Carlos Sainz- First date

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Y/n met a Carlos at a Spanish sporting event. She didn't think much, when he followed her on Instagram or liked her photos from her travels.

But when she gets home to Madrid and posts an old photo of her favourite tapas place of course Carlos likes it. He seems to have liked all her new photos. Y/n sighs and pushed her phone to the side. She had started to watch a new series on Netflix and wants to finish it before heading back into the office the next day.
"Tapas date?" Y/n looks at the Instagram notification. It's Carlos. Of course it's Carlos.
"When??" Y/n types in and sends. She never thought she was overly into him, but food always sounds good to her.
"Now? Tonight?"
Carlos sits with his phone in his hand, typing out the details of his imaginary date with y/n. He has had weeks to think about it. He was annoyed that they met and she ran away on holiday and now it's the night before he heads back to Italy.
"I'm going back to Maranello in the morning. To start training for next half of the season. So it's tonight or wait until end of season." He pushes send then gets nervous.

He hadn't been single long, but he doesn't like feeling single and alone. After so long with his ex. Albeit long distance but she was always there.

"Sure... meet you there." Carlos heart skips a beat. Of course he was beyond excited now. Single life isn't for him. He gets ready super quick and has to sit and wait for y/n to say she's left as he stays closer.
As soon as she says she has left, Carlos runs down to the restaurant. To wait very impatiently for her. But he is very happy when he sees her. He gnaws on his bottom lip, as he waits on her.
"Hiya." Y/n is cheery. "Hey.. you look amazing!!" Carlos doesn't know if he should or shouldn't compliment her. But he does anyway. "Good trip?" Y/n nods her head following Carlos into the restaurant. They sit down and order some sangria to share.

"Is there anything you won't eat? Or will I just order a bunch of food and we share?" When the food comes out, Carlos takes great pride in saying all the names of them in Spanish. Of course.
Y/n can speak Spanish, but has only lived in Madrid for a few years. So still learning. Which Carlos is loving, as he loves to teach. They sit and chat for what feels like hours. Carlos becoming more and more louder. More passionate. "So you like F1? Or were you just at the event to meet me?"
Y/n swirls her sangria around in the glass, debating what to tell him. What is most likely to not knock his ego.
"Well I've watched F1 from the Michael Schumacher era... it got lamer to watch the older I became. But then I seen that mclaren were on the up... then you left. So I'd have to say I sort of like it.. I don't watch religiously all free practise races or the qualifying sometimes. But I do enjoy it."
Carlos opens his mouth. "You couldn't have just said me?" Y/n smiles and shakes her head. "Well. No. That would be lying and I'm very much a papaya fan. Not so much Ferrari."
Again Carlos sort of wails... makes a dramatic noise the joys of him drinking he gets louder and louder.

Y/n looks at her date. Wishing they were not in a restaurant. "Stop if Carlos!! Jeez" Carlos stops his noise and looks at her. "Will we leave? My apartment is nearby." His confidence shining through again.
"Umm. How about a walk? Going from dinner to the flat isn't my thing." Y/n says. Carlos narrows his eyes at her. "You don't like me?" Carlos pouts at y/n.
Y/n sighs. "Well this version of you no. Where's the fun Carlos I met at the event? Why don't we go for a walk and clear our heads of the sangria?" Y/n suggests.
Carlos nods his head and pays the bill.

As they head out into the warm night, Carlos grabs hold of y/n's hand. They walk around the little streets of Madrid, Carlos telling y/n little stories.
Holding her hand as they walk close to the Neptune fountain. "Can I kiss you?" Carlos asks her. Y/n nods her head.
Carlos cups her chin and pulls her closer to him. Pecking her first and then going in fully passionate as he is naturally. Y/n falls deep into the kiss, it's as though it's meant to be.

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