🎄Daniel Riccairdo- Extra special 🎅🏼

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Standing at the airport on Christmas Eve, Daniel is beside himself with excitement. It's the first Christmas his girlfriend is coming to Australia to spend it with him and his family. They had been together for every other holiday and their birthdays. So the next step for them is to spend Christmas together at one of their parents. It only seemed fair to spend it with the Riccairdo's since Daniel doesn't see them often.

Y/n had met both joe and Grace at races supporting Daniel. So she wasn't overly anxious. Not that she needed to be.
Daniel watches y/n walk through arrivals and let's her look around for him for a while. Before he goes and grabs her. "Baby!!!" He yells at her, making her jump. "Daniel!!! Jaysus!!" Her thick irish accent, making him melt.
"Ah Dan!!" Y/n yells and jumps on him. You wouldn't think it had only been a few weeks since they last saw each other. The way they are kissing and holding each other. "Righr let's get you home so you can sleep and not be jetlagged tomorrow."

They are staying in his parents, so they had already spoken about not doing anything. It would only be a few days, then they are off to Bali for some sun to bring in the new year. But Daniel struggles to keep it in his pants. So it'll be a test for him.
As it's y/n's first time in Perth she's not overly keen to sleep and waste the time sleeping. So she is happy when Daniels sister and her kids come around to meet her.

It's strange for y/n to be in a warm country this time of year. She is used to cold, wet wintery weather. So to be in a bikini on the beach on Christmas Eve, is crazy to her. Even having a bbq at the end of December is weird.
Daniel is sitting watching y/n jump waves with his little nephew.
"You going to marry this one?" Michelle asks him. "Maybe.. maybe just have babies with her. Don't know yet. I'm not even sure she wants to get married." Dan says, they've not really sat down and spoken about it but he has seen statements on her Instagram that suggest it.

"Maybe you should just ask her.. sure she won't say no." Daniel looks at his girlfriend. "Do you want to be married?" His sister asks him. "Yeah. I do. Should I just ask her?" Daniel watches his sister nod her head. "What's making you doubt it?" Daniel shrugs his shoulders.

Once Dan manages to steal y/n away from his nephews, he takes some photos. "Babe.. why are you pushing your stomach out?" Daniel asks when looking at the photos. "I'm not you idiot. Don't ask or you'll ruin your present. Just wait like until after mass. Then I'll give you it." Y/n bites at him. "No. I'm not waiting. Tell me. Come on baby. Please." Daniel starts to pout and bat his lashes at her. She nudges him and instantly has to run to bush. Coughing as she is gagging on her own sick. "Oh. Babe. You okay?" Daniel asks holding her hair. Not clicking.
"So Michelle was asking if we were going to get married one day." Daniel asks y/n to take her mind off of being sick so publicly.
"What? I need water D." They walk to a nearby shop where Daniel goes and grabs her some. "Us married? Might not be too horrific an idea." Y/n says patting her stomach that he has already noticed is bloated.
"But thought you said you'd never want too." Daniel says confused. "Even at the start of us. You said it would be a no." Daniel is confused as they chat about why y/n has changed her idea. Without her ruining her present to him.

At dinner when y/n refuses wine, something does start to make sense to Daniel but he keeps quiet. Or as quiet as he can. As him and Michelle put the dishes in the washer he can't help but blurt it out. "She snapped at me earlier. I only pointed out she was bloated... but then she was sick and now refusing wine. I think she is pregnant." He tells his older sister. "Sounds like it. Has she said anything to you?" Daniel shakes his head.
Before mass, y/n snuggles down with Daniel and the kids. But ends up falling asleep. Instead of waking her up, he carries her up to bed and snuggles into her.

In the morning. Y/n wakes up with another bout of sickness. She sits in the cool bathroom cursing herself she had been okay up until yesterday. "Hey baby. You okay?" Daniel knocks gently on the door so he doesn't wake anyone up. But he can hear her throwing up. He heads downstairs and makes a mint tea and a bottle of water for her. Y/n is back in bed by time he comes back up.
He has a card on his side.
"Daddy D"
Daniel can barely open the card as he can feel his eyes tearing up. "Oh my. Baby. Y/n." Daniel starts to cry as he looks at the little bean. Baby Riccairdo... due July 14th."
Daniel looks at y/n, he's already crying without even opening the card properly. "Open it Dan." Y/n nudges him.
"To Daddy,
Merry Christmas. Hope you enjoy your last Christmas with Mammy as a duo. Next Christmas you will be my Daddy.
Nanny says Mammy and I are lucky to have you. Cant wait to meet you. I love you so much already.
Baby Bean Riccairdo"

Daniel can't stop smiling. His big beautiful smile. "I love you y/n." Daniel pulls her into his chest. He pushes a kiss into her hair, as he tries to compose himself. "Can we go outside and watch the sunrise?" Y/n asks Dan. He nods his head and pulls her out of bed. When Grace and the kids come downstairs, both y/n and Daniel are snoozing outside on the porch, under a blanket. Of course Daniel has left his card in the kitchen as they walked outside.

"Mum.... look." Michelle has seen the envelope. "Daddy D. Is she?" Grace tries to be quiet but her excited voice wakes up Daniel. He wakes y/n by getting up. "Merry Christmas everyone." He says as he walks inside with the cups. "Daddy d?" His mum questions him instantly. "Can I open it?" Grace ask him. She waits until he nods his head. "Aww darling. Finally." Grace can't help but tease him. "You know what your dad will ask.." Daniel nods his head. "I know. Maybe new year I'll do it." Daniel says as y/n walks into the kitchen, yawning.
Grace can't contain herself and has to hug her and congratulate her too. "Aww you guys will make the best parents."

Y/n and Daniel sits down to open some presents and Daniel gets more and more wound up. "Pass that one over to y/n." He asks his nephew. Who hands over a small cube shaped present. Both Grace and Michelle gasp as they realise what it is. Y/n looks at it, before opening and has an idea it'll come with a question. She looks around at Daniel straight into his brown eyes. He has slipped closer to the edge of the sofa. Just waiting to go down.

"Will you marry me?" Daniel eventually asks her before she's even opening the wrapping. It's y/n turn to start to cry. "Yeah.. of course..." Daniel kisses y/n. Then gives a quick kiss to the growing baby bean. "Next year is going to a lot better than this one... I love you both so much." Y/n buries her face into Daniels curls. Hiding her emotions as much as possible. "We love you too Daddy."

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