Robert Shwartzman: Do you want to build a snowman

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When y/n got the invite from her long distance boyfriend of sorts, to spend the new year with him and his family in Russia. She was a bit apprehensive, she'd never even really fully met him. Never mind had a proper first date with him, that didn't involve a screen. Or her phone.
But she thought fuck it. Why not? This year had been rubbish for the both of them, which is how they managed to connect with each other. She had been a fan of F1, but didn't really know or watch any of the f2/f3.

As she packed her suitcase she had nerves. What if he didn't like her face to face? What if his family thought it was strange? A random girl from the internet just popping in. "Is it cold? I should be packing for weather like mine and not the Middle East right?"

When Robert gets the text he stands laughing. Even though he's at an event, he always finds moments to reply to y/n. "Yeah it's cold baby. It's currently -1. So freezing. I can't wait to pick you up tomorrow and finally squish your cheeks. ❤️"
Y/n looks at the reply and smiles. Her dad lover squeezing her cheeks, she used to have massive chubby cheeks as baby and before he died he still even twenty years later pinch and squish her cheeks. Rob reminded her so much of him, personality wise.

Y/n had basically been either in an airport or flying for a whole twenty four hours. But finally getting her bag and walking out of customs to find Rob. Was one of the most nerve wracking things she had done. It had all the vibes of 90 day fiancé to it. But Robert knew not to do anything cringe as she had told him she would walk away and pretend she didn't know him.

But he done all the cringy things anyway. Roses in one hand with a heart shaped balloon and a big smile on his face. She looks at him and doesn't know whether to cry or laugh. She takes a quick photo of him as she wants to remember this forever. "Aaaargh Robert!!!" He puts the flowers on her suitcase and picks her up. He pushes a kiss into her cheek and goes to do it again. But she moves her head and they share their first kiss. It's not awkward like they both imagined it would be.

When he drives them from the airport to his mums house, she is awestruck with how his home town looks. "My mum made me buy you flowers.. she said it would look bad if I didn't. Even though you said not too." He reaches over and squeezes her thigh as they drive, taking her hand when he can.
Before heading in, he pulls her close again and kisses her. All of their passion pouring into one kiss. "Aaaah I can't believe you're here and I can touch you." Robert whispers. Just as his sister opens the door, running out to greet them.
Robert groans as he can't do what he wants to do. So he nudges his sister, Polina.
Y/n and Robert, do get some alone time, in his room. Before y/n falls asleep in his arms.

The days leading up to New Year's Eve, they spend it on date days. Catching up on the dates they have missed. Holding hands and kissing, the things that seem almost normal to typical couples but to them each kiss means a lot more.
Taking y/n karting with his friends, Robert is worried she won't like it. But she is a lot more competitive than he thought. Even trying to beat him. But she comes in second and is annoyed.
But a quick kiss from Robert she soon forgives him. He also can't resist squeezing her cheeks. Sitting speaking to his friends afterwards, Robert has his arm around her she lazily has her head in his chest. "I can't believe  you two have only just properly met each other... he never acts like this with anyone in front of us."
Y/n looks up at Robert and the pair of them can't stop smiling. When he kisses her, her whole body tingles. Neither of them caring that his friends are there with them.

Waking up on New Year's Eve, early as they were due to spend new year in Moscow. Robert has already went down and got the coffee on. It's colder than it's been since y/n got to st. Petersburg. Even in one of Robert's hoodies, thick pjs bottoms and fluffy socks y/n could still feel the bite. She pulls the hood up as she snuggles into Robert from behind. He is happily walking around topless and bare footed. "You cold? And you said your a tough Scottish girl." He can't resist but tease his sleepy girlfriend. Who groans something into his back, but it's inaudible to him.

"It's been snowing!!" Y/n yells, making Robert laugh. "Wondered when you'd notice swishy." Of course y/n has to sing a song from frozen. Much to his horror. "Robert? Do you want to build a snowman... C'mon let's go and play.." He stands and laughs in the middle of kitchen at her. So she pouts. "Cmon let's go build a snowman and make snow angels... please?" He looks at her and his watch. They had the time before the flight. He just didn't know how much he fancied the cold and darkness of outside. "Baby.. the flight?" Y/n shrugs her shoulders. "Please.." she pouts at him, whilst batting her lashes.
He races her upstairs to change into warmer clothes and grab gloves. As they go outside in the darkness, large flakes are still falling.
"My dad hated snow, but would always take me outside and we'd build the biggest snowman we could..."
Robert wraps his arms around y/n, he can hear the emotion in her voice. "Do you think he would like you being over here with me?" He can't help but feel inferior to what she's had before. "Of course he would. The only difference would be he'd probably be here with my mum.." Robert smiles down at her. "Think your dad would've liked me?" Robert nods his head. "Yeah. I don't think I'd have been able to get through this year without you. I don't think our paths would've crossed if it hadn't been for what had happened. But now you're the reason I smile so much every day." Y/n looks up at Robert, feeling more than emotional. "Will we just stay here? With your mum and Polina? We can visit Moscow another time together." She just about manages to whimper out, without her voice breaking and Robert realising. "Only if you're sure squishy." Y/n nods her head. "Yeah. I don't mind a pjs and hot chocolate new years eve."
They build the snowman and stand back to admire their handiwork. "I love you swishy. I've not built one of these in years." Y/n looks up at the smiling human next to her. "You love me?" She can't help but ask. "Yeah. I love you.. I'm in love with you, y/n. Have been for a while." She doesn't take her eyes off Robert. "I love you too.." Modway through sentence Robert picks up y/n and kisses her.
"What will we do now?" He asks her, still carrying her.
The whole reason they had booked Moscow was so they could be fully alone. "Well you've done nothing but big up your skills.. how about we see about them." Y/n looks at Robert in the eyes and he knows exactly what she means. "Only if you can stay quiet..." y/n nods her head.
But she can't... his mouth and fingers are enough to send her wild grabbing a pillow to put over her face as she taken into another world. It had been over a year since she had any sort of attention. So this was setting off all the nerve ending, as her body jerked with every movement Robert does. "Can I?" He asks before just expecting her to want full sex. "Yes. Baby. Please fuck me..." Robert quickly turns on the tv, to muffle y/n'noises.
It doesn't take long for Robert to be in deep and coming just as hard as y/n.
They shower together before heading back downstairs for breakfast.

His mum hands him a box of condoms. "You didn't fool anyone. Not how you are both looking at each other, right now. You know i don't usually  condone it, but she clearly makes you happy baby. Your dad would be proud of you.
Shouldn't you be on a flight?" She asks him. In Russian so y/n doesn't understand what she is saying. Y/n sees Robert smiling at his mum and it confuses her. As she doesn't know if he's being told off or not. "No. We cancelled to spend it with you and Polina. Her decision. But I know dad would've wanted me here."
Y/n sips her coffee confused as hell but neither of them are raising voices so it mustn't be as bad as she was thinking as she knew she was a bit loud.
"Thank you y/n." His mum says to her. "You are very much welcome here anytime... even when robs not home." His mum hugs y/n. Robert smiles, watching two of his favourite ladies get on and y/n getting approval from his mum.

"Who built a snowman?" Both Robert and y/n start to sing the frozen song. Not caring how bad they sound. But it quite clearly becoming their song.

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