Max Verstappen- new stepsister

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Heading out for drinks and dinner with my sister and her boyfriend. I'm confused as to why there is extra bodies at the table. "Oh hi.. Max this is Izzy and Abbie." I nod my head at them confused. I make a hand gesture at Vic, so she knows to explain more. "They are Helena's kids." I nod my head again.
"Ah. Hi." I sit down between Tom and one of them.
After a beer or two, I start to quiz them. "So here I was thinking Victoria was setting me up for a night of fun... so who's who?" I ask the one next to me. "I'm Abbie and that's Izzy.." I get lost in small talk with her, whilst Victoria Tom and Izzy seem to talk about babies and pregnancy.
"So your 22 and never been to Monaco?" She shakes her head at me. "No. Why? What's so special about it?" I sit shaking my head. Everything is wrong with what she just said. "I'll forgive you this once.. but next time I'll spank you." Victoria's eyes flick up to me. So I smile innocently. "Oh bedroom talk already? As long as you know how to do it properly then it's okay." She takes a sip of her wine. I smirk at her. "Of course I do. Mr Grey has nothing on me.." small talk sure has taken a turn. "So are you both single?" Abbie shakes her head. Oh no max you've gotten ahead of yourself again. "Izzy is five months pregnant and engaged. I've not long came out a relationship. You?" I grin at her.
Right answer.
"Single.. (I look over at Victoria who's not paying attention to me.) Ready for more fun.. You know." She looks at me. "Fun? Nope I don't know what you mean. Didn't take you for being shy." Im not shy. Far from it. So I grab her leg under the table. She doesn't flinch, nothing. Instead she takes a large gulp of wine. Her thigh is smooth and her skirt seems short. But I can feel those boots that finish over the knee.
She excuses herself from the table and I just say I'm going outside. Since I know the ladies toilets are close to a door. I wait for her and pull her outside with me. "Max.. what are we doing? It's chilly." I smile at her. "It'll just make your nipples easier to find." Her eyes dart up to mine. "Mine are already easy to find. They are pierced." I need to see them now. But she looks cold. So I hug her. "Can't we just talk at the table?" She asks me. I shake my head and look down at her. She looks so innocent snuggling into my chest, being careful not to rub her lipstick onto my shirt. "Abbie.. look up." I push kisses into her lips. She pushes back opening her mouth slightly for deeper kisses. I get lost in the moment with her.
She's going to be my beautiful dirty little secret.
I wipe my mouth to get rid of any lipstick and head back to the table via the bar. As an excuse to where I've been. When they come over I've got shooters for Tom, Abbie and I. As well as another round of drinks. Victoria looks at me and shakes her head.
"What race is next? Has dad spoken to you about taking Jaye again?" I nod my head. He has and Helena. Should I ask Abbie to one. "Erm it's Silverstone next. Nearing the summer break. You coming to Silverstone?" I ask her. She nods her head. "Yeah. Jaye and dad are going aren't they?"
I talk about Silverstone with Victoria, whilst my hand under the table is kneading Abbies thigh. "You fancy hitting a club?" I ask Abbie. She nods her head.
In the club it's fair game. No one knows her. They know me, the perks of being in F1, girls throw themselves at me. But Abbie just watches and laughs. Worse when she makes me dance with her and I can feel the eyes glaring at her but she doesn't care. She dances into me, shaking that beautiful perky ass, that I can't wait to spank. "We should go somewhere else.." I whisper into her ear as she has her bum pressed into me and I'm sure she can feel why I need to leave. But she turns around and kisses me.
"Abbie. Please can we go! I need to fuck your brains out and can't do it in public." She smiles at me. "Sure.. why is a lot of people staring?" She asks me, as we walk out and into a taxi.
We are just in the hotel room and she sits down to take her boots off.
"Come here..." I sit on the bed and pull her over my knee. She squeals as I start to tap her bum. "That the hardest you'll do it." She whines at me. I start to do it harder and she squeals.
"Oh you naughty girl. Get up and strip." I watch her stand up and take her dress off for me. She takes my breath away as I take in her body. Soft curves.. nipple piercings and no underwear. I stand up and start to leave a trail of red marks down her body. "Oh my.." I breathe into her.
I push her down on the bed and decide to tease her. I go down lapping in her juices. Her screams start getting louder. So I stop.
I go back up to her mouth kissing her body on the way up. She wraps her legs around me and grinds herself into me. "Oi.. I'm not done teasing you yet."
"Fiiiinee." She groans at me, but kisses me. Her hand attaches around my cock and starts to pump it. I push her head down and she's an expert. The way she swirls her tongue around the tip and uses both hand and mouth.
In a swift quick move, I remove myself from her mouth turn her around and enter her from behind. I don't realise I'm thrusting that hard until she is wailing and I can hear skin to skin hitting. I use my fingers on her clit, to make her cum quicker as I can feel myself nearing the end.
She tightens around me and screams into the pillow. I can feel her pussy milk my Cock to my own finish. But I keep pumping into her as I can sense she can cum again and she does even louder and more intense.

I take her in my arms, to fall asleep. But my dad has text me. "How was your night with your new step sister?" I smirk as I look down at her. Asleep cradled in my arm naked. I push a kiss into her head. Might need to keep this night a bit more of a secret than i first thought.

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