🎄Max Verstappen- The unforgetable Christmas Date🎅🏼

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Tilly was nervous. She met Max on a whim, she got to go to a random F1 race due to Christian Horners step daughter loving her YouTube channel. What better way to meet one of your subscribers than at the most glamorous sought after Uk based race dates.

But now he had flown her over to Monaco, she had met this hot shot driver once. Finishing her red lips off with a pout in the mirror. She had made sure she stayed in a hotel. She didn't want to stay at his. What if he was really egotistical? Or worse annoying.

He text her directions on how to get to the restaurant. It was weird being able to wear strappy shoes in the middle of December. Tilly was confused at the locals saying it is cold. "Clearly never been to Edinburgh or worse Glasgow.." Tilly laughs at herself. Looking like a right loser in the middle of Monaco, nothing new there. Right on time max is waiting for her. "Tilly... I thought you said you like being early?" Max smiles at her and hugs her. "Yeah. I'm still five minutes early. How long have you been waiting?" She looks up at the handsome Dutchman, who seems to be blushing. Definitely not the person she remembers from the race and had been talking too for the past 5 months.
"Just about twenty minutes or so. Are you not cold?" Tilly smiles at him shaking her head. "Edinburgh is freezing. But this is borderline our summer weather. Or can you see my piercing through my top?" Max looks confused.

"No.. not boobie talk already Tilly. You said you'd behave." Max laughs. She shrugs, quickly looking down. "Behaving is boring. But I suppose I can try. Since you have tight jeans on..." Max let's out a groan before walking into the restaurant.
They get seated at a table near the Christmas tree. "It's weird to see a Christmas tree when it's so nice out." Tilly looks at the decorations that the restaurant has up. Much to Max's delight. "Want a photo? Since it matches your shoes and lipstick." He can't wipe his smile off of his face as he takes a photo of his date. Tilly can't get over how beautiful it looks for being warmer outside than she is used too back home for Christmas.

"Would you like one together? It's a popular place for a photo here." The waitress asks. Max pulls Tilly down on his knee. "Might as well pretend you like me for a minute Miss Tilly." He teases her. She looks at him, getting lost in his deep blue eyes. "Do you want one of the festive cocktails? On the house.. I love you're videos."
Tilly looks around at the server and smiles. "Yes please. But I'd have probably ordered it anyway... want to come get a photo with me?" Tilly raises her brow at Max. Who rolls his eyes, before smiling.

"Jeez you'd think they'd know who I am. I'm only like third in the world..." Tilly sips her cocktail laughing at Max moaning. "Yeah. But who like the runner up?" Tilly can't help but tease him and laughs loudly about it. "Well thank you. But I think you do." He laughs.
Apart from ordering  food and drinks, the pair of them keep laughing and non stop chatting. "Oh fuck.. I forgot." Tilly looks at Max confused. "Instead of cutting this short.. want to come to dinner with my family. They know you are here..." Max looks shocked he has spent so long chatting to Tilly.
"Sure where are they meeting you?" She looks around to where he is staring open mouthed. "Behind me then..." she takes a deep breath and tries to sober up. Purely as his sister has her little bubba with her. It's okay once Tilly is introduced to Sophie, Victoria and Tom. It's more weird as her and Max haven't even done anything.

But she sits through dinner, speaking to everyone. Max slips away and texts her to go to the toilet. He grabs her behind the tree or so he thinks hidden away, fairly drunk himself he doesn't realise that he is in full view.
He pushes his lips against Tilly's. "Sorry I just needed to do this... you're the only girl I've spoken too in the last five months." He murmurs to her between kisses. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks, as he pulls her back to the table.
Max looks at his phone. Then blushes. He shows Tilly the photo that Victoria has sent him. She smiles, before biting her lip.

Max steals cuddles with Luca when he sobers up. But baby Luca is very much like his uncle and can't take his eyes off the Scottish girl next to them. So Tilly starts to pull faces at him, causing him to smile at her. "So have we just imposed on your date?" Victoria asks. Max shakes his head. "No I just forgot I'd overbooked today." Max laughs. But his mum knows him too well. "Sure you didn't do it on purpose Max? The date had been five months in the making... honestly Tilly you should've heard him whining over you. I've never seen him so obsessed with someone before." Tilly looks up at Max.
"Max obsess? Never thought I'd hear that in the same sentence."  Max blushes. "Stop... you're being mean now. Why not gang up on someone else." Max whines, but secretly loves his mum telling Tilly how much he likes her. As he knew from the moment they met that she was incredibly special and he would wait until she was ready. She made him nervous and kept him on his toes. Obviously not caring who he was.

Max grabs Tilly's hand under the table. She looks up and him and smiles. "Yeah I don't think I'm innocent on being any less obsessed. Sure I even drunken text him something stupid a month after meeting him. Max remembers the text well. "Argh Maxxxxie. Why aren't you here to party. I'm drunk. But suppose I can tell you over text. I love you." Her texts in the morning are just as memorable, trying to get herself out of the situation. "I was drunk I swear, I'm so so sorry." She never once said that she retracted her statement.
After dinner Max walks Tilly back to her hotel. Partly as he wanted some more alone time and partly as he was being a gentleman.

At her hotel room, they are both confused. "You didn't respond to my question." Tilly looks up at him. "What question?" She tries and act innocently. There is a lot of things she hasn't told him and wasn't sure she wanted to tell him. She knew he didn't watch her videos, otherwise he'd have known and mentioned it. Right?
"Tilly baby. I know you have a past like we all do. I only know purely because people have told me to watch certain videos of yours. But I don't mind." Tilly's eyes fill with tears, maybe it was the wine, or the cocktails or even the fact that max was being completely different to how she remembers him. Even his kiss this time is softer.
"I love you.. regardless of your past. It's not been an easy year. But I hope I've been able to prove to you that I still see you as the person you are not who you see yourself as." Tilly ends up crying into Max's chest.
From break ups to miscarrying a baby and bad mental health after. But max holds her and shows he isn't always the F1 driver max who doesn't give a shit.
"So you've known for how long?" Tilly eventually says. "Honestly not long after Silverstone. After I posted our first photo together everyone started to dm me about your past. I read the title of the video and it was easy enough to guess. I've not watched them, just read the titles. I promise, as is rather hear the unfiltered version from you. So are you my girl or you keeping me hanging longer." He smiles when she nods her head. Max wipes Tilly's tears away from her face and kisses her, salty and full of emotion. She has taken her heels off, so she is a lot smaller. But he picks her up and she wraps her legs around him. Much to the naughty side of Max's delight. "You sure?" He whispers between kisses. Tilly smiles. "After our late night after races conversations and photos... of course! Fuck me into next week... like you said you would."
Max smirks at Tilly. He's never felt like this after one date. But suppose this is what happens when it's five months after you start to talk.
But max of all people wanted to enjoy this night and take it slow and make it passionate. "Oh Max.. I love you too." He can't help but smile at her. "That's a first for a first date.." He teases her. "Maybe you should just stay here for Christmas?" Max asks Tilly. She knows how much her mum would kill her for not going home. But it's Max and you don't say no to Max.

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