Pierre Gasly- Jealous

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Pierre standing doing press interviews, he has his eye on his new girlfriend who is standing talking to the other guys girlfriends/wives.
She stands out with her tattoos, piercings and hair colour choice. But it's what drew him to her.
The sex appeal, her bad ass style, the fact she stands out. She dressed simply for the track, all black everything and the McQueen trainers he bought her. Her leg tattoos are on show in her denim skirt. She has someone staring at her, Jos. Max's dad. More so when she dances around with Danil and Seb's kids. That's the side of her, he wanted people to get to know. Not the one she portrays on Instagram, the alternative model.
Pierre scowls as he sees Jos going over to introduce himself. He looks around the media pen and Max isn't here yet.

"So who might you be? Too beautiful to just be here as a sitter for the kids." Y/n looks at Jos. She knows who he is, thanks to her mum loving the sport and him being one she loved until all his trouble came out. "I'm y/n. I'm young enough to be your child. Without being rude." Y/n states the obvious hoping he would leave her alone. "So not friendly? Max won't care.. I'm sure he'll happily have you for a few months... oh look here he is."
Y/n is resisting the urge to be sassy. "Oh. Sorry but I prefer my men French and in alpha tauri cars. But nice to meet you, I suppose."
Jos and Max look at each other. "Oh but your beauty deserves more than Alpha." Jos tells her.
"Sorry. But I'm sure max is very able to hit up on girls on his own... preferably not me." Y/n spins back around back around to who she was talking too and notices Pierre looking at her. So she blows him a kiss and makes him smile.
"Y/n We aren't finished talking." Jos grabs her attention. "Yeah? I thought we had. Sorry." She turns around again; to look st him. "Max said he would like to take you out... you deserve better than him."
Y/n laughs. "Seriously? Now guys. I've told Pierre I will behave. Either of you dated Scottish?" Y/n asks them? Both of them shake their heads.
"We don't take too kindly to people belittling their relationship. Or the person they are with. Like you both are passionate. Protective. Right? Don't cross me. I appreciate your comments. But I don't need them. Nor do I wish to participate in this meaningless conversation. I am with Pierre and no egotistic person will change that. And believe me I am changing certain words because of the babies there."
Y/n turns back around to the group and ignores the two guys behind her. "It's okay. I don't like freaks anyway." Max laughs. "Freaks? The only way I'm a freak is in the sheets. Yeah forgot your a model right max?"

"Aaaaah Y/n. Charles didn't say you were here." Charlotte runs up and hugs her friend. "Max?" She smiles sweetly at him. "Didn't know you knew each other." She says. "Oh we don't was just wanting his autograph." Charlotte laughs at Y/n. "Ugh fan girl.." she teases her as max walks away and they catch up in French.
Once Pierre is finished in the press ring. He goes straight over to y/n. He pulls he's in a for a hug and a few deep kisses. Y/n can feel his jealousy seeping out of him. "You okay?" She asks him, as his grip tightens. "Aww you two are adorable. Have you two posted anything on socials yet?" Charlotte asks them. "No. But we should." Pierre says. "Can you take a photo?" Wrapping his arms around Y/n, just the way she likes it. She lets her head fall back against his chest and enjoys the tight embrace from me green eyed.
She looks up at him smiles. Then again when he instinctively nuzzles into her cheek and his stubble tickles her cheek. So she's laughing and he's being adorable. "Thanks Char. I'm stealing her back for a while."
Pierre pulls y/n to his room, holding her hand and making her follow him. She doesn't mind being submissive to him.
He closes the door and locks it behind them. They look through the photos, that Charlotte sends. But Pierre wants to make his dominance known.
He pulls y/n up and kisses her, pushing her against the massage bed. His hands follow the curves of her body and end up between her thighs. His lips don't leave hers as he pushes aside her panties and starts to rub at her nerve endings nub. "Oh fuck P.." She breathes into his neck, trying to catch her breath. "Ah baby. Your so wet for me already." He leans down to y/n neck and softly nibbles, but then bites when his jealousy starts again.
"Tell me you want me.. tell sir how badly you want this.." He pulls her hand down and she can feel his stiffening dick, grow. "Ah Pear.." his eyes flash up at her. "Sorry Sir.. I need you to finish me now.. where someone can walk in at any moment. Fuck me pierre, I need you inside me, allowing me to come and I'll then get on my knees and suck you.. or let you fuck my throat." Pierre has heard enough and picks her up and spreads her legs to allow him access. In seconds he is balls deep, thrusting furiously deep and hard. So hard that you hear the slapping of skin on skin. But y/n is so lost in pleasure she doesn't care. "Remember and tell me when you want to come...Naughty girl." Pleasure takes over y/n.. as she can't even speak. Her muscles involuntary tighten around his cock and ends him too, as she has one of her most intense orgasms.
"Sorry..." she bats her eyelashes at him. "It's okay baby... I love you my queen." Pierre tells her. "Did you finish?" She asks him. He nods his head and hands her a towel before kissing her. "Pear. You know I'm not on anything."
The usual fear comes back to him. He got caught up in the moment. But he soon relaxes. As he knows she's not going anywhere. "I need to go to debrief wait here for me baby. I love you." Y/n smiles up at him. "Okay babe. I'll be here. Love you too."

Pierregasly- there's no one else in the world I'd rather dance in the rain with

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Pierregasly- there's no one else in the world I'd rather dance in the rain with. Je t'aime pour toujours. Mon coeur est à toi.

Pierre sits smiling instead of listening to the debrief is looking at Y/n Instagram. She has posted one of their first photos together. Then dancing in the rain not caring who sees them.
"My heart, soul everything is yours too my beautiful queen 👑 I love you. We will dance in every rainstorm together."

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