First date- Charles Leclerc

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Y/n had a surprising Instagram follower in Charles Leclerc. She only noticed when he started to like and comment on her traveling posts. One day after a beach trip she went back to the hotel and has a direct message from him.
"When are you coming to Monaco? You can't travel around Europe and not visit Monaco."
Y/n takes a while to reply as she doesn't know when or if she would be visiting Monaco.
"Heading to Monaco this weekend. What's good to do/see?" Y/n eventually replies to Charles.
"Me? 😉 Come out with me and I'll be your very own tour guide. I'm not away this weekend as it's not race weekend."

Now is explore Monaco, with Charles Leclerc. After some digging Y/n found out he was single. So this would be a weird one. Wandering around a place y/n has never been too. Charles could've shown her his extravagant lifestyle of a F1 driver. But no. They meet up at a ebike place.
Y/n is excited to finally meet this rather random Charles character who has been liking and commenting. Thankfully he is very easy on the eye, pretty face, green eyes and little dimples when he smiles. It would sure be hard to not fall for him.
They start off at the old town of Le Rocher. They park up their bikes and he tells her about the town or as much as he knows. Y/n hangs off his every word and happily smiles at him as he takes photos for her.
He then takes her to the princes palace, Monaco cathedral, fontvieille port and they finish off at the larvotto beach.
Walking along the beach, with her shoes in hand. Y/n looks at Charles and his pretty smile. "So you enjoy your tour? There is lots more to see. But thought I'd go easy on you." Charles says.
Y/n smiles at him. "Yeah? East would be a day here or on a boat... thought you F1 drivers were all flush."
Charles laughs. "Like max and Lewis you mean? Nah I keep it simple. Don't have a boat or plane but could give you Max's number if you would prefer." Y/n shakes her head. "No. I was just teasing you. I like simple. But I also need a swim. I'm too hot." Charles eyes flash. "Come on then... there's a beach bar up here and then we can go down to the water."
Y/n grabs hold of Charles arm as they walk up towards the bar.
As soon as they go up, she can see a special table all ready for them. "Oh.. a swim can wait." Y/n squeals at the actual normal date part.
"Awh this is cute Charles..." y/n can't help but kiss him. It puts him off guard. But he welcomes it. As he loves all types of affection. They sit on beanbag chairs sipping on ice cold champagne with strawberries and some food. They make small talk but it's not awkward as they both love traveling and talk about it until the sun is nearly setting. "You didn't get your dip... will we run down now and get sunset photos." Charles asks y/n.
Without being asked twice she is up and running down drunkenly towards the sea. Charles follows her down.

Charles tells y/n how to pose. They end up giggling more than any photos being taken. So instead she jumps on him and takes a selfie with the sunset in the background. "That's better... cuter than just me." She laughs out loud.
She stands in front of him when she jumps off of him and Charles wraps his arms around her.  So they can watch the sunset together. Who needs fancy things when you can have time together watching a sun set.
"Will we have dinner? Or.." Charles asks y/n. "Or? What's or? Netflix in the hotel with take out food?" Y/n asks him. He nods his head, smiling.
"Yeah. That sounds good... let's go." Charles bends down and kisses y/n before they head back up to collect their shoes. "Sounds like a good ending to our first date." Charles teases her. "No sex. Just food and binge watching tv." Y/n laughs.
But they both know that as soon as the door is closed in the hotel, that the food won't be eaten and a show won't be watched, as their innocent passion is too much to hide.

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