Mick Schumacher- holiday romance

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Requested by WilowSmit

Y:n and her friends had decided enough was enough and they would spend some of the holiday period on holiday in Switzerland.
One of her friends had a chalet that the girls could use for the ten days that they decided to go.

Feeling out of her depth y/n decided to hit the slopes on her own, taking the smaller ones on at first. By the end of the morning, she was knackered. It felt like everyone in her group had lessons when they were younger. The larger slopes scared her. So when they decided to go up on them, in the afternoon, y/n stayed in the hot chocolate place. Filled with log fires and comfy chairs. It's there she sees him.
Mick Schumacher. The blonde, blue eyed son of the seven times world champion. She can't help but stare as he walks out with a bunch of his friends. She knew she'd probably never bump into him again. But slightly starstruck she just watches him leave.

She ends up braving one of the bigger slopes and it's when she's back down. That mick has noticed her, as he giggles watching her doing a silly dance as she got down without hurting herself. "Someone's happy." He comments, smiling. "Oh. I didn't know anyone was watching me." Y/n blushes at him. But his warm smile, stops her feeling self conscious. "First time at the slopes? Never seen you here this time of year." He says. Y/n debates on what she should say. Do I lie.. or tell him the truth and feel stupid.
"First time ever skiing." Y/n starts to blush when Mick smiles again. "Want to get a hot chocolate? They do fairly good ones here." He says to her. Y/n ends up following him, copying him as he takes his skis off and watches him putting them near the cafe. Before following him into the cafe.
"Oh I'm Mick.. don't think I introduced myself properly." Y/n smiles at Mick.
"I'm y/n." Mick grins at y/n as she speaks. "You have a beautiful accent.. where is it from?"

Y/n makes him wait as she orders her hot chocolate. "I'm irish, but at university in London.. so my voice has taken a bit of an English accent."
They sit and speak for a while, sipping hot chocolate. Y/n can't help but feel at ease with Mick.
Even when he suggests the biggest slope. "I'll hold your hand if you need me too." Mick says convincingly. They sit of the ski lift together, chatting away and taking in the scenery below them. Mick cuddles into y/n for a photo, that he takes.
He notices that y/n starts to look a bit anxious, the higher they go. Once off and y/n looks down at the hill she needs to go back down. Mick gently squeezes her arm. "Will I hold your hand? Take it slow?" He asks her.
Mick helps her into her ski's and takes her hand once he's ready.
He takes it slow at first but they hit a slightly more steep area and they go faster. But Mick does his best to keep hold of y/n.

Y/n ends up down at the bottom before Mick, which makes her worry. "Hey... Y/n." Mick grabs her. "Sorry I let go. But you made it!!" Mick looks happy to see y/n. Relieved even. Just as her friends start to shout at her.
"Oh. I best go... see you around?" Y/n looks at mick who nods his head. "Same place tomorrow?" Mick says, as y/n nods her head and runs after her friends.

It's a couple days before the pair see each other again. At the party area. Mick spots y/n whilst speaking to a fan. He quickly makes a quick getaway and rushes after her. "Hey.. y/n." He tries to act smooth but is obviously keen to see her. "Mick.. hiya." Y/n smiles at him. She's not dressed for the slopes, so it's evident that she's just there to party.
"Oh so he does exist then..." mick hears one of her friends make a dig at her. "Will we get a drink? Luge?" Mick asks y/n. Who nods her head and follows him to the luge.
"Vodka? Tequila? Rum." They get asked. "I'll do what you do." Mick says sweetly to y/n. "Vodka... please."

Y/n then orders herself a drink at the bar.. offering one to her very pretty male friend. "So how come your friend, isn't friendly?" Mick asks y/n. "Honestly. I'm only friends with one of the girls. The others are her friends and are a bit catty. With me not being from the same sort of background as them." Mick looks horrified that girls are that horrible to each other.
"What does it matter? You're here with them for new year? I assume?" Mick watches y/n nod her head. "My parents have a chalet here too. Even though our house isn't that far from here. Would you want to come stay there with me? My sister and her boyfriend are coming over for new year. We don't care about your background as long as you are a nice person." Mick chuckles.
Y/n nods her head. "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to impose. I'd rather get a flight home..." mick shakes his head. "No. Stay. If I kiss you will you stay?" He chews his lip waiting on her response. But she kisses him. The vodka has hit him hard and he doesn't want to let y/n go.

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