Charles Leclerc- Drunk mistakes

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Sitting at her desk y/n is working late. The joys of the website at her work going down. So she has had to miss her usual FaceTime with her love.
So he texts her a photo of him smiling, looking fairly drunk. "I miss you! These three weeks have been killer. I miss the way you tease me, I miss the way you massage my shoulders or my arms before snuggling in for the night. Or you wearing my shirts around my apartment with nothing else on and our morning sex. All our sex..."
She smiles as she is reminded by the beautiful human, she gets to call hers. Charles Leclerc is one special guy. Y/n luckily met him for a work thing, just as he was getting over a messy break up.
Being both a journalist and working mainly within the beauty community. Y/n met him doing an F1 interview that she had never done before but thought why not when offered the interview.
It was tough to get answers out of him, but y/n could see the pain in his eyes. Now she gets to call him hers.

That night she lets herself into Charles apartment, as that's what he prefers her to do. If she can't make it to the weekends, he loves coming home to her in his home. She is barely in bed when she hears the key in lock. "Baby. You home?" He is still pretty drunk. He's left the Abu Dhabi party and came home. Now that is some pricey taxi ride. "You awake baby... I need you." Y/n adjusts her eyes as she watches him strip out of his T-shirt and jeans. They have barely kissed when he is grinding into her. His fingers knead her naked bum, as he sighs at feeling her against him.

Before y/n knows where she is, he has disappeared beneath the duvet and pulled her panties to the side. The familiar feeling of Charles stubble between her thighs and his tongue darting all over her clit, as his fingers work on her core. He stops licking for a second. He groans out loud. "Ah baby you are so wet for daddy.. you going to beg daddy to come." Y/n bites her lip, trying to not laugh at him. He has never referred to himself as daddy before.
"Yes. Char." He stops what he is doing and bites y/n thigh. "Owww Charles." Y/n is furious with him. "Baby. I'm daddy for the night.. not Charles." His eyes lock with hers and he smirks at her. "Char.. Daddy hurry up and make me cum. Or fuck me hard. I'm up soon for work."
Charles groans out loud. "But baaaaaby. I'm home and want to spend time with you. It's like you purposely do this." He whines at her like a little child. "Okay baby..." Y/n says smirking. "No touching daddy now baby... I want you to come on my face." Charles goes back down and doesn't go slow. Y/n has barely came and he is turning her over and pulling her bum up to line up himself to fill her up. Their noises echo around the room, Charles comes and bites y/n shoulder hard. So hard he tastes blood. "Shit sorry. But I think I left my own body."
He doesn't do his usual after sex care for y/n. He just wraps his arms around her and starts to drunkly snore.

Y/n leaves Charles a few hours later for work. Sitting replying to emails sipping coffee. Her body aches, last night was too rough even for her. She felt cheap and not cared for. Which isn't like Charles. Flicking through Instagram, y/n notices his ex has posted a memory from a year ago of them. "Do you remember this? Best Christmas present. CharlesLeclerc" Y/n heart stops when she sees he has commented a single red love heart emoji.
She send him a screenshot. "Wtf?"

With Charles apartment not being far from the office. Of course he shows up rather than reply. He has a coffee cup in his hand and some flowers. Of course all the other girls swoon over him, but y/n is annoyed. "Baby.." He says as soon as he gets to her desk. "I'm not your baby Charles... I'm the rebound I get it. I'll move on." Y/n bites at him. He looks wounded. "No. Y/n you're not. Stop saying that.. I love you. Please look at me princess. Please." Charles starts to go red. He hates begging, but he knows he has fucked up.
"Y/n please." But she can't do it. She can't look up at him, as she knows she'll just start to cry.
"Come for lunch."
Her colleagues egg her on. So she has no choice but to follow him out.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it, I just didn't think much of an emoji." Charles is starting to sound more and more desperate.
"Ugh fuck sake." Charles turns around and punches the wall. "What the hell." Y/n shrieks. "Charles. I work here. Don't act like a spoilt brat because you've fucked up and made me feel like shit. It was you not the wall."
He pouts at y/n. "Don't make me feel better it's okay. It's obvious you're not going to fight for us." He shouts at her.

"Excuse me. I work here Charles. It's not the time nor the place. You wouldn't be thrilled if I acted like this in the paddock with you. So don't think this is on." Charles grabs y/n and pushes her against the wall. So she has to stare into his eyes. "Tell me you don't love me.." y/n shakes her head. "No. I won't. Because I do. But you're making me question it. You've went away and came back someone I don't recognise." Y/n pushes Charles off and walks down the stairs. "Why? Y/n I love you. I'm scared of losing you. I know I'm acting like a dick. But I can't lose you."
Y/n smiles. She wasn't expecting that. But it's nice to hear. "Charles where are we going for lunch?" He grabs y/n's hand and pulls her towards his apartment. "Home. To our home..." He pushes a key into her hand. "I don't want to  be alone in it anymore. I want you and me to grow our love in our home."

Y/n is stunned when she walks more and more not towards his apartment. It's the upper side of the town. With a beautiful white building and all apartments come with a balcony overlooking the bay. "You being serious?" Charles nods his head. "Got the lease today. It's why I flew home last night. So will you move in with me." Y/n looks around the apartment, it's big enough for her to have an office and Charles to have a gamers room, as well as a guest room. Since y/n isn't Monaco native, it's always nice to have a guest room. "I love you baby and I'll always fight for us." Charles grins at y/n as he pulls her into him. "So she gets a piano and I get a home to share with you?" Y/n gasps at him. He nods his head smiling.
"I'll sort it out and get the Christmas decorations on order for next year." Charles laughs. "And source some for this Christmas." He pushes a kiss into y/n lips. She kisses him back, hard and needy. "I'm sorry for last night and everything." Charles says into y/n's head. "It's okay. Just delete the comment or post something about this."
He laughs. "Okay jealous one..." he loves to tease her and won't ever stop it.

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