in the log cabin next to them. A French family, with one of them looking very familiar to y/n's little brothers. Whilst in the hot tub, in a tiny bikini. The familiar looking one comes over. "Hey.. I'm Pierre." His smile shines brighter than the stars. "Hi.. I'm y/n. Why would my brother recognise you? Sorry it that's all they spoken about since they seen you." Pierre smiles again. "I drive for alpha tauri, in formula one... not a fan?" Y/n is glad it's dark. "Can't say I've watched a race this year in all honestly. No wait I watched Monza. When the guy in white won and had a mclaren and a pink suit guy with him." Pierre laughs at how y/n describes his winning race. "Yeah. That French guy is amazing isn't he?" He teases her. "Oh. Is that you?" Y/n screws her face up.

"Sorry didn't recognise you with the tight suit. I'll keep digging." Y/n laughs at her own joke. "Yeah it's a lot colder here, I need the extra layers." Pierre fires back. He watches her get out of the hot tub and wrap a towel around herself. He helps with her huge duvet style jacket. "Thank you. Maybe next time you can come in." They walk down to y/n's cabin, Pierre making sure that y/n doesn't topple or slide over. It's late at night and her cabin is in darkness, as her family have all went to bed. "Want to join me in my cabin? I can make us some hot cocoa." Pierre suggests, not wanting to stop chatting just now.
"Sure.. I'll be over in a few." Pierre heads over to start making the cocoa, with his mums help. Pierre can hear the door and his dad speaking to y/n in French. He is surprised when she can say the basic words to manage a few sentences. His mum pulls his dad out of the lounge area and to bed, to leave them alone. She is on to him.

"Film in French or English?" Pierre asks her. "Oh can we watch Harry Potter?" Y/n notices it on the side. Pierre nods his head and puts it on. He is set to do his best moves, but soon realises he doesn't need too. He has his arm resting on the back of the sofa and y/n snuggles into him. They sit chatting, snuggles up as if they had known each other a lifetime. After the film y/n checks the time. "Oh I best get going.." Pierre looks at her, unsure if he should just ask her to sleep over. Or kiss her in the hope she'll stay.
He watches her clean the cups away, before fighting with her jacket as she's sleepy. "Stay.. I can sleep on the sofa.." Her green eyes darken as they look into his. "But what if I don't want you in the sofa?" He looks down and kisses her. Her soft pillow like lips, push for more kisses. He picks her up and carries her through to his room. "Sorry I don't have my suit to sleep in.." they both start to laugh. Until he's undressing and y/n is looking at every inch of his naked torso. "Maybe you don't need you're suit.. would make it very difficult to touch you." Pierre sighs as he pulls her close again. It was clear what they both wanted.
"We need to slow down.. y/n. How about if we still want it this badly, we meet in your hot tub under the stars on New Year's Eve?" Pierre pulls away from her, even though he craves her touch so badly. "Okay. Deal... still want me to stay tonight?" Pierre nods his head, before passing her out something to sleep in.

The next few days are hard for both of them. Both debating if they can wait that long for each other. Or if the other will find someone else. Even more so when they  keep missing each other. Pierre starts to follow her on Instagram, just to see what she posts. But of course he has to request it as she is a private account.
As New Year's Eve comes by, the pair of them are beside themselves. Y/n goes out for a family dinner, which Pierre and his family are at the same restaurant.

When y/n catches Pierres eye again, she is in a sparkly short dress and snow boots. Not the most glamorous or sexy outfits. But perfect to bring in the new year, considering where they are. As the night gets darker and darker, neither look like they are leaving, for the hot tub. Had she forgotten? Or did she know he was there.
As Pierre excuses himself, y/n looks up and follows him out. "Pierre.. stop. The stars are everywhere... shall we just kiss here?" He stops in his tracks, smiling.

He waits for her to join him, engulfed into full darkness. "Of course.. come here." He pulls her close and feels all the tingles again once their lips touch. Their frantic kissing gets rudely  interrupted, so they head back into the restaurant. Luckily for them their families had joined up. "You're stuck with me now then.." Pierre teases y/n, not letting her go. "Suppose bringing in the year with you won't be so bad. I'll meet you under any stars for more kisses." Y/n tells him then realises how unlike her that is. But the Frenchman has got her in all sorts of ways. Pierre smiles. "Yeah? Any stars? I feel honoured.. should I be taking you out on a proper date and not just a holiday romance?" Pierre asks y/n. Her eyes flicker up and down his face.
"What ever you wan..." Pierre pushes a passionate kiss into y/n. Which stops her in her thoughts. Her hands get lost in his hair at the back of his head. They miss the countdown to the new year lost in each other's lips.

"Oh.. happy new year.." Pierre breathes into y/n ear and pecks her lips again. "Happy new year pear." She hugs him tightly before they both get lost with their families wishing them happy new year. "Here is for a better year.. but I think you've already found happiness baby girl." Y/n's mum has been watching her only girl become more and more smitten with the pretty faced blue eyed Frenchman. Y/n grins. "We will see mama."

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