Logan Sargeant- Boat days

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Logan loved when he was back home in Florida, he could go out on the boat fish and hang out with friends.
This time was different. This time he might get his girl.

"Have you heard about y/n?" His mom asked him. He shakes his head. Confused as they had barely spoken since finishing school. "She has been signed to a modelling agency. I just thought how much you had a crush on her." Logan groans. "Really? That's awesome for her. But I don't even think she follows me on socials, let alone even know what I'm doing these days."
His mom rolls her eyes, wishing that he could just take the hint. "I've heard she is single again.. after the rock boy cheated." Logan looks at his mom. "You are not sly Mom. What do you want me to do?" He raises his brow. "Well are you sure you can't sweet talk her into a date.. marriage. Kids. Yous would make cute babies." she laughs at him.
"To keep you happy, I will send her a dm on Instagram, but I don't even think she will accept it."
He quickly types a text to her and leaves it.

"Hiya Mr Italiano... how are things? Didn't think you'd remember us quiet from school." Logan smiles as he sees her reply. "Of course I do. You were anything but quiet. How is the modelling? I'm alright just home and sorting out the boat. Does your dad still have the boat?"

"Boat trips? Or fishing trips? Yeah he does, it's getting fixed. I was quiet.. quieter than you. How long you home for?" Logan smiles, maybe she is interested.
"Modelling is alright. You need a flag girl?"
He replies to her for a while, before he falls asleep.
He is off out on the boat early the morning after so he kinda forgets to reply to her.

"Have you invited people to the boat?" Logan asks his dad as they walk up to their boat and people are waiting at it. The girl who was sitting on the ground next to the boat gets up. Logan doesn't recognise her from behind, but as she turns around and he sets his baby blues on her. He nearly dies. "Y/n!!!" He yelps out like a wounded puppy. "Hiya Italiano."

"Sorry I fell asleep last night I promise I was going to reply..." Logan starts to sweat and stutter. He kicks himself inside. "Ah it's okay. Dad made me come today. I'm not stalking you." Y/n laughs at Logan. "Could've been more fun if you were stalking me." She teases him.
"Stop it you two!" Logan's dad laughs at them, as he knows how Logan used to feel. Logan used to make it very obvious. Now they are flirting with each other very obviously at the front of the boat.

"Oil my back for me..." y/n asks Logan. Who stands staring at the bottle she is handing him. He does as he is asked but looks like a confused little boy doing it. But he enjoys getting close to her. Closer than he has ever been before. "Want some boat photos taken?" Logan offers, after he has soaked her while back, shoulders and most other places in oil and massaged her. She turns around rubbing oil into her chest and neck area, looking up at him smirking. "Didn't think I was here for the fishing did you?" Logan laughs at y/n. "No of course not your here for the gram content." Y/n rolls her eyes.
"Ugh.. Mr Sassy Italiano Huh." They spend the morning catching up and laughing a lot. Rather than Logan fishing like he usually would do. "You wanting to fish? For old times sake?" Logan looks at y/n hoping that she will.

She sits beside him, watching him. But more so tanning beside him. After a while of fishing and lunch. Y/n decides to go for a dip in the sea, of course Logan doesn't want to miss out on the fun. So jumps in after her.
They splash each other and y/n jumps on Logan's back to get away from his barrage of water spraying.
Logan backs her up to the steps of the boat and turns around to face her. Smiling.
As y/n bites her lip, Logan decides to take the plunge. The one he never had the nerve to take in school.
As y/n is holding onto his shoulders, he pushes himself up and out the water to kiss her. She looks shocked when he looks at her again. But she soon smiles as soon as he splashes her again. "Ugh. Logan!!" She squeals but jumps into the water into him. But she holds onto him, floating around.

Once back on the boat and Logan is happily fishing again. Y/n messes around filming him for Instagram. "You watching me?" Logan asks y/n. "Uhuh. Why wouldn't I be? Logi. I've watched your races online for the past year or whatever." She tells him. He looks out into the water and smiles.
"Have you? But why? We've not spoken since school..." he can't help but smile. Her attention is all he's ever wanted but he's not one of the cool kids or jock. Her usual type in school.
"I've known you years.. Why wouldn't I watch you and cheer you on?"
Logan eventually looks around at y/n, with him not paying her attention. She has managed to throw on his T-shirt. Placing his rod down, Logan goes over to her and kisses her again, not caring its in full view of their dads.
"You can keep it.. suits ya."

When home from the trip, Logan walks into the house half naked and smiling. "Dare I ask?" His mom asks greeting her boys. His dad shakes his head. "How much fishing do you think he actually did." His Mom smiles. "So it went well huh, Log?" He nods his head smiling. "Told you she liked you." His dad laughs out loud. "Well yeah. But you didn't specify. Plus she's well out of my league now.. like always. She'd be one of the girls that Mick or Lando would flirt with." He half jokes then realises he should actually check to see if any of the other drivers he knows follows her.
But they don't.
"No one is out of your league. You never know who or what they are looking for kiddo. She for sure only had eyes for you and the sunset."
Logan can't keep the smile off of his face.

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